Al Quds March London 22nd May 2020 – isn’t happening!
The Covid 19 pandemic has achieved what my friends and I, UKIP, a coalition of Jewish organisations and other worthy individuals and institutions couldn’t do; stop the annual Al Quds parade through London. Everything, and I mean everything, else is/was cancelled (Easter and Passover public worship, football, 75th anniversary of VE day, May Day festivities) so damn right it won’t be taking place.
I don’t know when it was anticipated to take place. The last Friday in Ramadan is the 22nd May but it might have been the following Saturday or Sunday. But sometime around that date. This year the oxymoronicly named Islamic Human Rights Commission who organise the London event are encouraging their supporters to fly and tweet Palestinian flags during Ramadan especially for the last 10 days to show solidarity and attend an on-line rally .
In arranging an on-line rally the IHRC are only following every other organisation in the country be they secular, political or faith so I’m not going to claim any victory or significance attached to the decision. And of course the emergency regulations would prevent any counter demonstration gathering as well. But I will say it will be nice not to hear ‘Death to Israel’ and see Hamas/Hezbullah flags on the deserted streets of my home city, this year.