After the Tears and Flowers and Songs, Young French Patriots Are Applying to Join the Army

Which is an entirely natural normal and healthy response to the acts of war committed by jihad ghazi raiders against Paris – the capital city of France – within the past year.

As reported – one wonders with what chagrin and dismay – by Jon Henley for the grovellingly Islamophile ‘Guardian’, here:

“Paris Attacks Lead to Surge in Applications to Join French Army”.

‘Military says requests for information and applications through website trebled to 1,500 a day after massacre.

Applications to join the French army have soared since the Islamic State attacks on Paris, according to figures obtained by the newspaper Le Monde.

The military did not want to announce the figures during France’s three-day period of national mourning, but has now said that requests for information and applications through its website had tripled, from about 500 a day to about 1,500 a day, since the 13 November attacks, the paper reported.

Dear France: if they’re sound in wind and limb and of sound mind sign them all up (except for any that are Muslim; you don’t want a Fort Hood-style attack from within) and put them through boot camp. You will need them all, and then some, for homeland security, soon enough. – CM

‘The series of suicide bombings and shootings (carried out by Muslim ghazi terror raiders – that’s the bit that “The Guardian” prefers not to mention – CM) at a popular music venue, the national stadium, cafes and restaurants killed (sic: murdered – CM) 129 people from 19 countries, but most of the victims were French and many of htem young, on a Friday night out.

On a Friday, nota bene. This attack was carried out, as so many Muslim terror raids are carried out, on a Friday, the Muslim ‘holy’ day. – CM

“I’m staggered”, Col Eric de Lapresle, head of the army recruitment service’s marketing and communications department,  told the paper.  “This is an entirely unprecedented phenomenon”.

The French president, Francois Hollande, partially reversed planned military personnel cuts in the wake of January’s Charlie Hebdo attacks, which left 17 people dead (sic: which murdered 17 people – CM), and has now frozen them entirely.

Common-sense kicking in.  And if the flood of eager and rationally angry new recruits wanting to sign up to defend their country – themselves, their families, their friends and fellow citizens – against the Global Jihad that struck home so horribly on 13 November continues, then M le President would be wise to increase resourcing of the military and sign up every one of those new recruits who is capable of holding and firing a rifle and put them through boot camp, pronto. – CM

‘As a result, De Lapresle said, the army needed 15,000 new recruits this year, and 16,000 in 2016.

If 1500 a day are applying, and this maintains itself over the next year, say, without falling off, then the numbers will more than exceed requirements.  Sign them all up, mate, while the iron is hot. – CM

Applications had already jumped from around 130 a day in 2014 to 500 a day since the Charlie Hebdo attacks (what a fascinating coincidence – CM) and had now multiplied further.

Excellent. – CM

De Presle said the army’s five recruitment centres were also experiencing unprecedented demand.

Like I said; if they’re sound of mind, wind and limb and can hold and fire a rifle, sign them all up and put them in boot camp.  Whatever it costs. This is about the survival of France as a free Infidel country. –  CM

‘The French army had around 115,000 personnel in 2014, some 3,000 of them deployed across Africa.

They will be needed on home ground, soon enough, to combat the Mohammedan fifth columnists, now reinforced by the thousands upon thousands of menacing, glowering military-age Muslim males that are pouring into Europe from the south-east.  Time to take a leaf out of Israel’s book – or Switzerland, or Singapore – and focus grimly on training your young people for homeland defence. One day soon you will need to take back the banlieues, and the only thing that works with the Mohammedan Mob is overwhelming force unhesitatingly deployed. Those young French Infidels –  I would hazard the guess that those rushing to sign up, in the wake of the jihad ghazi raids, are all Infidels – who are now showing fight must be welcomed and trained in the arts of war, as quickly as possible.  – CM

‘In the past it has relied heavily on conscription to fill its ranks, but military service was abolished by President Jacques Chirac in 1996 and formally ended in 2001 – although young people must still register with the armed forces for possible conscription if needed.

If 1500 would-be French soldiers a day continue to apply over the next year, that would add up to at least 300 000 young French volunteering to fight for their country – more than twice the number of the present standing army. 

Here is another story on the same topic, on what seems to be a military-issues website.

‘Young French People are Flocking to Enlist in the Wake of Paris Attacks”.

‘The number of young French people hoping to enlist in the armed forces has tripled since the November 13 terror attacks that killed 129 people in the French capital (sic: “since the November 13 terror attacks in which seven Muslim ghazi raiders murdered 129 people in the French capital”. – CM), army officials have said.

‘Colonel Eric de Lapresle, head of marketing and communications for the army’s recruitment arm, told French daily “Le Monde”, that he was “floored” by the surge in applications.

‘According to de Lapresle, the army’s recruitment website –, which translates as “enlisting” – is currently fielding an average 1,500 applications a day, versus 500 a day before the attacks.

‘France’s Armed Forces Information and Recruitment Centres are also facing an influx of candidates, although exact figures have yet to be released.

‘On the “Why Enlist?” page of its website, the army’s recruitment service lists several arguments for joining the military, including the chance to “defend the French, France and its values”, and to “experience a brotherhood of arms”.

‘The site offers recruitment options to candidates who have dropped out of high school, candidates with a degree, and those with up to five years of secondary education.  

‘The rise in enlistment comes just three days after President Francois Hollande opened his extraordinary address to both houses of parliament with the statement, “France is at war”.

‘In a speech that indeed had all the tones of a call to arms, the president compared Friday’s tragic attacks to “acts of war”.

Correction.  That should have been, “The president identified the attacks on Friday as acts of war.”  They were not ‘tragic’. They were acts of war, acts of deliberate and focused human malevolence with the aim of furthering the expansion and dominance of the Dar al Islam. – CM

“I know I can count on the devotion of police officers, gendarmes, soldiers, and you, representatives of the nation”, Hollande said in the televised speech.  “You know the meaning of duty and, when the circumstances require it, the spirit of sacrifice.”

‘Holland also announced that he would freeze planned military personnel cuts through 2019, and suggested using the country’s reservists to form a home guard.

Good idea. – CM

‘The government had already reviewed proposed defense cuts in the wake of the January 2015 attacks that left 17 people dead (that murdered 17 people – CM) in and around Paris, when radical Islamic militants (sic: Muslims engaging in a ghazi terror raid – CM) attacked the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a Jewish supermarket.

‘According to Le Monde, the French army will have 15,000 new recruits by the end of 2015 – 5,000 more enlistments than in 2014.  The estimated number of new recruits for 2016 is 16,000.

‘The 15,000 who join the army in 2015 will be recruited from a pool of 160,000 applicants, with only 60,000 candidates submitting to the various physical, medical and psychological evaluations and tests required to join. Still, the number of people considering a career in the military is significantly up from 2014, when 120,000 people filed their initial application.

Soon enough, they will find they need every French non-Muslim of fighting age who is capable of firing a rifle and following orders.  And not for any overseas adventures, but for taking back control of the soil of France. – CM

 ‘This can partly be explained by the army boosting its recruitment efforts following the January attacks, and raising the number of annual recruitment drives from three to five.  But, according to de Lapresle, “Even when we stopped advertising, numbers did not go down or went down very little.

‘In 2014, he told Le Monde, the army’s website was fielding an average of 130 requests a day through its website (up to 300 or 400 during an advertising campaign) with those numbers soaring to 500 in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attacks (up to 800 during an advertising campaign),,,”,

There were Comments permitted for this story.  One read as follows, from ‘Rothbard’ “For better or for worse, I’ll be off to join them in the FFL in July.”

Paris, bloodied and disfigured by the global Jihad, is calling….Which makes one wonder just how many applications the French Foreign Legion will be receiving, too, from now on, from among Infidels of suitable age, fitness, freedom of action and grim Islamo-awareness.

And now, a final piece, written by one Theo Chapuis, that introduces us to a few of these young Infidel French – three men, and a young woman – who are seriously considering joining the army.

‘Four Young French People Explain Why They Want to Join the Army’.

‘Laura, Maxandre, Theo and Benjamin – four young French natives with one thing in common: they are all seriously considering joining the army following the Paris terror attacks of Friday 13 November.

‘And, as it happens, they’re not alone.  According to the French army, unprecedented numbers have started inquiring about the recruitment process; Colonel de Lapresle…speaks of “colossal” popularity.

‘,,,While not everyone has the makings of a career in the military, the enthusiasm for the job is very real.

‘We spoke to these four young people to find out how the current climate has led them to reflect upon a career in the army.

‘I’ve come to realize that no-one is safe’.

‘Maxandre lives in Paris’s 17th arondissement.  The 17-year-old high school student explains that, while the idea of becoming a soldier had already crossed his mind, last week’s attacks triggered something else within him.  He wants to fight against “insecurity” and “defend others”.

He states: “You can hear everyone offering up ideas each better than the next, but for me, the best thing to do is to get moving and defend ourselves…I told myself, “Shit, I can’t sit here with my arms crossed.”

Bravo, mate.  Now, study the stories of Jean Parisot de Valetta, and Charles Martel – and find out that you are the but the latest to step forward to defend the Camp of the Infidels.  Go to the great basilica Saint Denis and at the tomb of Charles Martel “the Hammer’ swear to him that what he saved, you will defend, so that he may sleep in peace. – CM

‘The same motivations are cited by Theo, an 18 year old studying economic science and management at Lille University.  Referring to his twelve years of karate, he states that he has no problem with “discipline and respect” which are “the bases of martial arts”. He claims simply to want to “defend [his] country” and others:

“I’ve come to realize that no-one is safe, and that we need to defend the people, whether they be in France or elsewhere. To defend them, we need to be deployed where the threat is.

I  hope you will soon come to understand, dear Theo, that the main threat is now within, lodged within all the cities of France, wherever there are mosques, wherever there are Muslims swarming and strutting and threatening jihad and teaching their children to hate and despise everything that we mean by France. Wherever there are Msulims, there is Jihad. There are many Muslims in France, and they feel very strong, and so there is Jihad: attacks upon and murder of Infidels, Jews and Christians and atheists, first many smaller attacks (e.g. the kidnap and murder of the Parisian Jew, Ilan Halimi, and the murderous attacks by Mohammed Merah upon French soldiers and French Jews) and finally, this year, the mass murder of ‘blasphemous’ cartoonists and of Jewish shoppers, and the massacre at the Bataclan. – CM

‘Laura is 19 years old and has lived in Aix-en-Provence for a short time; before, she lived in the Paris region.  “Shocked” by the attacks, and undecided on her future career path, she saw the army as more than just a vocational stream; she saw it as a real “revelation”.  Just like the others, her willingness to serve comes from altruistic and selfless reasoning. Talking to these young people, one would assume that it’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

“I want to do something meaningful, and help people….But it would be much better if we didn’t need this kind of job”.

‘She continues, speaking of her “admiration” for the men and women (I assume, law enforcement, first responders, and the military – CM) that she has seen risking their lives, sometimes live on television, such as last Friday, when she was impressed by these peoples’ “courage”.

‘Benjamin is 22 years old, and has all the airs of a true sportsman.  A third-year student of a physical education course, this young man from Nantes – who lifeguards when he’s not in school – states that he trains “six days out of seven” with the idea of joining the French Armed Forces at the back of his mind.

“In the long term, I would like to join an intervention platoon; at best GIGN (National Gendarmerie Intervention Group), at worst PSIG (The Gendarmerie Investigation and Surveillance Platoon).”  It is not that he does not enjoy the studies that he has undertaken but he fears “regretting not getting involved now”.  

‘He continues:

“I said to myself that France needed a certain number of people (given Muslim demographics, Infidel France will need every able-bodied son and daughter that she has, in the near future – CM) and upon inquiring here and there, I came across entry tests for the GIGN and information about their daily life (training, etc).  That’s exactly what I think I am made for.  As well as that, you have to add in the gratifying aspect of protecting other innocent human beings”.

And sometimes, to do that, you have to kill those who intend murder and not only murder but the destruction and enslavement of your entire society and the civilisation of which it is a part. – CM

‘These young people, among whom some are currently destined for something else entirely, know that they will have to carry a gun…and sometimes use it.  They have shared their desire to become a soldier with their friends and family.

‘The parents of 18 year old Theo aren’t opposed to the idea, “But they want me to start off as a sous-officier (a non-commissioned officer) not a militaire du rang (a superior ranking)”.  There is no talk of discouraging him; on the contrary, his friends support him, while some of them even tell him he is “made for it”.  “That’s perhaps a sign”, he says.

‘On the other hand, Maxandre’s family and friends are much more doubtful.  Like when one of his friends asked him if he “wanted to kill”, an issue he admits he still feels uncomfortable with. “That is very awkward as a question, so I avoid talking about it”.

‘As for his family, he counts on his parents-in-law to “sweeten the pill” at the dinner table when the conversations are sometimes “stormy” owing to his parents’ anti-military sentiment.  

One may hope that his parents, reflecting on the Muslim massacre of hapless unarmed Infidel civilians in Paris, may be rethinking their opposition to the army. – CM

‘Benjamin is still at the research phase, and hasn’t spoken about it to his parents, yet…”…”.

‘While they all refer to the need to “protect their country’ not one among them evokes a feeling of vengeance or a blind need for violence…”.

Of course. These are civilised young French people, not Mohammedan mobsters.  God bless them, and all the others like them who – whether they understand fully what they are doing, or not – are preparing to step up and into the firing line against the Global Jihad. 




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