A Peer-Reviewed Article In Science About How Better To Brainwash Against "Bias"

I was reading the May 29 issue of Science and noticed special mention on the cover, of two related articles — at pp. 971 and 1013) on “Changing Stereotypes While You Sleep.”

At p. 1013 I found this. It made me shudder. It is clear that any conceivable distinctions, observations, conclusions drawn, about different groups, on whatever grounds, are to be eliminated, so that everyone regards everyone else as exactly the same as everyone, no matter what the evidence might be or logic suggest.

The Ministry for Diversity will be pleased.

The appearance of this article and of  an accompanying article at p. 971 which discusses, with bland enthusiasm,  the main article’s contents, is frightening. Now I know, as the old poet wrote, that what’s to come is still unsure, but things don’t look good.


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