Abase Hussen’s "Emotional Plea" For His Daughter To Return


And the shifty-eyed sister of the Begum girl, making her plea, here.

We are told, by the administrators at Bethnal Green, the school the girls all attneded, that the girls were not “radicalised” (what exactly does that word mean? No one will tell us. No one will even begin to try to discuss what it might possibly mean) at the school. Very well then. What did they hear at home? Did they hear steady denunciations of the Islamic State? Did they hear how awful it is when Muslims, whose religion is full of peace and tolerance, engage — as apparently, we’ve noticed, some do — in violence? Or do you suspect, as I do, that the home life of Abase Hussen was full of hostillity, and contempt, toward the English (and other) Infidels, and the same likely goes for the Begum household. But now Abase Hussen, and the Begum sister, don’t want his daughter, or her sister,  to be in danger, and wants those English Infidels to move heaven and earth to get her back, back to the United Kingdom where she will not shed her attitudes, but continue to work for the Triumph of Islam, only in safer circumstances?

What would make English people more secure — if those girls get to their destination, and never returmn, or if they return, their minds still full of the thrill and allure of the Islamic State, and live out their years, full of menace for non-Muslims, in the United Kingdom?