A Sunday Letter to My Readers
By Phyllis Chesler
I’m talking about the More-Than-Woke New York Times: It’s become “all too much,” far too “over the top.” At least for me, sitting at what passes for my desk, listening to the rain, planning to read what looks like a new and wonderful book–Melanie Phillips’s “The Builder’s Stone. How Jews and Christians Built the West–and Why Only They Can Save It.”
Take just one of today’s indignities.
Today’s NYT’s Opinion section is 13 pages long. It devotes FIVE full pages to the story of a pastor who finally accepts that his son is gay. It is also their full page cover story. It has ONE main, unsigned Editorial which is anti-Trump and which focuses on Trump’s anti-trans position. This takes up 3/4th of the last page. Almost the entire Op-Ed section, which consists of seven more articles, are entirely devoted to anti-Trump, anti-Vance, and anti-Musk articles which focus on their alleged all-round dangerousness, alleged opposition to DEI and a piece which focuses on Trump’s version of Hillary’s “deplorables.” (All leftists).
They have gone barking mad–as the Brits might say.
As Israeli hostages are being tortured and murdered; as Arab leaders are still holding on to their “one hundred year dream”—not, as they say, for a Palestinian state, but in order to destroy the one and only Jewish state; as Ukrainian prisoners are being held captive, tortured and murdered–right along with their Russian soldier-opponents; as atrocities abound in Iran, Congo, Sudan, and Haiti; as bone-deep poverty and starvation grips Afghanistan; as European countries remain under Jihad attacks–car rammings, stabbings, shootings, mass rapes; as womankind and children everywhere are being beaten, trafficked, murdered, and denied basic medical care–I could go on but that would take forever. Yet, today, the NYT’s focuses, not on the systematic erasure of womankind, not on the considerable sorrows of the world, but on the gay male and trans issue. And, of course, on the non-stop bashing of President Trump and his team.
There is a time for priorities. I am not against LGB people but, at this moment in history, the alleged plight of the pronoun people is not first on my list. The survival of the West against barbarism; the survival of the Jewish state and the Jewish people take pride of place. This does not mean that I favor jailing or deporting or depriving any American citizen of their civil rights. I am not anti-gay. I am pro-womankind, pro-Western Civilization, pro-Israel’s right to exist.
And–how are you, dear Readers, in these deeply troubled times?
First published in Phyllis’ Newsletter