4, 11, 17 and 18 February 2017: British Pakistani Christian Association Will Rally in UK For Asia Bibi, Pakistani Christian Victim of Sharia-Based Blasphemy Law

Here is a copy of their press release as a heads-up to any interested UK-based readers of this blog who may just possibly be able to attend one of the four rallies that are planned to be held in London (4 February), in Glasgow and then Edinburgh (11 February), in Manchester (17th February) and in Birmingham (18 February). I apologise for the short notice; the notice was issued on 23 January but for some reason I did not get to it until now.

The link is here:


‘Blasphemy Accused Pakistani Christian Woman’s Plight Triggers Demonstrations Across the UK”.

‘The plight of a Pakistani Christian mother of five who has been jailed for seven years under the notorious blasphemy laws of Pakistan (which are directly based on the sharia of Islam – CM) will be highlighted in several demonstrations across the UK.

‘The protests have been organised by the British Pakistani Christian Association and Pakistani-origin pastors throughout Britain, in response to the protracted silence of the Government of Pakistan with regards to Asia’s ongoing Supreme Court appeal.

‘Asia Bibi was arrested in June 2010 for an alleged blasphemy, after she drank from a well designated specifically for Muslims.  Fearful Muslims berated Asia and threw water offered to them at Asia, as they believed her ritual impurity had contaminated the water from the well.  In response to the abuse hurled at her Saviour Jesus Christ, Asia simply replied, “My Christ died for me, what did Mohammed do for you?”  This question led to her being raped and beaten, and her children were sexually molested, yet in Pakistan’s unjust nation, only Asia was arrested.

The Copts of Egypt will understand exactly how this could happen; because it is the sort of thing that, in Muslim-dominated Egypt, happens to Copts… – CM

‘The first of the protests is to be held in London, and will be supported by The Christian People’s Alliance (CPA). The protest will begin at the Pakistani High Commission at Lowndes Square and will travel to Number 10 Downing Street on 4th February 2017.

“The Christian People’s Alliance is demanding that the [British] Government cancel its four hundred and five million-pound per year aid to Pakistan, until Asia Bibi is set free”, Sid Gordie, MBE, CPA leader, said in a speech today.

An excellent idea. I hope that the BPCA will write to the new President of the USA, urging that the USA also apply leverage to Pakistan by the same means, on behalf of this  Pakistani Christian woman, who is an innocent victim of Muslim persecution.  And other western governments that currently give ‘aid’ of any sort to Pakistan could similarly cut off the aid until Asia is set free and, with her family, permitted to safely leave Pakistan to go to a free non-Muslim country of refuge.  Perhaps Canada – which has taken in a couple of other similar victims of Pakistani Muslim persecution, in the past – could step up to the plate. Or, since Asia is a Catholic Christian, perhaps Poland could offer her and her family a home. – CM

“Pakistan is a sovereign nation, and they can make their own laws, but there comes a point where what a country is doing is so bad that the international community has to say, “Enough”.

“They did it with apartheid South Africa, where people were treated as second-class citizens because of the colour of their skin.

“Well, right now in Pakistan, people are treated as second-class citizens (or, indeed, as nonpersons – CM) because of their faith, and Asia Bibi is another Nelson Mandela (no, she is orders of magnitude greater – CM), thrown into prison for no other reason than that she is a Christian and said so. This has to be stopped.”

‘He will repeat this call (for the cessation of British foreign ‘aid’ to Pakistan – CM) outside the Pakistan High Commission, on 4th February.

Myself, I think that as well as cutting off the ‘aid’ (which Pakistan by now probably regards as their ‘right’, as either jizya or tribute), a cricket boycott, imposed by all Infidel-majority commonwealth countries that currently engage in cricket matches with Pakistan, might also send a message.  Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the West Indies and India could all refuse, point blank, to play in Pakistan or to permit the Pakistani team to visit their countries, citing the gross and blatant abuses of the human rights of all the non-Islamic minorities in Pakistan, of which abuses – multiple and systemic – Asia Bibi’s is perfeclty typical, differing only in that it has come to be known to some outside Pakistan. – CM

‘The protest is being supported by several groups, including Pastor Ajmal Chaughtai (Birmingham), Sid Cordie (Christian Peoples Alliance), Pervaiz Sardar (Nottingham Pakistani Christians), Ranbir Singh (Hindu Human Rights Group), Lynne Julius (HARIF representing Middle Eastern and African Jews), Mohammed Shoaib, Vinny Masih (Nelson Pakistani Christians), Harrisson Summit (Scottish Asian Christian Fellowship) to name a few.

One hopes that native British Catholic, Anglican and other churchmen have been notified of these protests well in advance, and that many native British Christians, as well as Christians from other emigre Christian communities (e.g. Copts), both clergy and laity, will appear at these rallies.  One also hopes that British Sikhs will be represented, for Sikhs, too, are mercilessly persecuted, in Pakistan.  Every free British Infidel, whether religious or non-religious, who is determined to resist Islamisation, and to publicly denounce the atrocities and the persecution and discrimination routinely practised by so much of the Ummah in Islamic lands, should be at these demonstrations.  The BPCA keeps on demonstrating, and always a stalwart few people turn up on the day… when it ought to be thousands, and tens of thousands. – CM

Details of the four rallies:

Date – Saturday 4 February 2017. LONDON.  Time – 10 am to 11 am, and then 12 noon to 1 am.  Place – Pakistan High Commission, 34-36 Lowndes Square, London, SW1X9JN.  A procession will leave the Pakistan High Commission at 11 am and arrive at 10 Downing Street for 12 noon for a one-hour protest.

Date:  Saturday 11th February 2017. GLASGOW, and then EDINBURGH.  Time: 12 noon to 2 pm.  Place – 45 Maxell Drive, Glasgow, G41 5JF.  The Protest will finish at 2 pm and then a delegation will travel to Edinburgh, to submit a petition to the Scottish Parliament.

(Here’s a thought: are there any Islamoresistant Scots out there, reading this, and resident in either Glasgow or Edinburgh, who can play the bagpipes, and might like to give a rendition of, for example, ‘Amazing Grace’ or the Crimmond tune for “The 23rd Psalm”?  Why not contact the BCPA, find out the contact details for the Scottish demo, and offer your services? – CM)

Date: Friday 17th February 2017, MANCHESTER.  Time: 4 pm to 6 pm.  Location: The Pakistani Consulate, Pakistan House, 137 Dickensen Rd, Manchester, M145JB.  Note – Visitors are kindly requested to bring candles (note that the rally ends at 6 pm in the evening – CM).

Date: Saturday 18th February 2017, BIRMINGHAM.  TIME, 12 noon to 2 pm.  Location: Pakistani Consulate, 10A, The Wharf, Bridge Street, Birmingham, B1 2JS.

‘A petition will be presented to each of the Pakistani diplomatic buildings, and to 10 Downing Street, the Welsh Council, and the Scottish Parliament.  The petition calls for Pakistan to ensure that Asia Bibi has a fair trial, and that she is protected from harm in a nation that despises her because of her faith.  The electronic petition can be signed by (link in original; so please click on the link provided above, and then read on down to find the petition link – CM).

‘This is the largest petition hosted by a Pakistani Christian group and so has a special mandate, and has close to 20,00 signatures.

It ought to have a lot more. I do not know whether the BPCA has sent notice of their petition to the highest Catholic clergy in the UK, and to the Archbishop of Canterbury, requesting circulation to their constituencies; for it ought to be made known in every Catholic and Anglican parish church the length and breadth of Britain – CM

‘The BPCA is calling for people of good conscience to sign the petition and join us in solidarity.

Protesters are calling for the British government to intervene on behalf of Asia Bibi, who they say was falsely accused of denigrating the Islamic prophet Mohammed. They seek diplomatic engagement between the British and Pakistani governments to ensure that Asia has a fair trial, and that her family, the judiciary, and legal team representing Asia, are protected from the many hard-line Muslims in Pakistan.

The many thoroughly Islamically-pious and orthodox sharia-pushing Muslims in Pakistan. – CM

A letter will be submitted to 10 Downing Street, accompanying our petition.  The letter will also call for the UK government to reconsider the 445 million pounds of foreign aid given to Pakistan. With a desire that the aid be termnated, unless Pakistan significantly improves its poor human rights record.

The same letter needs to be sent to every western government that currently gives “aid” to Islamic Pakistan. – CM

‘Wilson Chowdhry said:  “This case demonstrates the cruelty, inequality and divisiveness of Blasphemy Law under Islamic sharia law, towards non-Muslims, and is something that is wholly unacceptable in a true democracy.”

“Asia Bibi has suffered the ignominy of seven years of imprisonment on trumped-up charges because her faith was offensive to Muslims.

“People of good conscience everywhere have demanded justice for Asia, moved by the plight of an innocent mother of five.

“Pakistan’s govenrment have failed in their duty to Asia and the Christian minority amongst them as a whole (but, alas, from a Muslim POV, they believe that they are entitled and indeed commanded to treat people like Asia, and all non-Muslim people qua non-Msulims, with ‘harshness’, to punish them for having said No to Islam and persisted in practising non-Islamic belief systems – CM), their failure has been a blight on Pakistan’s already tarnished reputation (amongst some non-Muslims, yes; but in the eyes of many Muslims, the vicious cruelty with which Pakistan has treated Asia Bibi, and their crushing and exploitation and abuse of the remnant indigenous non-Muslims, is wholly admirable, and to be celebrated and admired, rather than deplored – CM)

‘Please pray that this appeal is expedited, and that a truly honourable judge is able to reach a rational verdict, based on evidence heard without any duress.”

To pray for that to happen is to pray for a miracle comparable to the moving of a mountain into the sea. – CM

‘He added:

Major donors such as the UK and the USA need to start to use their substantial foreign aid budgets to Pakistan as leverage for better human rights – with real conviction.

It is possible that the BPCA may get a better hearing on this subject, from the USA, now under new management. – CM

“Britain’s official policy involves tackling poverty by generating sustainable growth and employment, as well as focusing on education and health, all worthy goals.

“Some of the poorest Pakistani citizens are Christians, and unfortunately they are typically kept there by a combination of debt-slavery and direct and systematic religious oppression, frequently including systematic sex slavery and targeting of Christian girls and women for kidnap, rape, forced conversion, and marriage.

Just as mostly-Pakistani Muslim sex gangs, in the UK, have targeted non-Muslim British girls and women, for systematic sexual abuse. – CM

‘Britain and the US simply must use their aid budget to remove this social disparity.”…

“Pakistan’s Blasphemy Law (based on the blasphemy law of classical Islam – CM) is an ever-present weapon of discrimination which looms over Christians (and all other non-Muslims – CM) in Pakistan.  This is a law that we at the BPCA have constantly condemned, because a significant reform, or abrogation, is desperately needed.  As in the case of Asia Bibi, blasphemy charges are laid with flimsy evidence, simply on the account of a Muslim witness against a non-Muslim (it is more complicated with Muslim-to-Muslim charges).

The sharia of Islam prescribes that the word of a Muslim always overrides the word of a non-Muslim.  The non-Muslims of Pakistan – whether Christians, Hindus or Sikhs – are not de jure Dhimmis, but de facto, the way they are treated mirrors in many ways the deliberately abusive and repressive rules of the Dhimma, which is intended to “kill the soul” – to break the spirit – of those so treated. – CM

‘Some 50 percent of blasphemy charges are made against Muslims in blasphemy cases – and the other 50 percent against non-Muslims, who make up only five percent of the population.  These facts show the unbalanced hatred meted out towards minority faiths.  Christians make up just 1.6 percent of the overall population, and yet 15 percent of the blasphemy charges are laid against followers of Christ..”.  END.

It is my hope and prayer that many Islamo-aware British readers of this blog may be able to attend at least one of these upcoming demonstrations on behalf of Asia Bibi.  The proposal that a repressive Muslim entity – in this case, Pakistan – be punished for the gross human rights abuses it inflicts or permits to be inflicted on its indigenous non-Muslim minorities, by the cessation of ‘aid’ given to it by non-Muslim state donors, is an excellent one. – CM