All Hail Elon Musk for Revealing ‘The Twitter Papers’

by Roger L. Simon

Elon Musk has released what should be called from now on “The Twitter Papers,” far more ominous for our country than “The Pentagon Papers” of yore ever were.

The man from South Africa has done the United States of America an immense favor by helping rescue the one thing above all that made our country great and enabled the progress we made—freedom of speech. (I now officially exonerate Musk for the silly electric car thing.)

“The Twitter Papers”—being revealed one by one through journalist Matt Taibbi—demonstrate a government-political party-Big Tech nexus that is almost as heavily imbued in our culture as it is in Communist China. In our case this has been done with only slightly more subtlety—no citizens locked in their apartments to be incinerated—but that may make it ultimately more dangerous.

The suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story was only one of the myriad of malfeasances.

As Miranda Devine of the NY Post notes, the FBI’s role in all this has yet to be revealed—maybe it will be. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, the best response came from the actor James Woods on Tucker Carlson’s show on Dec. 2, 2022.

He even had Tucker’s mouth dropping open in a phone interview when he stated, as I heard it, “Scratch any liberal and you find a fascist.”

But here’s more from Woods (via, who intends to sue the Democratic National Committee (DNC) that essentially destroyed his distinguished acting career by banning him from Twitter. (It turns out that casting directors pay attention to these things—and obey.):

“I can guarantee you one thing more than anything else you’ll ever hear in your life: I will be getting a lawyer. I will be suing the Democratic National Committee no matter what,” Woods told eponymous host Tucker Carlson.

“Whether I win or lose, I am going to stand up for the rights that every American–not a so-called celebrity. I’m not a celebrity. I’m hardly recognizable anymore because my career has been destroyed by these very people,” he added.

“Woods continued, ‘And I will sue. And I’m hoping other people will sue. And if it turns out there are a lot of us on this list where the DNC targeted us, then I will quote the immortal words of Joseph Welch when he attacked [Wisconsin Sen.] Joseph McCarthy for the enemies list he had – ‘At long last, sir, have you no shame?’”

No, they don’t. They believe “the ends justify the means” times ten, or maybe a hundred, as “The Twitter Papers” demonstrate.

By the way, Woods was not just any actor. He was superb. Don’t believe me, go watch “Salvador,” now playing free on Pluto TV, if you haven’t seen it. He was also the most powerful and articulate right-wing presence on Twitter, in my view and that of many others.

Actor James Woods smiles for the camera
Actor James Woods attends the 52nd New York Film Festival at Walter Reade Theater in New York City on Sept. 27, 2014. (Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images)

Meanwhile, the American Left and our administration never cease in their attempts to silence us. The latest tack is through something euphemistically called the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) that they are trying to ram through before the new Congress meets in January. (Don’t you love how the names of these bills are rarely even remotely honest?)

This one is just a veiled attempt to restrict, essentially cancel, alternative media, like the one you are now reading.

Thankfully some Republicans are standing up against this. They all should be.

Epoch Times Photo
Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) speaks during a Senate Judiciary Committee business meeting to vote on Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson on Capitol Hill in Washington, on April 4, 2022. (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images).

Apropos, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) provided the following statement to The Epoch Times:

“The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act will give even more power to the mainstream media and Silicon Valley. We need to protect our small newspapers and ensure they are compensated for their content. This will allow big tech to further consolidate power and make it even easier to censor conservative voices on social media.”

I would only add, re: small newspapers, that like acorns they often grow into big ones. This one [Epoch Times] is on the way.

In conclusion, long may Elon Musk, James Woods, and Tucker Carlson prosper. (I should add Miranda Devine to that.)

We’ll be following Woods’ lawsuit.

First published in the Epoch Times.


2 Responses

  1. The fools are like self-serving mushrooms – they thrive in dark. dank places wallowing in manure. Some of these festerents mutate into weeds of crime poisoning aĺl with their bitter fruit — as the Shadow knows and exposes.

  2. If Americans do not demand the heads of these fools, the intelligence agencies, security agencies, DNC, the members of the Senate intelligence committee, all the media, technology idiots who gleefully conned the American people, then the American people are debauched depraved, and beknighted to such a degree they only merit being slaves.

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