Aide to would-be Labour mayor axed over SHOCKING tweets about women and gay people
From the Sunday Express
AN AIDE to Labour’s London mayoral candidate Sadiq Khan has been suspended over a series of offensive messages posted on social media. Shueb Salar sent several tweets containing abusive language about women and gay people, it emerged last night
In one message, posted in May 2012, Mr Salar said “currently hating on all you faggots who have finished uni”, adding: “lucky c****”. A post from June 2012 read “f*** all you hoes”
Mr Salar started working for Mr Khan in his Westminster office in November 2014, after the offensive messages had been put on social media
But Cabinet minister Chris Grayling questioned Mr Khan’s judgment in employing someone who had published the comments. “They raise serious questions about the judgement of Sadiq Khan who chose to employ this man despite his views being public, on a Twitter account followed by Khan himself.”
Mr Salar declined to comment.
Personally I am even more worried about Khan’s relationship with terrorists and criminals than a foul mouthed young man with dubious taste.