American Mid-East Coalition for Trump Member Responds to Washington Post Article

Hossein Khorram At Large Delegate to Republican National Convention Cleveland

I wrote about this here. Hossein Khorram was interviewed by Josh Rogin and in reponse to the article Mr. Khorram sent this to the Post, but received no reply, so this was published on the AMCT website. The WaPo article he is responding to is here.

Mr. Josh Rogin’s partisan article in the respectable Washington Post newspaper is a testimony to how low our professional journalism has sunk. Rather than providing an even playing field for exchange of ideas, his article is taking sides against AMCTrump and employs false claims in order to arrive at the desired conclusion.

Mr. Rogin conveniently leaves AMCTrump members’ statements in support of the document upon which our nation was founded, the U.S. Constitution, and our opposition to any religious or ethnicity test of any kind, out of the article. Mr. Rogin completely disregarded AMCTrump members’ admiration of Army Capt. Humayun Khan, who made the ultimate sacrifice in defending our freedoms and liberties and the fact that we are in eternal debt to our service members.

Mr. Rogin unfairly labels the AMCTrump members as those without popular support, and fails to mention that each of the Trump Delegates to the Republican National Convention were carrying the vote thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Americans of all religious and ethnicities.

Mr. Rogin fails to mention AMCTrump members are American citizens representing millions of American from diverse religious and ethnic backgrounds of Syrian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Kurd, Arab, Assyrian, Yazidi, Berber, Iranian, Sudanese and other communities from the Greater Middle East working to build a better America.

Mr. Rogin fails to mention AMCTrump’s opposition to the Iranian regime’s involvement with Hezbollah which was responsible for the murder of 241 U.S. serviceman in the bombing of military barracks in Beirut in 1983.

Mr. Rogin fails to mention AMCTrump’s opposition to the Iranians regime implicated in the bankrolling of the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia and the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in which over 200 people were killed.

Mr. Rogin fails to mention AMCTrump’s opposition to the human tragedy cause by Islamic terrorists who commit suicide, bombing, rape, torture, beheading, sex slave trade, human trafficking, and drug dealing as well as our opposition to the appeasement policies of the Obama administration with its foreign policy architect, Hillary Clinton. I urge President Obama/Secretary Clinton to revisit our history and remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s teachings and the struggles of Blacks in America for freedom and democracy. People of the Middle East are seeking the same rights. It is ironic to see President Obama and Secretary Clinton standing by on the sidelines and watching people of Middle East being massacred, raped and tortured by Muslim terrorists. The United States of America has been the beacon of democracy and staunch promoter of freedom, liberty, and justice for all, throughout her existence.

AMCTrump wishes the United States to continue this honorable tradition. Finally, AMCTrump is part of the diverse American political landscape and wishes to strengthen Middle Eastern civil societies both in the United States to prevent future attacks on our homeland, and abroad to reject the spread of militant Islam.



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