Abdullah Al-Thani, Former (And Maybe Sort Of Still) Libyan Prime Minister, Blames A Vast Conspiracy For Arab Woes
Abdullah Al-Thani has an explanation for Arab woes that he’d like to share with you — there’s a conspiracy of “Christians and Jews” who for some reason show quite undeserved and unrequited enmity toward Muslims.
Al-Thani lists Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Mali as places where are currently troubles, caused by these non-Muslim evil-doers, but he could have added Yemen, and Bahrain, and a few other places too — is centered on a single country, “in the region,” whose Name He Need Not Speak. It begins with an “I” and ends in “L” and is about the size of Connecticut, and is too small to be labelled on most maps, but it explains all of the troubles all over Araby, twenty-two countries, 350 million people, fourteen million square miles — all of it. Quite a feat.