Aid worker warns Britain many migrants have ‘no intention of living under Christian law’

REFUGEES in Europe’s biggest migrant camps are routinely dishing out anti-Christian slurs to the kind-hearted volunteers who are supporting them, aid workers have told

However, speaking frankly about integration and resettlement, one aid worker warned European nations, and Britain in particular, must handle immigration with a firm hand. The aid worker from Serbia, who asked to remain anonymous and has worked on the crisis in the Balkans, speaks Arabic and is often mistaken for a Muslim. Because of this he has been able to hear and understand scathing remarks made against aid workers providing help to refugees.

These include the charity workers being branded “filthy Christian kuffars” – a derogatory Arabic word meaning non-believer.

He said: “The difference is I know these people, I hear them. I’m sorry, I have to say it, I hear what they say when they speak to their own people – not what they say in English.

“I am not saying don’t take them, I am saying your country needs to be strong, get tough.

“What happens is you let them build mosques and you let them practice their religion and then what? They don’t want to live by your rules. “You don’t know what is going on in mosques. 

“You have to make it happen or it won’t be your country anymore. They have no intention of living under Christian law.”

He said: “The difference is I know these people, I hear them. I’m sorry, I have to say it, I hear what they say when they speak to their own people – not what they say in English. I am not saying don’t take them, I am saying your country needs to be strong, get tough. 

“What happens is you let them build mosques and you let them practice their religion and then what? They don’t want to live by your rules. “You don’t know what is going on in mosques. You have to make it happen or it won’t be your country anymore. They have no intention of living under Christian law.”

The aid worker has heard many people branded “kuffar” in the camps in passing, and some, mistaking him for Muslim have slated his colleagues.

Another Christian aid worker provided a group of Afghani men with new clothes, food and water when they arrived near Croatia. He said: “After taking this from her, they refused to shake her hand, calling her ‘dirty Christian kuffar’. This is how they repay you for help. You have to deal with this properly. Everyone here is helping. I am helping but that doesn’t mean changing your country for them. They have to learn to respect Christian neighbours and Christian law.”


One Response

  1. They won’t learn to accept non-Muslim law so better to keep them out. Islam and Muslims are incompatible with everything and everyone else.

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