African Muslims Attack Aussie News Crew In Sweden

Daily Wire:

An Australian news crew reporting on the “migrant crisis” in Stockholm, Sweden, was violently attacked by African Muslims in what was described as an Islamic enclave in the country’s capital city.

Upon entering an area inhabited by “mostly Somali migrants,” the news crew was accosted. At one point, the narrator states that a Somali motorist attempted to “deliberately [run] down” her cameraman. Following this incident, the news crew contacts the local police.

“[Swedish police] feel their presence will be provocative,” reports the narrator, indirectly evoking the growth of lawless Islamic ghettos across Europe resulting from left-wing policies of multiculturalism and mass immigration.

Prior to entering the minority ethnic ghetto, a male Swedish police officer advises the crew to leave him behind lest his presence be perceived as an affront to its residents. The police opt to observe the camera crew from a distance.

“I think it’s better if you go in without us,” says a Swedish police officer to the show’s host.

Providing some context while walking within a ghetto, a local ethnic Swede featured by the segment as a sort of tour guide describes some of the problems he views that flow from irresponsible immigration policies in his country.

“Majority here are Muslims from East Africa, and they don’t assimilate well into the Swedish culture and society, and they’re unemployed, and they’re poor. So you add all these factors together… and their youth are feeling marginalized, and don’t speak Swedish very well, so they don’t get jobs or get into the Swedish youth culture, here,” shares the aforementioned local ethnic Swede.

After the departure of the police, male Somali youth begin to attack the news crew, punching, grabbing, and kicking the team.

Dubbed “Little Mogadishu,” the neighborhood was said to be mostly populated by Islamic migrants from Somalia. The segment’s host declares that there are fifty-five “no-go zones” in Sweden, referencing the 2013 Stockholm riots.

Cast as “disaffected migrants,” the segment seems to push the narrative of migrants from mostly Muslim immigrants from non-Western societies as somehow victims of unjustified marginalization with Sweden and broader Europe.

In 2011, Lara Logan of CBS’s 60 Minutes news program was viciously sexually assaulted by a mob of Muslim Arabs in Tahrir Square during the so-called “Arab Spring.”


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