A White Guy, Glorified for Rejecting Racism

by Phyllis Chesler

In the beginning, I just felt sorry for poor Harry; clearly, he was so lost, still so much Diana’s traumatized boy. Then, slowly, I grew uncomfortable. Why did he have to keep rubbing, touching, holding hands with Meghan in public? Was he her child? Soon enough, I lost interest in the ho-hum revelations, the ridiculously well-funded documentaries and the Tell-Alls, so very monotonous. I did not respect how Prince Harold, (that’s what his brother calls him), used the media to turn on his family, but neat trick that—using the very medium that once hounded his mother. Also, he’d be even closer, nearly equal to Meghan in terms of breaking with their fathers and with a sibling. But now, I suddenly realized what another, killer, sub-plot was about all along.

A weak white guy has renounced his royal and allegedly racist family for a bi-racial woman and for the California life of an…actress. He’s thrown in his lot with Meghan, some of whose ancestors were formerly colonized and persecuted, and he has actually chosen a former colony of England—that’s America—to live in. And Harry’s done so while America is in the midst, at least culturally, of another kind of revolution about racism.

We’ve been toppling statues of white Civil-war era southern generals, removing the names of former slaveholders or known racists from university walls, renaming sports teams with arguably racist names. We’ve seen university students forced to deal with racism and “gender” most of the time, and newspapers increasingly covering racism as a subject and featuring only or mainly artists, singers, actors, painters, authors, etc. of color. (True, to be fair, they were missing in action all those years that mainly white folk dominated the same pages).

So Diana’s Harry has taken a stand against White Power, White Royal Power. Is he prepared to really make this his principled life’s work—or has he just stepped off a dangerous ledge?



6 Responses

  1. There appears to be no finish line re the race issue. No antagonist or protagonist has the brains to properly quantify the qualities defining ‘race.’
    The ink, paper, electricity wasted on this subject are disgraces to homo sapirns. No wonder the AI’s are now laughing at us

  2. His mother’s son. He is following where she left off when she crashed in a car moving too fast with an Egyptian playboy.

  3. Luckily for him it:s very lucrative. Luckily for her it’s enabled her to gain access to wealth she’d only schemed about before. Why are you American liberals do naive? I am anti-monachist, and a socialist, but I think Prince Frosty’s loose lips and behaviour are disgusting. Ok, so he has become a convert to ‘anti-racism’ bit he is still a revolting snob who regards the British working class as dross but should still pay for his and his leec of a wife:s glamourous lifestyle. I am shocked that you as a psychologist cannot recognise classic narcissist behaviour, but perhaps abnormal psychology was not your thing?

  4. I would also like to point out that before the Duchess of Sussex identified as black, she always claimed to be Maltese.

  5. Sadly Harry needs a therapy and not air his dirty linen in public
    The UK welcomed Megan into the royal family
    It’s their behaviour that people have a problem with not race

  6. Except when it suits her and it has to do with Islam, Phyllis apparently still believes that the “underdog” is always innocent. Harry is a douchebag. And, yes, I used a term that is bound to irk Mrs. Chesler (oops, I did it again).

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