Aldi praised for allowing ‘Muslim’ checkout worker not to sell alcohol on a till after ‘raising concerns’
From the Sun
SUPERMARKET giant Aldi has been praised after a checkout worker “raised concerns” about selling alcohol at their till.
The sign at the end of one of the conveyor belts in the Northampton store stated: “No alcohol is able to be served on this till. Sorry for any inconvenience.”
Customers looking to buy beer, wine or spirits instead had to queue at one of the other checkouts instead.
A picture of the till was posted online where it received a mixed reaction on social media, with dozens praising Aldi for its handling on the situation. Mostly, but not exclusivly by people with islamic names.
But not everyone was happy with the situation and tweeted their frustrations directly to the supermarket. . . “Wrong decision. Muslim staff at my local Aldi have no problem checking our alcohol or pork products. Everything is sealed after all.”
The Sun hasn’t allowed any coments on this one – I wonder why? I would also remark that Muslim shopkeepers seem to have no problem selling alcohol in their own businesses (where they get the profit – and can use it for dawa, jihad and suchlike) but these objections only occur in shops where the non-muslim colleagues can be put to inconvenience by doing the Muslim’s share of the work, and inconveniencing the kuffur customers.