A Companion-Piece to Philippe Assouline’s Indispensable "A Palestininese Lexicon"; "the Concise Palestinian-English Dictionary"

Which should surely be considered as a sort of appendix to “The Devil’s Dictionary”.

It was compiled by “The Judean People’s Front” and supplied to the author of the excellent Israeli blog, “Israellycool”.


I will provide some choice excerpts below; the reader is encouraged to click on the link and Read It All in situ, after which, as with Mr Assouline’s useful guide already re-posted just now by me, I would advise the making of a complete copy, to be kept at hand for reference whenever the radio, TV , internet or print media starts talking about events in and around Israel.  

‘Reader Post: The Concise Palestinian-English Dictionary.

That is: “The Concise “Palestinian” Arab Muslim Dictionary”. – CM

“One of the biggest problems supporters of Israel are encountering today is not just ideological – Zionism vs radical Islam (correction: Zionism vs Islam, period – CM) but rather, linguistic.

‘We know that while Israel-haters have no compunction about lying, most normal people do.

‘So when promoting their radical agenda (i.e. their Jew-hating Jihad – CM) the BDS-holes have a major problem.

BDS, for those who might not know, refers to the “Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions” campaign that many Muslims and their well-groomed Useful Idiots have been conducting against Israel in recent years. – CM

‘How can people committed to ethnically cleansing Israel of Jews through terrorism, peopel who support virulently misogynistic and homophobic organisations, gain the support of good-hearted, progressive westerners?

‘Sure, getting the media to promote lies like “attacks on the Temple Mount”, or framing a Palestinian stabber (that is: “an Arab Muslim stabber of Jews” – CM) as a victim rather than a terrorist help, but that can only go so far.

‘In order to win over the West, the Palestinians (that is, “the Muslim Arabs” – CM) have simply decided to recast the English language (and not only English, the same thing happens with French, as Jacques Ellul noticed long ago, and with any other European language one might care to name – CM) in a way that casts them in a positive light.

‘That is why, when talking to Palestinians (sic – “the Muslim Arabs calling themselves  “Palestinians” – CM) and their supporters, one cannot just consult a Concise Oxford English Dictionary; rather, one must consult the Concise Palestinian-English Dictionary to understand their true goals.

‘Below, you’ll find many important words with their Western definition, and its Palestinian counterpart.

‘You’ll notice that the common factor among Palestinian (sic: ‘Palestinian Arab Muslim’ – CM) definitions is that they are almost invariably the exact opposite of the true meaning.

(If you have a word that you think should be addded, tweet us at @JudeanPF ).

And I would encourage New English Review readers who think they may have something to add to this indispensable lexicon, to do exactly as requested. – CM


‘Western Definition:

“A form of government in which an ethnic minority dominates over the ethnic majority through a system of laws and violence that enforce segregation and discrimination in all aspects of life.

Note: As we have shown [elsewhere: link supplied in original – CM] none of the Apartheid Laws of South Africa exist in Israel, and most of them are explicitly illegal.

‘Palestinian Definition:

1/ Any action – either large or small – taken by Israel that can be spun to sound racist in any way….

‘A law preventing Israeli citizens from selling land to non-citizens for a certain period of time is labelled an “apartheid law”, despite the fact that it applies to all non-Israelis (Jews included).

‘Palestinians (sic) also label the security barrier as an “apartheid wall”, despite the fact that it was built to counter Palestinian suicide bombers (and worked).

2/ Any action – even if it is exactly the same as what Israel is accused of doing – is no longer Apartheid when done by Palestinians or other Arabs….

‘Though Palestinian law punishes those who sell land to Jews with death, or life in prison with hard labour, since this isn’t Israeli law, it cannot be considered an apartheid law.

Ethnic Cleansing

Western Definition – “The elimination of an unwanted ethnic group or groups from a society, as by genocide or forced emigration. As a result, the population of a group that undergoes ethnic cleansing, is invariably smaller afterward.

Palestinian Definition

1/ Any act taken by Israel against a Palestinian individual, family, or home, regardless of the act’s legality…

2/ Ethnic cleansing need not significantly diminish the numbers of Palestinians in a given area…

Freedom Fighter

‘Western Definition

‘One who forcefully but peacefully struggles against tyranny in the pursuit of freedom for an oppressed people.

Note: Given the Western axiom that “justice can only be pursued through just means”, a Freedom Fighter must only target the system that is engaging in oppression, and not innocents…

Palestinian Definition

‘Anyone who fights against Israel regardless of their actions.  It doesn’t matter if they attack soldiers, children, or people on an airplane, anyone engaged in the “Fight for Palestine” is automatically a Freedom Fighter.

‘Notable examples of Palestinian Freedom Fighters

‘Suicide Bombers

‘Children Who Stab Jews

‘Airplane Hijackers

‘Murderers of Olympic Athletes….


‘Western Definition

1/ To make something Jewish.  2/ To convert to Judaism.

‘Note. In order for something to be Judaized, by definition it cannot already be or have previously been Jewish.

‘Palestinian Definition.

1/ To have Jews move into an area.  

‘Jews moving to Jerusalem, despite there already being a Jewish majority and a 3000-year-old connection to the city, constitutes “Judaization”.

2/ To have Jews discuss the Jewish history of or religious connection to any site.

Any discussion of Jewish history on, Jewish connection to, or rights for freedom of worship on, the Temple Mount, constitutes an attempt to Judaize the site.

Note: While most hate groups around the world code their language when complaining about “too many Jews moving into their neighbourhood”, the Palestinians openly lament an increase in Jewish neighbours.  Though they will often say that they are only complaining about Israelis, they only seem to be bothered when those Israelis are Jewish.


Western Definition – 1/ The quality of being just; righteousness, equitableness, or moral rightness.  2/ The moral principle determining just conduct.

Note – Given the western axiom that “justice can only be pursued through just means”, true Justice cannot be done by way of injustice.

‘Palestinian Definition.

1/ The right to flood Israel with a Palestinian majority.  2/ Replacing Israel with an Islamic and kleptocratic state with an Arab majority….


‘Western Definition.  1/ The normal, non-warring condition of a nation, group of nations, or the world. 2/ An agreement or treaty between warring or antagonistic nations, groups, etc, to end hostilities and abstain from further fighting or antagonism.  3/ A state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations.

‘Palestinian Definition. 1/ A Jew’s normal sub-citizen condition (i.e. as a degraded, exploited, humiliated and perpetually imperilled Dhimmi – CM) in an Arab state (that is, in a Muslim state, whether Arab or non-Arab – CM).

2/ An agreement or treaty to end hostilities that can only be discussed or negotiated after Israel has agreed to any and all Palestinian demands.

One could elaborate further on this, in light of the Muslim belief that real ‘peace’ only obtains when the whole world is subject to Muslims and the sharia is imposed upon all.  – CM



‘Western Definition.  1/ The act or power of resisting, opposing, or withstanding.  2/ An underground organization composed of groups of private individuals working as an opposition force in a conquered country to overthrow the occupying power, usually by acts of sabotage, guerilla warfare, etc.

‘Palestinian Definition.

1/ Stabbing Jews.  2/ Stoning Jews.  3/ Shooting Jews. 4/ Running over Jews.  5/ Bombing Jews. 6/ Rocketing Jews. 7/ Hijacking planes with Jews on them. 8. Any other means of killing or wounding Jews.


‘Western Definition.  

‘The act of defending one’s person when physically attacked, as by countering blows or overcoming an assailant.

‘Palestinian Definition.

1/ Stabbing Jews.  2/ Stoning Jews.  3/ Shooting Jews. 4/ Running over Jews.  5/ Bombing Jews. 6/ Rocketing Jews. 7/ Hijacking planes with Jews on them. 8. Any other means of killing or wounding Jews….”.

Click on the link; read the rest of it.




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