45 Aussie-Passport Holding Muslims That ASIO Thinks Might Have Got Killed in Syria and Iraq

Or at least we hope they got killed.  If they really are dead, that’s 45 fewer soldiers of allah’ for ASIO – and the rest of us – to worry about.

As reported last week by the ABC’s political reporter, Dan Conifer.


‘ASIO Chief Duncan Lewis Says At Least 45 Australians [sic – CM] Killed Fighting in Syria, Iraq”.

‘Australia’s spy chief Duncan Lewis says up to 49 Australians (that is: “Aussie-passport-holding Muslims” – CM) may have been killed in Syria and Iraq and the age of some home-grown terrorists and supporters (that is: terror jihad combatants and their enablers – CM) is “astonishingly young”.

‘Mr Lewis said almost 200 Australians (sic: “almost 200 Aussie-passport-holding Muslims” – CM) were actively supporting the terrorist group Islamic State at home (so what are we doing about them? – why are they allowed to remain and to engage in this ‘support’? – CM) and 110 Australians (sic: 110 Aussie-passport-holding Muslims – CM) were overseas fighting in the conflict.

Note: The number of active supporters/ enablers is only the number that ASIO currently knows about.  It could easily be higher.   What if there are others ‘flying under the radar’ by, say, carefully refraining from using the internet and/ or other forms of modern communication and relying on face-to-face contact at the mosque or within the family circle?  As for those currently known to be wallowing in blood in Iraq and Syria, especially those boastfully posting selfies of themselves or associates with severed heads, etc… the simplest solution is to annul their Aussie passports and cancel their citizenship; declare them Exile and Outlaw.  While the thing to do with those known to be thinking of departing is not to stop them from leaving but to permit them to leave – do nothing to prevent it, indeed, discreetly expedite it – and then… slam and lock the gates shut behind them, and never permit them to return.- CM

“The demographic is young.  If I was talking to you a couple of years ago, typically we would have been talking about people in their late 20s, early 30s.”, he said.  “By the start or middle of last year we were…down to the teens.

“If you asked me for a median without being precise I would say it’s in the early 20s, but the trend is down, and we do have at the bottom end of that spectrum some people of astonishingly young age.

Classic cannon fodder…  As for the motivation, they are young people who have, if born into Muslim families, been pickled in Islam from birth; or who, if converts to Islam, are like all converts full of enthusiasm for the most orthodox form of their new belief system. – CM

“Untrained and naive young Australians (pffft: Dear Mr Lewis, it’s ‘young Australian Muslims’ ONLY; I don’t see any professing Aussie Jews, Christians, atheists, Buddhists, Hindus or Sikhs galloping off to get themselves killed waging jihad fi sabil allah in the bloodbath in Iraq and Syria – CM) are being drawn into the conflict and finding themselves in what I would describe as highly expendable, highly dangerous positions of low importance amid the [IS] effort”, he said.

To repeat: cannon fodder. But from their point of view they are seeking to slay and be slain in the cause of allah in order to attain ‘paradise’ with all those luscious houris (though they’re probably hoping – even if in vain – to get at some super-young Yazidi or Christian sex-slave uncovered meat as well, right here on earth, before they get to the houris).  Just as millions upon millions of Muslim jihadis of all ages, ethnicities, economic backgrounds and levels of education or lack thereof have done throughout the past 1400 years. – CM

‘Mr Lewis said along with three successful terrorist incidents on home soil, ASIO had thwarted six planned attacks, adding the plans were low-tech and unsophisticated.

For the moment. But even the low-tech stuff – like the Stabbing Jihad currently going on without end in the streets of Israel – serves to terrorise the surrounding infidels and causes worry and expense and taxes the resources of Infidel law-enforcement. Don’t trivialise it. – CM

‘The committee also heard the overwhelming majority of those supporting or financing terrorism (and why are they permitted to go on financing it? if we know about them? – CM) were Australian-born.

Colonists.  The Ummah has colonised Australia and its offspring – together with persons of infidel background who are lured by the siren song of Dawa –  are now waging jihad both abroad – in the service of the nascent Caliphate – and on Australian soil. Got Muslims? Got Jihad. If we’d never let in any Muslims we wouldn’t be having to anxiously monitor and try to outflank all those hundreds – and one day if we do nothing it will be thousands – of terror jihad plots and plotters. – CM

‘ASIO said it had provided adverse security assessments that resulted in the cancellation or refusal of 156 passports’.

This, of course, before our fresh-faced aspiring jihadis could tootle off to Syria and Iraq to join Islamic State. Which means that there are, in our midst, at least 156 Mohammedans whose fondest ambition is to kill – and/ or rape and / or enslave and/ or pillage – for ‘allah’.   And since they have been prevented from leaving,  from doing it to the Alawites and Christians and Yazidis (and, by the way, this is why the only refugees from Syria or Iraq who get let into Australia, should be said Christians and Yazidis; get them out of harm’s way) and deemed-insufficiently-sharia-compliant or wrong-sect Muslims in Syria and Iraq …. they will do it or try to do it to… Aussie infidels, right here in Australia.  There they are sitting in Aussie suburbia, in our cities or in our country towns (the Ummah colonies are branching out now, moving from the state capitals to the regional centres, building mosque after mosque in places like Toowoomba, Bendigo, Ballarat, Cairns, Townsville…), and dreaming of… cutting off heads, or blowing things – and people – to smithereens.  While ASIO spends vast amounts of money and manpower trying desperately to keep tabs on them all – while their numbers continually multiply – and catch them before, not after, they ritually murder hapless Aussie Infidels.  Keeping them here does nothing to make me and mine safe.  As far as I am concerned, the passports should be cancelled – along with the citizenship – after, not before, the aspiring Soldier of the Caliphate has beetled off to join the Islamic State… or any number of other outfits in varioius other places, Iraq and Syria aren’t the only jihad hotspots on the planet.  Let them deport themselves back to the dar al Islam where they belong. –  CM


One Response

  1. Well said as usual, Christina. Over here, Trump called for a halt to Muslim colonization (oops! I mean immigration),and the liberal media–which is most of them–pilloried him six ways to Sunday. And guess what? It didn’t work! Trump’s popularity only skyrocketed further. The infidels in Western lands are starting to get a clue, and now it is a matter of cleaning house of the Western political elites who don’t have a clue.

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