Amir Mohebbifar, Muslim "Refugee", Jailed For Rape of Non-Muslim Girl; One More Reason Why No More Muslims Should Be Let Into Australia

He came here by boat in March 2013, claiming asylum, and was foolishly granted his request.  In January 2014, having been in Australia less than a year, he raped an Aussie non-Muslim woman (and he is not the first or the only Muslim who, admitted into Australia as ‘migrant’, as ‘refugee’ or as ‘student’, has very quickly proceeded to attack the local non-Muslim women). 

Three accounts of the case, the trial and sentence, each containing additional details, have appeared in our papers: in the Telegraph, the Sydney Morning Herald, and the Australian.

First up, Ben McClellan’s report in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph.

“Iranian on Bridging Visa Amir Mohebbifar sentenced to six [sic: it says ‘eight’ in the text – CM] years’ jail for aggravated sex assault of 19 year old on Anzac Bridge”.

“An Iranian immigrant (that is: an Iranian Muslim immigrant – CM) sentenced to eight years’ jail for raping a teenage girl said [that[ in his home country western women were “portrayed as whores”, a court heard yesterday.

So what? That’s not a mitigating factor. He had been in Australia for nearly twelve months when he carried out the attack, plenty time enough for the relevant people to have impressed upon him, loud and clear, on multiple occasions, and in his own language just to make sure it got through, the fact that unislamically-dressed Australian women and girls are NOT whores and are not to be treated as such.  If they (our authorities and assorted immigration department employees) didn’t, they should have.  And they should also have told him – but clearly they did not – that he must obey OUR rules, OR ELSE; and that if he laid so much as a finger on any woman or girl, in Australia, against her will and without her consent, that he would be arrested, charged, punished, and then sent back to Iran.  Of course, all of this mess would have been avoided had he – as an identifiable Muslim male – never been allowed into the country in the first place. – CM

‘Amir Mohebbifar, 27, pleaded guilty to the aggravated sexual assault of the 19 year old woman in a brutal early-morning attack on Sydney’s Anzac Bridge on January 16 last year [2014].

‘Mohebbifar admitted he had pushed the young woman into bushes on a pathway leading up to the bridge in Pyrmont and then proceeded to rape her.

‘In sentencing him yesterday, Judge Donna Woodburne said Mohebbifar had preyed on a vulnerable young woman who was simply trying to get home.

‘Mohebbifar was sentenced to serve eight years in jail with a minimum non-parole period of six years.

Why grant him even the possibility of parole? He’s a menace to every nonMuslim female in Australia that he might happen to meet.  Make him serve out the full eight years; and then kick his backside all the way back to Iran where he belongs. – CM

‘Ms Woodburne said the sexual assault, in which Mohebbifar violently shoved two fingers into the victim’s vagina and “pushed hard” would have been “sheer terror” for the woman.

‘She kicked, screamed and even bit him to make him stop.

‘The university-educated Mohebbifar, who came from a middle-class Iranian family, told a psychologist that Western women were “portrayed as whores” in Iran.

That’s no excuse, and he should have been told as much. – CM

‘In explaining the reasoning behind (sic; I would have written – “In attempting to invent excuses for…” – CM)  his horrific attack he also said that he had been depressed because he had been unable to make friends since arriving in Australia.

Ah yes, it’s all our fault…He wuz depressed, poor dear, so he just had to sneak up on some poor girl, drag her into the bushes, and subject her to violent sexual assault.  Pfffft!  But: make friends with whom? If he’s a Muslim, then he’s not supposed to make friends with the dirty kuffar.  He’s only supposed to be friends with his fellow Muslims; Shiite if Shiite, Sunni if Sunni. If his fellow Muslims didn’t embrace him that’s his problem and theirs, not ours.  – CM

‘Mohebbifar sobbed in the court as his sentence was read out.

Fake tears, betcha. – CM

‘He sat next to a Persian interpreter (I’d like to know whether that interpreter is Muslim or non-Muslim; if Muslim, I wouldn’t trust a word they said – CM) and told the court through a letter he was “truly sorry and deeply regretted” what he had done.

I’ll bet he’s only sorry he got caught. – CM

‘Mohebbifar was living in Australia on an expired bridging visa after arriving by boat in March 2013.

His visa had expired.  Why wasn’t he tracked down and given the boot?  Memo to our immigration minister: can we please, please, please not let into the country any more males like ‘Amir Mohebbifar”? They’re a menace. 

And now to Stephanie Gardiner of the reliably Islamophile Sydney Morning Herald, who seems to have swallowed all those taqiyya tears and fake remorse.

‘Anzac Bridge Rapist Jailed for Six Years”.

Anzac Bridge Muslim Rapist Jailed For Six Years.  That’s what it should say. Because…Mohammed, who is the permanently-valid role model for all pious Muslims, raped non-Muslim captive women – Rayhana, Safiyya, Juwariyya, and the hapless slave, Maria the Copt – and approved of and acquiesced in the rape of non-Muslim women by his ‘companions’.  Islam encourages in Muslim men an attitude of total contempt and of sexual aggression toward non-Muslim women and girls; as we have seen in the multiple horrific cases of Muslim male gangs preying upon underaged girls in the UK, in the past twenty years and more. – CM

“Hi, are you walking home?”  With those seemingly friendly words, Amir Mohebbifar began a violent sexual attack on a 19 year old woman as she walked home on the Anzac Bridge.

Ignore the empty words; focus on the violent deeds. That is the way to see Islam for what it is, Muslims for what they are. – CM

‘After drinking most of a bottle of whiskey, Mohebbifar accosted the woman as she walked towards Balmain, in Sydney’s inner west, forced her into bushes and raped her just after 2 am on January 16 2014.

Drinking alcohol is forbidden by Islam (though many a Muslim is known to indulge in the hard stuff behind closed doors); but raping an uncovered woman, a dirty kuffar female, is perfectly halal, a logical follow-on from the misogyny – and the hatred of the  filthy unbelievers – that is hardwired into Islam

See an indepth discussion of the subject, here (Frontpage symposium from 2006,  “To Rape an Unveiled Woman”)

‘In the Downing Centre District Court on Wednesday, Judge Donna Woodburne sentenced Mohebbifar to at least six years’ jail for what she described as a serious and traumatic attack.

“To be accosted and seized and dragged off the street could only have been a terrifying experience”, Judge Woodburne said. 

‘The woman, who cannot be identified, did not give a victim statement to the court.

‘Mohebbifar, an Iranian asylum seeker who arrived in Australia by boat in March 2013, was on a bridging visa at the time of the attack.

‘The court heard that he had become frustrated and bored in Sydney because he found it hard making friends and was unable to work under the conditions of his visa.

So what?  Plenty of other people who are frustrated, bored, and out of work, or are having trouble making friends, do not leap upon random teenage girls and drag them into bushes and sexually assault them. – CM

“In the commission of his offence, he exhibited a sheer lack of respect and total disregard for his victim”, the judge said.

Yes.  And no amount of frantic excuse-making can make that fact go away. – CM

“In the face of the victim’s protests, screams and struggles, Mr Mohebbifar continued”.

“The attack perpetrated..was an aggressive sexual attack committed on a vulnerable young woman, committed on a street at night.  The Australian not responsible for that.  Mr Mohebbifar is, as he recognises”.

He got caught and he’s trying some damage control. I don’t believe a word he says. As for the government not being responsible…they are responsible insofar as they stupidly let him – and other barbaric Muslim males like him, of whom we have had not a few (gang rapists, indecent assaulters, taxi-driver rapists, online ‘groomers’ of underage girls) into the country in the first place.  They placed this dangerous Muslim’s lying sob story – whatever it was – ahead of their duty of care to the non-Muslim citizens of Australia, especially the female citizens.  The girl’s family would be well advised to sue the Immigration Department. – CM

‘Mohebbifar, who was found hiding under a car and “sweating profusely” after the attack, said he was ashamed of himself and was remorseful.

Pull the other leg, mate, it’s got bells on. – CM

‘He told a psychologist he lost control, but stopped the attack after about 20 minutes, because he knew it was wrong and “it was like a bad dream”.

I don’t believe him.  He might have realized that just perhaps he was going to get caught – as he did – and get in trouble with the Infidel law enforcement in Australlia – as he did – and that he might get given the boot – as I certainly hope he will be. That’s all . – CM

‘The court heard Mohebbifar told the psychologist, “I came to myself. My conscience came back to me and I stopped. What I was doing was not making sense to me”.

I’d like to hear from the victim.  I’d like to know whether someone came to her help, and how long it was between the attack and when this creep got arrested.  I’d like to know whether there is CCTV footage. Because, to be blunt, I don’t believe a word that issues from Mohebbifar’s mouth. My guess is that he’s saying whatever he thinks  the kuffar psychologist and judge and jury want to hear from him.  Damage control.  – CM

‘The former design student grew up in a happy, warm and liberal family environment in Iran, and his actions had brought shame upon his relatives, the court heard.

“He acknowledged that in Iran, Western women are portrayed as whores, but in his family, he had been taught to respect all people”, Judge Woodburne said.

Really?  “All people”? Or just “all Muslim people”?  And – supposing his parents were ‘liberal’, that doesn’t necessarily mean he shared their views.  Again, I have to say, given what he did – to a citizen of a country that had offered him hospitality – that I don’t believe him.  And now for a sob story:

‘The court heard Mohebbifar was forced to leave Iran after being threatened and intimidated by the family of his girlfriend, who did not approve of their relationship.  He was also worried about the possibility of harm against his girlfriend.

I don’t care. Send him back to face the music. He can flit to some other Muslim country if he likes. – CM

There’s a gap between the concern he felt for his Iranian girlfriend and the utter lack of concern he felt for the welfare, safety and security of his 19 year old victim”, the Judge said.

Yes.  And the gap is explained by Surah 48: 29: “Muhammad is the apostle of allah. Those who follow him are merciful to one another, and harsh [Arabic ashiddaa – also translatable as ‘violent’, ‘vehement’, ‘ruthless’, ‘hard’, and in French, ‘dur’ and ‘terrible’] to the unbelievers”.  The girlfriend in Iran is a fellow Muslim; the uncovered girl on the Anzac Bridge is a dirty kuffar.  The former is to be respected; the latter, not. – CM

‘Mohebbifar, who trembled and cried throughout the sentencing (crocodile tears – CM) pleaded guilty to aggravated sexual assault.

‘He was sentenced to a maximum term of eight years, and will be eligible for parole in January 2020.

Please, no parole.  Make him serve the full eight years in jug and then…put him on a plane to Iran. No matter how loudly he weeps and wails. We don’t need him. We don’t want him.

And now for the report from Lauren Farrow  of The Australian.

You will notice that not one of these reports anywhere mentions the word Islam or Muslim or says anything at all about the way in which, within the canonical texts of Islam, women in general, and non-Muslim women in particular, are described and how those texts say that women – Muslim and non-Muslim – are to be treated; and how and why that explains the fact that in fervently-Shiite-Muslim Iran Western – that is, Western non-Muslim – women are represented as “whores”. – CM

‘Anzac Bridge Attacker Jailed for 6 Years’.

‘An Iranian-born (and Muslim-reared – CM) man had found it difficult to “adjust” to Australian women’s “revealing garments” before sexualling assaulting a woman on Sydney’s Anzac Bridge.

Oh, poor little persecuted petal, surrounded by all those wicked kuffar whores with their head hair, ears, necks, arms and legs from the knee down exposed, he simply couldn’t control himself…waaah!  And we let this man into Australia? Why??? – CM

‘Amir Mohebbifar, 27, who had arrived at Christmas Island in 2013 and been granted a bridging visa, has been sentenced to at least 6 years in prison for the aggravated sexual assault last year.

‘He had told the court he had initially had issues with the clothing of Australian women but had always been taught to respect people.

I’d like to know his exact words. Because non-Muslims are not, of course, ‘people’; they are “the worst of beasts”, so says the Quran. – CM

“The Australian government and community is not responsible for that; Mr Mohebbifar is”, Judge Donna Woodburne said in sentencing him at Sydney’s District Court on Wednesday.

‘Mohebbifar approached the 19 year old woman on the bridge early on January 16.

‘She initially managed to brush off his questions (I’d like to know more about this: what questions, precisely? – CM) but soon after heard his footsteps quickening into a run towards her.

‘Despite her screaming and protests, he pushed her into a bush and sexually assaulted her, Judge Woodburne said.

‘He unzipped his pants but suddenly stopped and left.

Maybe he realized that he was going to be in big trouble with Aussie – non-Muslim – law enforcement. – CM

‘Police later discovered Mohebbifar “hiding under a car, sweating profuselfy and breathing heavily”.

Frightened of having annoyed the local kuffar enough to get booted back to Iran? – CM

“To be accosted, seized, and dragged off the street by a complete stranger must have been terrifying”, Judge Woodburne said. (describing the victim – CM)

“She was doing nothing more than peacefully going about her business, walking along public streets to go home”.

‘The court heard Mohebbifar had felt excluded, depressed and socially isolated in the lead-up to the attack (so what? plenty of Aussie non-Muslim men, feel  excluded, depressed and socially isolated and don’t jump out and sexually assault random females – CM) and did not know why he carried it out.

Pffft.  He was brought up in Muslim Iran.  That’s enough to explain it. – CM

“I wasn’t myself and I’m truly sorry” he said.

‘he said he had stopped the assault after unzipping his pants because “it was like suddenly my conscience woke up”.

Really?   – CM

“He wanted a girlfriend but was not sure how to make contact”, Judge Woodburne said.

Piffle.  He is, supposedly, university-educated; he had been in Australia for nearly a year; he should have known at least something about local customs and laws. – CM

‘Mohebbifar cried as he was sentenced to a minimum of six years and a maximum of eight.

“The fact that he will or might be deported is irrelevant to this sentencing exercise” Judge Woodburne said..”.

Deport him. Deport him. Deport him.  I hope that the victim’s family and friends are writing to the Immigration Minister and other relevant people right now, demanding that this man a/ serve out his full eight years behind bars, no parole and b/ sentence served, he be sent inexorably back to Islamic Iran, where he belongs. And they and all the rest of us Aussies need to be lobbying all our politicians day in and day out with one simple demand – “No. More.  Muslims!”.  The Muslims we’ve already let in have shown themselves to be, far too often, both expensive and dangerous; it’s time to stop importing them before the situation gets any worse.  – CM



One Response

  1. The most important question (missed by the author) is why did this guy get a bridging visa when his trip to Australia was driven by a private dispute between his girlfriend’s family and him? What part of the refugee convention allows for that? The system is utterly broken when someone from a dysfunctional Islamic country (Iran) can get a visa for a personal dispute. Makes it sound like the majority of ‘asylum seekers’ are taking the p*ss – they’re country shopping has nothing to do with being a real refugee.

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