Alone at the helm

By Phyllis Chesler

As I’ve long feared, the entire world is now electrically pre-wired with Jew hatred. From coast to coast, on every continent, every day, pro-Hamas demonstrations disturb the world’s peace.

It has only gotten worse after 10/7. At every conference, on every holiday, and on every campus, the hoarse cries of “Free Palestine” pierce the air. The surging, keffiyeh-masked pro-Hamas mobs are seemingly everywhere. They are not stopping anytime soon, even if Democrats try to claim they are. They constitute Iran’s bought-and-paid-for global army.

Iranian, Qatari, and left wing billionnaire funding of both Jew, Israel, and America hatred for the last fifty years have accomplished this. Everyone absolutely refused to see the danger coming. One cannot blame only PM Netanyahu for this blindness, the entire world is guilty as Hell. This time, the Gates of Vienna have fallen and Europe has already reaped the deluge.

Think of it: Hamas massacres and wounds thousands and kidnaps many hundreds of Israeli civilians–and Israel gets cursed for fighting back.

Hamas sadistically executes six completely beaten-down, still shackled, Israeli hostages in cold blood–and pro-Hamas demonstrations take place in Bled, Slovenia (!), at a global conference which is just ending.

In Bled, a so-called “Ambassador” from “Palestine” and a Palestinian Arab soprano had speaking (and singing) slots–and only one Israeli, left-wing Tzipi Livni, a former Knesset member and the minister responsible for the failed 2006 UN Resolution 1701 which prohibits all armed militias from operating anywhere in all of Lebanon, and who has long been out of power, was there, telling the Europeans just what they want to hear.

Media the world over continue to lead with headlines which position Israel’s fighting back as pre-emptive overkill, as demonically genocidal.

Once again: Hamas sadistically executes six hostages, hours away from being rescued, and Israelis who want a very different kind of state, not the one they have, stop traffic in Tel Aviv, call a half-day strike, blame only PM Netanyahu for Israel being attacked by Iranian proxies on three fronts simultaneously.

These Israeli protestors, mad with grief and fear, (heartbroken too), do not march to protest at the Gaza border, or attack Iran demanding the release of the remaining hostages, dead or alive. They do not take on the mullahs. No one does.

PM Netanyahu is the sole world leader who is standing against radical Islam. Presidents Obama, Biden, and Vice-President Harris all enabled Iran to get this far. If Harris is elected, I have every reason to assume that she (and her handler, Obama), will take it even further.

If the world does not back PM Netanyahu–we will all be overrun by radical fundamental Islamists who yearn for the destruction of the West and for a Shii’a Caliphate.

My saying so a quarter century ago, led to mockery, dis-invitations, and the loss of publishing venues.


Is PM Netanyahu a perfect human being or politician? Of course not. As has been said, whoever is–let them cast the first stone.

Does Israel need a full-scale reckoning about how its intelligence failed on 10/7, on what PM Netanyahu knew and when he knew it, on who may have stayed his hand on 10/7? Of course it does. But not now, not in the middle of this particular war.

Israel must first win this war, not a single Hamas terrorist can be left standing, not an inch of the Philadelphi corridor can be returned to Egypt or to Arabs in Gaza.

My colleague, Dexter Van Zile, recently published an article about a recent August, 16th, pro-Hamas demonstration in Boston. A counter pro-Israel demonstration proved very successful because many of the pro-Israel demonstrators were Iranians and partly because they just kept chanting: “If you’re siding with Hamas, you support rapists and murderers,” over and over again. The Hamasniks actually retreated.

Dare I dream? Why not. It is time for the Sunni Arab countries to join us on the front lines as well. It is in their interest to do so. Perhaps Jewish progressives will also begin to wake up, not only use their money-power but also take to the streets.

Heroic alliances are our only option. Netanyahu, stand strong.


First published in Israel National News