Tommy Robinson arrested after speaking event in Calgary

From Rebel News, Ezra Levant reports

Moments ago Tommy Robinson received a standing ovation in Calgary, Canada, for a powerful speech about censorship and government overreach.

And then moments later, ten police – both undercover officers and uniformed officers, swarmed him, arrested him, put him in the back of a big SUV and drove him away.

Watch the video of the arrest here :-






Another copy of that video possibly easier to watch

This is outrageous but completely unsurprising. One of the few places with worse censorship than the UK itself is Justin Trudeau’s Canada.

Tommy was our guest on a speaking tour. The least we can do is keep him safe from bullies like Trudeau’s highly-politicized RCMP.

Rebel News has hired Calgary’s leading criminal lawyer Alain Hepner and we are working to secure his release as soon as possible. He’s on the case right now.

Update via X

TOMMY ROBINSON HAS BEEN RELEASED! But he must turn in his passport, remain in southern Alberta, and he cannot leave Canada! Tomorrow we work on fixing that.

Tommy himself comments on X

Ok I’m FREE , we’ll sort of, None of this makes sense , I’m now detained in Calgary , prevented from leaving the city , these conditions stop me from continuing my tour of Canada & meeting with guests for podcasts . I’m not even allowed to leave to travel home.

Dr Jordan Peterson

Wake up Canadians  The police are now being used directly as political agents of the state I don’t know who ordered this but it’s not acceptable You idiot lefties might be pleased about this in this situation But don’t be thinking that once established this won’t be used against you
Joe Warmington, veteran journalist with the Toronto Sun says

It almost looked like a kidnapping of 

or a rendition — Canada has become like a police state with political prisoners arrested at will. But the real criminals get bail instantly. This same Calgary Police did this kind of thing with pastor


— the shinny hockey player. It’s kind of how they do it in North Korea

Tommy Robinson has been arrested in Canada. There are so many radical pro Hamas speakers that come to Canada to give speeches of Hate and the police turn a blind eye. This is double standards.
Rebel News have hired a lawyer – I’m sure there will be more updates as the day progresses. 

3 Responses

  1. The rot runs deep
    and if you sleep
    you’ll wake in chains
    as tyranny reigns,
    this doggerel
    your signpost to hell.

  2. Trudeau is one evil piece of garbage – doubt that Premier Danielle Smith was notified. She’s the best politician in Canada.

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