A Strange Logic: If Sunnis And Shi’a Fight Forever, "We Lose"

I put this article up not because I agree with it, but as an example of a general idea — that promoting peace between Shi’a (Persian and Arab, or Persian and Shi’a Arabs now seen by other, Sunni Arabs, as puppets of the Persianss) and Sunnis, is a good idea, because Sunni-Shi’a conflict is somehow bad for the West. Not only would, does, has, such conflict kept the Muslims off-guard and occupied, as in the Iran-Iraq War, and used up war materiel, money, morale, against other Muslims rather than against the Infidels, but it also provides a useful spectacle of Muslim aggression, violence, atrocities and at this point, the advanced but addle-headed West, that of North America and Western Europe, needs such spectacles so that more people may come to their senses about Islam and about Muslim immigration, and the Muslim presence, in the West.

As to the worry about Iran somehow becoming ever more powerful in the Middle East, it’s not possible for Iranian schemes and dreams, it it has them, to be fulfilled. It has natural limitations. Iran can threaten Sunni regimes, their stability, the possibility of Shi’a inside a country rising up, as in little Bahrain, against Sunni rulers. Saudi rulers worry about the Houthis in Yemen, perceiving them to be agents of Iran, but they know the Houthis have their hands fulll in Yemen itself, just trying to keep the various Sunni groups from attacking them, because if the Sunnis ever get the upper hand it will be at this point, after all that has happened, be very bad for the survival of the Houthis. Sunnis everywhere worry about Hezbollah, but there are limits to Iran’s influence. It’s a Shia state, and most Sunnis do not trust, do not like, Shi’a even if they do not necessarily regard them, as many Uber-Sunnis do, as Infidels, or even as the worst of Infidels because so dangerously hypocritical, an enemy within. Iran’s economy has been weakened because of both sanctions and the collapse of the oil revenues; Iran’s expenses mount, as it now finds itself having to support, with tens of billions of dollars, the regime in Syria, and now, too, the Houthis in Yemen. Meanwhile, there are attacks within Iran, from Sunnis in Baluchistan, worries about the Arabs in Ahwaz, where all of Iran’s oil deposits are found, worries about the Azeris, who make up about 1/3 of the population, worries about the Kurds inside Iran, who may be inspired by the Kurdish autonomy, slowly metamorphosiing into independence, in what is for the moment still northern Iraq. Iran has a lot to worry about. Let it spend money in Iraq. Iraq can’t be put back together, whether or not the Islamic State fighters are all killed or driven out. Sunnis in Iraq may not like the Islamic State, and may be as happpy to see Iran help  to drive them away as the Shi’a were happy to see the Americans undo the Sunni despotism of Saddam Hussein, and those Sunnis will be as ungrateful to the Iranians as the Shi’a were to the Americans.

Let that war in Anbar go on and on and on. The Americans need only help the Kurds and any Christians who want to be armed, or airlifted to safety elsewhere. Andnow that we are on the subject of those Christians being killed by Muslims in the Islamic State, why not start thinking about ways to keep them in the Middle East, but in conditions of permanent security. One way would be, with Israel’s permission, provided certain conditions are met, to re-settle some of them in that territory, part of the Mandate for Palestine, set up for the exclusive purpose of creating a Jewish National Home, that the Jordanisn renamed the “West Bank” — and let the Christians of the Middle East, and the world, thereby retain a living presence. Of course, Muslim Arabs– the ones who after the Six-Day War started calling themselves “Palestinians,”for what should be obvious reasons of propaganda, in order to disguise the nature of the war, the Jihad, against Israel — willl howl, or some of them will (I don’t think El-Sisi will mind at all). Too bad. Muslims out, Middle Eastern Christians in. Helps to make peace possible, or more likely, even though the Jihad against Israel, just like the Jihad against the rest of the Infidel world, has no end, goes on forever.


One Response

  1. Speaking of the Iran-Iraq war (the first battle in the Sunni-Shite War), “there is only one problem with this war, someday it’s going to end”. True then, true now.

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