28 Pages Tie ‘Moderate’ Muslim Brotherhood To 9/11

Paul Sperry writes in Counter Jihad:

Washington has assumed the Muslim Brotherhood is, as President Obama’s intelligence czar put it, a nonviolent group “largely secular” in nature.  It has even invited Brotherhood figures into Muslim outreach powwows at both ends of Pennsylvania. But the newly declassified 28 pages detailing Saudi involvement in the 9/11 attacks casts serious doubt on the assumption that the Brotherhood is a benign organization.

In fact, the now-largely uncensored section of the congressional Joint Inquiry on 9/11 reveals that U.S.-stationed Saudi intelligence officers who aided the hijackers in the run-up to the 9/11 attacks were in contact with senior members of the Muslim Brotherhood in America, suggesting the Saudi-funded Brotherhood was part of the support network for the hijackers and involved in the 9/11 conspiracy.

For example consider page 416 of the Joint Inquiry report, a page that until last week had been completely blacked out for 14 years.  This page states that Saudi intelligence agent Omar al-Bayoumi, who assisted two of the Saudi hijackers with financing, housing and flight schools, was at the same time associating with several leaders of a Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas charitable front known as the Holy Land Foundation.

“The FBI determined that al-Bayoumi was in contact with several individuals under FBI investigation and with the Holy Land Foundation, which has been under investigation as a fundraising front for Hamas,” the report said. The Justice Department said the Holy Land Foundation was also a front for the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the parent of Hamas, a U.S.-designated terrorist group.  The connection was later proven in Federal court.

Federal investigative sources tell CounterJihad that one of the Holy Land Foundation contacts was Mohammad el-Mezain, who in 2009 was convicted of providing material support to Hamas suicide bombers and other terrorists in the Holy Land Foundation trial, the largest terrorist-financing case in US history. Bayoumi met with El-Mezain in San Diego, where he was handling two of the Saudi hijackers who went on to attack the Pentagon. Before his arrest, El-Mezain headed Holy Land Foundation’s San Diego office and also served as a leader in a local mosque attended by the hijackers.

El-Mezain, a hardcore Muslim Brother now serving out a 15-year federal prison sentence on Terminal Island in Los Angeles, was also in contact at the time with al-Qaida cleric Anwar Awlaki.  Awlaki, later killed in a US drone strike, privately counseled the hijackers on martyrdom and jihad at a small, non-descript Saudi-funded mosque in San Diego, and later at a Saudi-built mosque in Falls Church, Va., where the hijackers followed him.

I have obtained Saudi Embassy travel itinerary showing Awlaki and El-Mezain acted together as tour guides on Saudi pilgrimages to Mecca.

The pair also once lived in the same small Colorado apartment complex together. Federal investigators tell me El-Mezain likely met Awlaki (aka Aulaqi) in Fort Collins, Colo., around 1990, when the two were neighbors and attended the same local mosque. Authorities have traced El-Mezain’s address at the time to 500 West Prospect Rd. in Fort Collins. Awlaki also listed an address then at 500 West Prospect Rd. El-Mezain occupied Apt. 19C, while Awlaki rented Apt. 23L.

El-Mezain also happens to have been a major fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Washington-based Hamas front group that claims to be a “civil-rights organization.” The Justice Department implicated CAIR and its founder in the Holy Land Foundation case as unindicted co-conspirators, while identifying CAIR as a US front for the Muslim Brotherhood and its Palestinian branch Hamas.

El-Mezain co-founded the Holy Land Foundation with Hamas terrorist Ghassan Elashi, who was also a founding CAIR director. Elashi is serving a 65-year prison term for funneling more than $12 million to Hamas suicide bombers and other Palestinian terrorist leaders. El-Mezain and Elashi are both related to fugitive Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook.

Elashi attended a secret Hamas meeting in Philadelphia in 1993 with Nihad Awad, the current executive director of CAIR, whom both the FBI and NSA have investigated and monitored for alleged terrorist activities. The next year, CAIR was formed.

CAIR is mentioned by name in secret Brotherhood documents as part of a 1994 agenda of a secret US “committee” to support Hamas — the smoking gun linking CAIR directly to the Hamas network inside America.  Those documents are reproduced in the appendix of Muslim Mafia:  Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America.

Does this tie CAIR into 9/11 along with the Holy Land Foundation? According to Muslim Mafia, CAIR founder Omar Ahmad once hosted the Blind Sheik, Omar Abdel Rahman, now a convicted al-Qaida-tied terrorist, at his apartment in Santa Clara, California.  Ahmad also helped raise money for al-Qaida kingpin Ayman al-Zawahiri through his Santa Clara mosque, which was founded by senior Muslim Brotherhood leaders. Before the 9/11 attacks, Bayoumi and another Saudi intelligence officer who handled the hijackers in San Diego, Osama Bassnan, were investigated for ties to the Blind Sheik and who hosted a party for him. It’s not immediately known if Ahmad also attended that party, or if he had any contacts with the 9/11 hijackers or their Saudi handlers.

Attempts to reach Ahmad and Awad for comment were unsuccessful.

The nexus between the Saudis, the 9/11 hijackers and the Muslim Brotherhood runs even deeper.

Sources tell me that a still-redacted section of the Joint Inquiry report reveals that El-Mezain was also linked to 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui “through a member of the Muslim Brotherhood,” who attempted to post bond for Moussaoui’s roommate. Moussaoui recently testified in a deposition that he got help and funding directly from Saudi royals during his stay in America.

There’s yet another direct tie between al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood: the former head of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s shura council was one of al-Qaida’s top fundraisers in America, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. Abdurahman Alamoudi, who infiltrated both the Clinton and Bush administrations, is now serving 23 years in federal prison for plotting terrorism.

In 1996, Alamoudi — who founded the Boston Marathon bombers’ mosque — told a Muslim audience in Illinois: “Either we do it now or we do it after a hundred years, but this country will become a Muslim country.”

As the White House and Homeland Security continue to conduct outreach with Muslim Brotherhood front groups, declassification of 9/11 investigative documents reveal that these very same groups may have played a role alongside several Saudi government conspirators in the 9/11 attacks. They also reveal that the hijackers got help obtaining housing and IDs, along with other support, while attending several Muslim Brotherhood-controlled mosques in California, Arizona, Florida, Virginia and other states.

This terrorist support network is still in place inside America.


One Response

  1. The more one finds out about the long and varied list of Muslim entities – from Shiite Muslim Iran, to the Sunni Muslims of the Abominable House of Saud and the Muslim Brotherhood – that were  involved with the preparation, planning and execution of the mass-murderous September 11 2001 Jihad ghazi raid upon the United States of America, the more convinced one becomes that the real question is this – was there any part of the worldwide Ummah, or Mohammedan Mob, did NOT have a hand in this particular assault?  And the answer, I think, is this: they were all in on it, one way or another.

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