A Little More About that Fortunately-Foiled Jihad Plot in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

From John Silvester of ‘The Age’, a Melbourne newspaper, we learn that the improvised explosive devices were pipe bombs.


“…It is understood police seized three pipe bombs from the boy’s bedroom.

HIs bedroom.  Now, does anyone believe his dear mama and papa when they profess shock and distress? They really didn’t know that he was making pipe bombs and keeping them in his bedroom? – CM

“They were taken to a local park and detonated by the Victoria Police Bomb Squad. A computer and other material were also seized.

‘Police conducted Friday’s raid at the Greenvale family home after learning an attack was allegedly planned for Sunday.

That is, on Mother’s Day. All non-Muslim special days are anathema to pious Muslims. – CM

‘The exact target was unknown but on Thursday Australian Federal Police and Victoria Police decided to enter the “arrest phase” because of the “imminent danger” to the public…

Better safe than sorry. – CM

‘Crude pipe bombs are designed to explode in a ball of shrapnel creating maximum damage in crowded areas.

Was he planning to detonate them in a restaurant? – CM

“They were very rudimentary, but that doesn’t really matter because at the end of the day an explosion is an explosion”, Australian Federal Police Deputy Commissioner Mike Phelan said.

‘Police don’t know if there were three Mother’s Day targets, one selected location, or if some of the bombs were to be used against emergency service responders…

Police are now investigating friends and associates of the teenager, as it is considered unlikely he was acting alone.

I hope they’re investigating the mosque he and/ or his family attended. – CM

 ‘Counter-terrorism police around Australia have now adopted a policy of moving quickly rather than waiting to identify all suspects in any potential plot…

Good thinking. – CM

‘The 17 year old Greenvale boy, who cannot be named, is believed to have been radicalised (sic: Gone Jihad – CM) quickly, having recently dropped out of school, and spent increasing amounts of time in his bedroom on the internet.  A computer and other material were also seized from the Greenvale home.

‘His parents are believed to have been concerned, but unaware of the extent of his withdrawal.

Really? Or are they just telling the Infidels the tale that they think most likely to be believed? – CM

‘Mr Hill said the suspect was from a “caring and loving family”.

Doesn’t mean that they didn’t despise and hate the dirty Infidels amongst whom they resided.  Surah 48:29 states that those who follow Muhammad are ‘ruthless to the unbelievers, but merciful to one another”. – CM

“When heavily armed police raided the house the boy chose not to surrender but attempted to fight his way to freedom.  He was quickly overwhelmed…

Looks like our Aussie police have figured out how to deal with dangerous Mohammedans: go in fast and hard with overwhelming force. – CM

‘Mr Phelan said the arrest was a “sobering reminder” to all parents of the importance of being more engaged with their children.

Depends on what the parents have to teach.  If a devout Muslim is ‘engaged’ with their children they will be pickling them in Islam, Islam, Islam; and that does not bode well for any circumambient infidels. – CM

“It is deeply troubling to police that young people in our community are becoming so disaffected and alienated that they would consider engaging in acts such as this”, he told reporters on Saturday…

Ever heard about Dar Al Islam and Dar al Harb, Mr Phelan?  Or al wala wa al bara, Loyalty (toward fellow Muslims of the right sect and degree of sharia-compliance, only) and Enmity (toward all nonMuslims, as such, and toward other Muslims of the wrong sect or deemed insufficiently-Islamic)?  Are you aware of the many verses in the Quran that expressly forbid friendship with Infidels?  The more actively Muslim this young man was and became – and the more actively Muslim his family – the more fully they would reject and despise the non-Muslim society within which they have chosen to settle. – CM

‘Premier Daniel Andrews has been regularly briefed about counter-terrorism in recent weeks, including on Friday night in the wake of the Greenvale raid.

‘Tuesday’s state budget provided $25 million to set up a special government task force, enlist young role models to engage with marginalised young people, and fund programs to tackle the complex issue.

It’s not complex at all.  Orthodox Islam teaches hatred of and contempt and aggression toward the Infidels, qua Infidels.  Jihad is the de facto Sixth Pillar of Islam.  Got Muslims? – got Jihad.  The only way to have less Jihad is to have less Islam and fewer Muslims around.  Unless and until you have programs telling Australia-resident Muslims that if they apostasise from Islam they will be protected from the sharia assassins, and other programs going all-out to dissuade Aussie infidels – whether young or old – from even considering the idea of converting to Islam, you’re wasting your time.  And any and all money given to Muslim organisations to ‘prevent’ ‘radicalisation’ is a total and utter waste; it’s no different from paying “protection” money to a Mafioso boss.  Right now, Premier, you and all other State premiers should be ending all accommodation of Muslim demands and removing public funding from any Muslim organisations that currently receive it.  And you and all the other Premiers should be demanding that the Federal government put a complete stop to all further entry of Muslims into Australia.  When in hole, stop digging.  – CM

‘But Mr Andrews conceded that the funding “comes with a recognition that we don’t truly understand what’s driving young people to become disconnected from their family, their faith, and all the values that we say define us.”…

The only young people becoming disconnected from their faith, their family and Australian Infidel society are those like the late Jake Bilardi who, having been raised as non-Muslim Aussies, repudiate their origins and convert to Islam. Those of Muslim background might perhaps ‘disconnect’ from their families, in the sense of becoming more observant than other family members, or in the sense of physically separating themselves in order to go somewhere like Syria to “slay and be slain in the cause of allah”, but they are certainly not becoming disconnected from their ‘faith’, their deen, Islam.  They are, rather, becoming truly, madly, deeply Muslim.  Which is, as we learn from this and other reports, exactly what happened in the case of this young man in Greenvale.  As for being disconnected from “all the values that we say define us”; the ideas and principles and practices that define Australian infidel society are diametrically opposed to and incompatible with the ideas and principles and practices that define Islam. This young Muslim man never was nor could be connected to Infidel Australia; not unless he apostasised from Islam.  The more fully Muslim he became, the more committed he would be to destroying Infidel Australia and replacing it with a sharia-compliant Islamic entity within which Muslims would rule – absolutely – and any surviving Infidels would be degraded, humiliated and exploited near-slave dhimmis. 

The Sun-Herald update on the story includes a couple of interviews with deeply uneasy non-Muslim neighbours.


“…Locals remain concerned about the safety of their families after a teenage neighbour (a teenage Muslim neighbour – CM) was arrested and charged with terrorist-related offences.

“”Nikki” lives behind the property that a joint task-force on Friday raided, finding improvised bombs that were safely detonated.

“My main concern is, what happens now?” she said. “I know there were women that probably weren’t charged, so do they move back in next door as well?  They must have known something, so do we have to live next door to them?”

Good question.  Another question , of course, is the obvious health and safety question.  Suppose an amateur bomb-concocter, like this dangerous young Muslim, had a “work accident”. Suppose he were playing with explosives more deadly than those used to put together a pipe bomb.  Everybody in the neighbourhood is in danger.  The Muslims in the house next door, or in the mosque next door, might not be making and/ or storing explosives, and / or bombs in order to attack the infidels in the neighbourhood and/ or the infidels somewhere else…but then again they might.  And because of that, allowing mosques to pop up all over, allowing Muslims to move in here, there and everywhere, is nothing other than “playing Muslim roulette”. – CM  

“If the bombs had exploded by accident, we would all have been in a bit of trouble.”…

Understatement of the year. – CM

“Maria” echoed her neighbour’s sentiment when approached by media on Saturday.

“From what we know the family didn’t know anything about it”, she said.

Or they claimed not to know.  Given the ubiquity of deceit in Muslim dealings with Infidels, I am inclined to disbelieve their protestations. – CM

“It’s hard for us to think, is it still going to continue? Is anything else going to happen? Is there retaliation?  You just don’t know.”…

All you know is that where there are Muslims, sooner or later there will be jihad: aggression against non-Muslims with a view to forcing them to Submit, one way or another. 

Meanwhile, in The Australian, we hear from the arrested plotter’s elder sister, who warbles on about what a lovely person he was..


‘Two held as Melbourne Terror Attack Thwarted by ASIO’….

“His older sister told the Sunday Herald-Sun it was unlikely he had been influenced by others, because he had few friends outside the family.

Then the logical conclusion is that it was the family environment that primed him to Go Jihad.- CM

“He is kind, gentle, and softly spoken”, she said.

Aren’t they all?   The (Sydney) Daily Telegraph report includes a picture  – courtesy of nine network news – of our junior jihadi (whom we are told is the son of a doctor), sporting an impressively Islamic beard.  Click on the link and see for yourself.


‘Terror Raids: Three Bombs Detonated as Attack Was Imminent”.

“….In Melbourne, the bomb squad and heavily armed police were used in a raid on a doctor’s home, where his son was arrested.

‘Three bombs were found at the upmarket home…

And from the Border Mail:


Bombs detonated as teens arrested over alleged Mother’s Day terror plot in Greenvale’

“….Monash University terror expert Greg Barton said the arrests seemed to be a “last minute catch” by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation [ASIO], suggesting the plot was hatched out of a dark network that was out of sight of authorities.

Click on the link – the report supplies a Channel 9 photo of a Facebook entry believed to have been taken from the arrested Greenvale teenager’s page.  The usual Muslim effusions. – CM

‘He said the plan seemed to resemble the Boston marathon bombing..

“I can’t recall ever seeing the bomb squad called out for what seems like a genuine threat, with devices ready to go”, Professor Barton told Fairfax Media.  

‘Authorities, it appeared, were “almost caught out”, he said.

“There is a feeling from this that if they got this far, how much else out there don’t we know?”

Short answer: lots.  The only way not to have it? – stop all further immigration of Muslims into Australia, and start figuring out how to encourage those already here, to leave. – CM

‘A teenager was photographed hand-cuffed and sitting in a park near the Greenvale property during Friday’s raid.

‘A short time later six women emerged from the house and were escorted by police to another area.

I’d love to know whether Muslim papa, this doctor (from Syria, we will discover a little further down the page), has more than one wife.  Perfectly probable, though illegal under Australian infidel law. – CM

‘Channel Nine has reported that the Greenvale teen’s Facebook account describes Islam as “the religion of justice”.

In Islamspeak, ‘justice’ = sharia.  In Islamspeak, it is ‘just’ when Muslims rule and non-Muslims are humilated, degraded, jizya-paying dhimmis; it is ‘just’ when a woman is stoned to death on an accusation of adultery; it is just when an apostate or a blasphemer is disposed of, whether by the Islamic authorities or by a self-appointed sharia assassin. – CM

‘Other outlets, meanwhile have reported that his Facebook account decries those who don’t pray five times a day, as not being Muslim.

‘The teenager is the son of a respected Syrian doctor, according to News Corp.

‘His uncle (how many members of his – presumably Sunni Muslim – extended family/ clan/ tribe are all here in Australia, swelling the numbers and perceived and actual clout of the Ummah, or Mohammedan Mob, in this country? – CM) was quoted as saying there were no signs his nephew had been radicalised, although he had recently grown a beard…

In other words, he became more devoutly Muslim. And, having become more devoutly Muslim, praying five times a day and growing a beard as per the Sunnah, he Went Jihad. Not a surprise at all. Totally predictable. – CM

More on his increasing Islamic piety, from shocked! shocked! family and friends, in the Nine News report.


‘Sister of Melbourne teen terror accused calls him a ‘keyboard warrior”: report.

All words and no substance? But he had three pipe-bombs in his bedroom, madam, all ready to go. – CM

“…A Melbourne teen arrested over an alleged Mother’s Day terror plot has been described by his sister as a “keyboard warrior who wouldn’t hurt a fly”…

He wouldn’t hurt a fly, perhaps. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t hurt a lot of dirty infidels. – CM

‘His family are reportedly shocked over his arrest, believing police would only find household bleach and nails when they searched for explosives.

Nails, of course, can be packed into a bomb to become lethal shrapnel. Muslim human bombs attacking Jews in Israel often filled their explosive vest with nails and ball-bearings and such, to increase the likelihood of mortal injury amongst their victims. – CM

‘The teenager’s sister, who also cannot be identified, dismissed online posts allegedly made by her brother which appeared to sympathise with religious extremists (sic: with Jihad-waging and jihad-inciting pious Muslims – CM).

That’s not my brother.  He would not hurt a fly”, the girl told the Sunday Herald-Sun.

He is 17, it is just him being a keyboard warrior, it’s not a representation of him at all.

The police searched your house, miss, and they found three improvised pipe bombs in your brother’s bedroom. – CM

A close friend of the boy said the teen had recently become devoutly religious.

That is, he had recently started taking Islam fully to heart.  When previously-seemingly-lax Muslims do that, any nearby Infidels should become rationally alarmed. – CM

He did change in the last year – he’s become very religious, conservative”, she said.  ‘I think something just happened, like a past experience, and he just became vulnerable.  He ended up devoting all of his time to religion’…

That is: to Islam, Islam, Islam.  And that boded no good to the Infidels.  In the case of a Jew, a Christian, a Hindu, a Buddhist or a Sikh, when a seventeen-year-old who has previously sat lightly to the family’s faith decides to delve deeper into it, it’s really no big deal.  For example: a young Buddhist or Christian might decide to become a monk, a previously-lax Jew might start keeping kosher, a Hindu meditate and study the Rig Veda or make more regular visits to the local temple/s.  But when seventeen-year-old Muslims get that old-time religion it seems – all too often – to result in things like murderous attacks on infidel police, or plots to chop off Infidel heads, or the preparation of pipe bombs in the bedroom with a view to blowing up the dirty infidels.

And finally, from the Herald-Sun, more details on the family, playing out the usual pantomime of innocence and ignorance and already making some attempt to pose as victims of Infidel police brutality.


‘Mother’s Day Bomb Plot: Teen Allegedly Blocked Family and Friends from Facebook Posts.”

I’ll wait and see what cyber-forensics reveal. – CM

‘To his family the teenager charged with allegedly plotting to launch a bombing terrorist attack was a quiet and humble boy, most comfortable at home.

Suuure.  Doesn’t mean he wasn’t a devout Mohammedan dreaming of killing lots of Infidels so as to earn brownie points with ‘allah’.- CM

‘Until recently, it might have been hard to believe the 17 year old from a successful migrant family – originating from Syria – could be suspected of involvement in such an alleged plot.

Muslims, from Syria. Probably Sunnis. – CM

“He is kind, gentle, and softly spoken. He never raises his voice”, his 21 year old sister told the Sunday Herald-Sun.

Doesn’t mean he didn’t hate the Infidels. Doesn’t mean he wouldn’t want to kill or subjugate Infidels.  As Shakespeare says, “A man may smile, and smile, and smile, and be a villain”. – CM

“Still shocked after dozens of counter-terrorism police officers swooped as his mother was reversing out of the driveway on Friday afternoon, his family struggled to understand why officers suspected the teen.

Pfft. They know damn well. They’re Muslims. From Syria. They know what Islam teaches. They’re just trying to run interference. Confuse and distract. Pretend ignorance. Claim victimhood. Cry “persecution!”  I wouldn’t be surprised if we start hearing hysterical Muslim conspiracy theories, and “he wuz framed”, a little further down the track. – CM

‘But online posts show his persona morph from the shy and softly-spoken boy the family knows, to a passionate ideologue who espouses a strict interpretation of Islam.

Who espouses…Islam.  Islam straight up, straight from the canonical texts, Islam just like mohammed and the companions did and taught. – CM

‘He claims on his Facebook page [that] Muslims should hate the “kafir” (unbelievers) and that those from the Shi’ite sect of the religion “were not human”.

Right. So we know he’s a Sunni Muslim. – CM

‘The boy had blocked his parents and extended family from viewing the comments.

Had he? When?  And did they really not suspect a thing? In any case: hatred for the kafir just goes with the territory. It’s part and parcel of being-Muslim. It can be concealed, if concealment is deemed prudent; but it is always supposed to be there.  Genuine friendship with a non-Muslim is not permitted. – CM

‘But his sister dismissed the posts as the writing of an emotional teen, troubled by what is happening in his father’s homeland.

Troubled by the claimed sufferings of the Sunni Muslims.  I’ll bet that neither this female nor her brother cared two hoots about what was being inflicted on Syrian Christians, and heretical Shiites, and heretical Alawites, by Sunni Muslims making a push for dominance. – CM

‘She said the family had lost relatives in Syria, and the three year old civil war was a very emotional topic.

So, in order to avenge the deaths of Sunni Muslims killed by Alawites in Syria, he concocted pipe bombs to kill Aussie Christians and atheists, in Australia?? – CM

‘She said it was unlikely her brother had come under the influence of others, as he had few friends, outside the family.

Well, then, the police shoiuld be interrogating every person in the family. Starting with Elder Sister. – CM

‘From all accounts, the boy was living a normal life in a successful middle-class family.

Poverty and illiteracy cause jihad…NOT. – CM

‘His sister said the bright teen had ambitions to follow his father into medicine and one day work together.

He said he hated the kafir.  Imagine if, instead of getting impatient and setting out to build bombs and kill kuffar, now, he had bided his time, completed a medical degree, and gained a job in an Australian medical practice, or in a public hospital, treating…the hated kuffar.  What Aussie infidel would really want to be treated by a doctor who hates you, on principle, as part of his religion?  – CM

‘The teen’s father is a doctor, who was born in Syria, while the boy’s uncle also runs a successful business.

Sometimes it isn’t the first-generation Muslim immigrants who wage hot jihad, combat jihad, terror raids; it’s their offspring. – CM

‘The doctor, after spending half the night at AFP headquarters with his son, still went to his practice in the morning.

I wonder what proportion of his usual patients are Muslims, and what proportion are not?  – CM

‘The boy’s family said the teen did not have an income, a passport, or a bank account – and any money he received, he borrowed from his father.

‘He is reliant on his mother or sister for lifts – either to his mosque or school – and it was when they were on the way to a mosque that the Special Operations Group with weapons raised pounced, the family said.

‘His mother first thought the police were “some kind of terrorist group”.

Really?   I suppose she might be paranoid about those evil Shiites…CM

‘The distressed woman, who cannot be named, said she thought police shot at her car as she backed out of the driveway, but police sources said the bangs were flash charges, thrown under the car to distract the teen.

“I was reversing, they started shooting into the tyres, around the car…five or six times, I was just shooting, then I saw smoke”, she told the Sunday Herald-Sun, through her daughter interpreting.

How long has she been in Australia, that she speaks no English? – CM

“I thought I was being shot at, I thought I was going to be killed”.

Suuure. – CM

‘With automatic weapons drawn, police pulled the 17 year old from the car and yelled at his mother to get out, the family said.

‘Victoria Police yesterday said no guns were discharged, but would not comment further on the tactics employed during the raid.

One assumes the police made a complete video / audio record of proceedings. Because, Muslims lie. – CM

‘The boy’s sister, who watched the arrest unfold from the house, rushed outside, but she said she was confronted by three police with drawn guns who yelled, “Do not move”.

‘The sister screamed to her frined to “call the cops”, but she said the armed men answered back, “We are the cops”.

‘Later a police officer told the family they had been concerned about what the teenager had been posting about “Islam online”.  As the family was evacuated and the bomb squad police began to search the home, they remained confident nothing would be found.

Suuuure.- CM

‘Within hours police had found “devices” which were detonated in a controlled explosion.

‘Yesterday morning, the family was unaware (really? – CM) that the boy had been charged overnight with planning to commit a terrorist act and possessing things connected with a terrorist act.

Me, I think they’re just playing dumb. – CM

‘They were also still unclear on what devices police had found inside the home.”

That, I do not believe. It was all over the internets.

And to finish off, some boilerplate nonsense from the Acting (Police) Commissioner, as quoted by the ABC, here:


“…Acting Commissioner Cartwright said the boy was cooperating with police, and is scheduled to appear in court tomorrow…

He [Cartwright] urged all Victorians to stay calm and embrace the state’s cultural diversity.

I’d prefer not to ’embrace’ any more Muslim families like this one, thank you very much. – CM

These are still (still…but what about later on? – CM) isolated events carried out by isolated men”, he said.

Ah yes, in other words, it’s just the ‘tiny minority of extremists’, the same tiny minority who have already produced two other plots to kill Australians, within the past few months.  But as for being ‘isolated’, this young man was not isolated in any real sense of the word; mama was driving him to Friday ‘prayers’ at the mosque, when he was arrested. He was living in the bosom of the Ummah, lapping up Islam. What he was setting out to do ought not to surprise any person familiar with the texts, the teachings and the history of Islam. –  CM



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