Bad Times Ahead

by Gary Fouse

The death toll continues to mount after the evil attack by the barbarians of Hamas. Nearly, 1,000 dead. Fox News is reporting the discovery of some 40 babies, slaughtered in their homes along with their families. Throats slit, even heads cut off. 260 music festival-goers massacred by Hamas. Innocent hostages kidnapped and taken to Gaza. The horrors never cease at the hands of these animals.

Many of the dead are foreign nationals or those with dual citizenship. The White House has confirmed that at least 14 Americans are among the victims. A similar number of French nationals are dead, and some 14 were taken hostage, including a 12-year-old. A similar number of Thai citizens are also reported dead, generally among those who went to Israel to work. Germany has lost at least 1 citizen, and there are heart-rendering interviews of the mother of a German girl who was taken hostage and, in all probability, murdered. It was her image that Hamas fighters and their Palestinian followers were showing proudly on video celebrating and desecrating her half-stripped body, an image that has gone viral on the internet.

In France, conservative activist and former presidential candidate, Eric Zemmour, issued an eloquent 7-minute statement decrying the barbarity of the attacks and the unbelievable celebrations by Palestinian supporters on French streets. Zemmour reminds us that Israel’s fight is our fight.

In the USA, President Biden has announced total support for Israel. Unfortunately, his weakness and conciliation toward Iran have likely played a role in what has transpired. There is little doubt that an emboldened Iran is behind this attack.

Also in our country, we are witnessing obscene demonstrations in support of Hamas and Gaza on our own streets, in New York and Cambridge, Massachusetts, with people flying Palestinian flags and calling Jews “Nazis” and “pigs”-even as one (New York) protester was flashing a swastika on a cell phone. Similar obscene demonstrations have broken out in France, Berlin, and Sydney, Australia. In Sydney, police advised Jews not to go to the opera house due to the presence of pro-Palestinian supporters.

In contrast, I attended a rally for Israel in Irvine, California last night. Hundreds were there, and it was peaceful. The drivers passing by honked their horns in support. Unlike pro-Palestinian demonstrations, there were dozens of Israeli and American flags. How many times do you see an American flag waving beside a Palestinian flag?

Many people in the West, including the US, don’t realize just how close to World War III we are. It is not just the Russians and Ukraine and China and Taiwan. There is Iran, close to getting a nuclear weapon, largely thanks to Biden’s ineptness. Iran is 100% behind Hamas, and the mullahs themselves promise to wipe Israel off the face of the map, which is also Hamas’ goal. At some point, the civilized world is going to have to deal with this outlaw regime. If Iran itself attacks Israel, the US must respond if it is to maintain any shred of credibility and power in the world. Is our military under Biden and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin prepared for all these eventualities? Or do we need a Republican president to- once again- rebuild a decimated military?

It’s coming, Folks. It’s coming.