An Israeli Jew Examines the Puzzle of "Palestinian" Privilege, A Subset of Muslim Privilege
A timely Op Ed from “Israel National News”, that deserves to be more widely known, for the phenomenon he is describing is not merely about “Palestinian” privilege but about Muslim privilege.
‘Op-Ed: Confronting Palestinian Privilege’.
‘How do heroic Palestinian freedom fighters get away with cold-blooded murder? How do they manage to legitimize attacks on ambulances and infants? Simple: Palestinian privilege.’
Which is, at bottom, an enactment of the principle of non-reciprocity at the heart of Islam, according to which Muslims, if they feel strong enough to get away with it, are fully entitled to do as they will to non-Muslims, to attack and abuse, in every imaginable way, any non-Muslims within their reach – whether dhimmis or harbis – but it is inconceivable, it is a capital offense, for those attacked non-Muslims to denounce, let alone resist or defend themselves against their Muslim attackers. In the Pact of Omar it is stipulated that a dhimmi, a non-Muslim who has submitted to Muslim rule, cannot “strike” a matter what, not even if a Muslim attacks him first. – CM
‘Malachi Rosenfeld was just driving home with three of his friends, on their way back from a basketball game, when it happened.
‘A car passed right next to theirs as the four unsuspecting friends – all of them residents of the village of Kochav Hashachar – laughed and joked together…
‘And then the shots rang out. Again. And again. And all that ended….
‘A moment later Malachi lay dying…
‘The car, severely damaged, ground to a halt, and one of Malachi’s friends watched in horror as the terrorists considered whether to go back and “finish the job”. Thankfully they did not, opting to drive away and live to murder another day instead of running the risk of being intercepted by the Israeli army.
‘After all, heroic Palestinian (sic: “Palestinian” Arab Muslim – CM) freedom fighters don’t do nearly as well against soldiers as they do against unarmed civilians.
And whenever they do, the deeply-dhimmified Useful Idiots of the western world shriek with indignation at the very idea that a Poor Palestinian has been shot by an uppity non-dhimmi Jew daring to defend himself against Muslim assault…- CM
‘Overhead that evening, as word spread of the attack, I heard the military helicopters pass over my home in Shiloh, just a few minutes’ drive from the site of the murder, which occurred outside Shvut Rachel on the next hill. I knew it was bad. A helicopter can only mean one thing – someone needs to make it to the hospital, right now, or they may well die. And today, less than 24 hours after he was critically injured, Malachi Rosenfeld did die of his injuries.
‘Malachi. 25 years old. In the prime of his life. Gunned down (by Muslims – CM) purely because he was a Jew. A Jew driving just a few kilometres away from the first capital of ancient Israel, Shiloh, where the sages of western journalism and the Storm-troopers of Arab-Islamic colonialism believe that Jews have no right to be.
‘Malachi was only the latest victim of a recent spate of terror attacks by Muslim terrorists in Israel.
‘Of course, even prior to this recent “spate”, terrorism against Jews by Muslims is nothing new here; but this past Ramadan, which isn’t even halfway gone, has been particularly violent (not just in Israel, of course – in France, Tunisia, Kuwait…and not only against Jews – CM).
‘And amid the ongoing pattern of so-called ‘lone wolf” attacks involving knives, cars, and occasionally guns, in the past two weeks a clear pattern has emerged here in the Binyamin region, in the hills of Samaria just north of Jerusalem.
‘It began two weeks ago, when two Jewish hikers from the central Israeli city of Lod visited a natural spring, where their ancestors once walked.
‘As they left to return home, a Palestinian Arab man (a “Palestinian” Arab Muslim man – CM) waved their car down, apparently in need of assistance.
‘They stopped – Jews love to help people.
‘He approached them and began asking for water, and then, having confirmed that the two men were indeed Israeli Jews (though any kind of Jew at all would have done as a sacrificial victim; Muslim Jew-hatred is hardwired into the texts of Islam, which were concocted during a time when Jews in eretz Israel were living under the dominion of the Byzantine Empire, the heir of the Roman Empire – CM) pulled out a gun and started shooting from point-blank range.
‘Danny Gonen was killed and his friend, injured, left for dead. The terrorist, meanwhile, escaped to a nearby Arab (that is: Arab Muslim – CM) village.
‘Four days earlier, I had been driving just a few miles from the scene of that attack, when a Palestinian (sic: ‘Palestinian’ Arab Muslim – CM) man attempted to flag me down. My instinct, too, was to stop and help…but something held me back. Vague memories of stories from the Second Intifada in which well-intentioned Israelis (that is, Israeli Jews – CM) were murdered or carjacked after stopping to help an ostensibly-stranded Palestinian (that is, “Palestinian” Arab Muslim – CM) motorist. So I drove on – why risk it? I felt a little bit bad at the time – I don’t any more.
There is a lesson in there, I think, for all those Infidel states that, today, are being besieged by neverending swarms of Muslims all tearfully claiming to be “refugees” in need of succour, in need of hospitality. “We are suffering! Help us! Feed us, clothe us, take us in!” Said Muslims may look like victims, and may tell very convincing sob stories…but are they? And what will they, or their children or grandchildren do, once they are well inside the door, not of your car, but of your home, your country? – CM
‘In between those two deadly attacks was another attack, also in Binyamin, and with the same modus operandi but thankfully with a far less tragic outcome.
‘As an Israeli ambulance drove towards the town of Bet El (that is, biblical Bethel – CM), next to Ramallah and less than half an hour north of Jerusalem, ambulance driver Shalom Galil noticed an Arab man (an Arab Muslim man – CM) standing by the side of the road.
‘He recounted what happened next, to Arutz Sheva:
“I returned from Ofra, which is a few kilometres north of Beit El”. Galil said. “This was on a new highway that was recently opened. The terrorist was standing outside his vehicle, with the car’s motor running. Without shame, without trying to hide, and boldly looking at me, he drew his weapon, and began shooting.”
‘Shots fired, at point-blank range, by an Arab (an Arab Muslim – CM) terrorist who immediately sped away in his vehicle, in the Binyamin region. Only this time, the target was an ambulance.
‘After all, brave Palestinian (sic: “Palestinian” Arab Muslim – CM) freedom fighters stand a much better chance against Israeli ambulances than against military checkpoints.
‘Thank God, Galil miraculously escaped unharmed, though his ambulance was peppered with bullets….
‘The striking similar tactics – the brazenness, the cold-blooded nerve to approach a vehicle to make sure its occupants are Jewish and not Arab-Israelis (that is, “and not Muslims” – CM) and the fact that all of the attacks took place within a radius of just a few miles, has led the security services to believe all three are the act of an organized terrorist cell, not individual “lone wolves”.
And both the so-called “lone wolves” and the “terrorist cells” are crystallising naturally out of the Ummah, the Muslim ‘community’ that teaches its children – from Quran, Sira and Hadith and their orthodox interpreters – to despise and hate the dirty unbelievers, and that believes firmly that Islam, alone, has the right to rule, to dominate, always and everywhere. – CM
‘But regardless, the attacks are actually evidence of something much more fundamental to understanding the struggle here in the Middle East: Palestinian privilege.
“Palestinian” Muslim privilege. Which is a subset of ‘Muslim privilege” that seems to have become – or is becoming – normalised all over the place. – CM
‘Consider: All of this happened as the actions of the Israeli Defence Forces during last summer’s ‘Operation Protective Edge’ were being scrutinized under a microscoope, and then inevitably condemned, by the UN’s kangaroo-court of tyrants, the ironically-named UN Human Rights Council.
‘Grim-faced, the protectors of human rights from (Muslim – CM) Algeria, (Muslim – CM) Bangladesh, (majority-Muslim – CM) Kazakhstan, (fanatically-Muslim – CM) Pakistan, (Muslim, and energetically jihad-financing-and-inciting – CM) Qatar, (historically deeply-antisemitic – CM) Russia, (fanatically-Muslim – CM) Saudi Arabia, the EAU (also Muslim – CM), and (Marxist-influenced and ever-more-influenced by Muslim Iran – CM) Venezuela passed their harsh judgement against the Jewish (but that’s just incidental) state’s actions to stop incessant rocket fire against its civilians, and to prevent cross-border assaults by terrorists emerging from tunnels dug with just one purpose: to kill, maim and kidnap as many Israelis (that is: as many Jews – CM) as possible.
‘And standing by their side, the liberals of Europe nodded their assent, sighing as they felt the yoke of guilt for the crimes of the twentieth century shift just slightly from their shoulders.
‘Palestinian privilege (i.e Palestinian Muslim privilege – CM): when you can hide behind civilians, establish military bases and bunkers and rocket launchers in schools, mosques, hospitals and private homes – and still walk away guilt-free from the consequences of your actions.
‘Palestinian (Muslim – CM) privilege: when your complaints about Jews building on land that was never yours in the first place elicit loud, vociferous headlines and cries of support – but if you shoot at an ambulance no-one bats an eyelid.
‘Palestinian (Muslim – CM) privilege: when you can shoot up a car full of innocent, unarmed civilians, coldly execute an innocent nature-lover on a hike, cut off the heads of infant children or crush their little skulls with rocks, butcher innocent worshippers at prayer – and yet still your ’cause’ remains whiter than white, a cause celebre among the chic and the liberal.
As I discovered recently in a baffling and frightening conversation with the nice, sweet wife of an Anglican vicar, who was much exercised about how mean the horrible Jews were (supposedly) being to the poor, poor ‘Palestinians’, but refused to listen and essentially put her hands over her ears when I tried to educate her about Islamic antisemitism – which long pre-dates the reestablishment of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel – and about the doctrine of Jihad that lies at the core of Islam. When I tried to explain that the checkpoints and the fence and the recent military attack upon Jihad Fortress Gaza were merely Israel’s attempt to defend itself against a genocidal Jihad that is a subset of the wider global Jihad. She absolutely refused to believe me. – CM
‘Palestinian (Muslim – CM) privilege: when your towns and villages are built atop the ruins of an ancient, indigenous Jewish civilization – some still carrying their original Hebrew names (Susyia, Hevron, Jerusalem, Bethlehem) or bastardized versions of them (Battir/ Betar; Anata/ Anatot; Beitin/ Bet El; Beit Jalla/ Gilo) and yet you are still able to claim that those who came before you are “occupiers” while you are the “natives”.
‘Palestinian (Muslim – CM) privilege: when massacres by your co-religionists committed against white Europeans (that is, against European non-Muslims – CM) or even other Muslims are called “terrorism” but your acts of brutality against the Jew are merely “militant”.
In the case of Muslim attacks on non-Jewish infidels within western countries – and elsewhere, such as Thailand, China, India, Burma – Muslim privilege manifests in a different way. Yes, the attack may be identified as “terrorism”. Though not always; as we see from the recent murderous vehicular jihad attack carried out in Graz, Austria, which – despite its obvious similarity to previous murderous vehicular attacks carried out by Muslims against non-Muslims in both Israel and the USA – everyone is pretending could not possibly have anything to do with the fervently-held Muslim beliefs of the attacker. But even when an act, by Muslims, is identified as “terrorism” everyone – reporters, government officials, pundits – falls over themselves to protect the ideology of Islam, and the Ummah colonies in the affected countries, from scrutiny. The Infidel public, at all costs, must be prevented from wondering whether acts of terror might be mandated by Islam and approved of by some – or even by many – run-of-the-mill Muslims. These “terrorist” acts, even when carried out by self-identifying Muslims shouting allahu akbar, even when carried out – like the Lee Rigby murder – by Muslims who proudly quote the Quran chapter and verse while the blood is still warm, are all pronounced over and over to be “nothingtodowithIslam”. And if those attacked can be represented as having offended Muslims – by making a film critical of Islam, as Theo Van Gogh did, or by drawing cartoons, as Charlie Hebdo artists did, or by holding a Mohammed cartoons art exhibition, as was done by Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller (in their case they survived the attempted jihad attack, because their security screen included a cool-headed cop with deadly aim) then more and more the reporting seems to side with the attackers and blame the victims for having “provoked” the attack. These days no-one in authority tells Muslims in general, within the West, that they need to grow thicker skins and get used to being criticised, questioned, and even laughed at, and that murdering or threatening to murder cartoonists and critics is just. not. on. – CM
‘Without understanding Palestinian privilege (that is, Muslim privilege – CM) it is impossible to grasp the root of the conflict here in the Middle East (and pretty well everywhere else – CM), why it grinds on with such a grim inevitability, why all facts and figures displayed by Israeli advocates are ignored, to their utter incredulity.
‘it must be confronted, by every Jew who cares about his or her people, indeed, by every decent human being who truly cares about human rights, honesty and justice.
‘We owe it to Malachi, we owe it to Danny, and we owe it to ourselves.”.
One hopes that someone, soon, will translate Rev Dr Mark Durie’s lucid study of the dhimma, “The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom” into modern Hebrew, and French, and Russian. Because it would be very helpful to people such as the author of this Israel National News op-ed. He would be able to recognise a dhimmi mindset both in the exculpation of and sympathy for the “Palestinian” Arab Muslim assault upon the Jews of Israel, and also in the frantic haste with which authority figures in the West rush to dissociate Islam as such – and the general Muslim ‘community’ – from the threatened, attempted, and more and more often achieved acts of Jihad terror that are taking place ever more frequently within the gates of every non-Muslim country that now has a resident Muslim colony on its soil. Muslim attacks on Jews are not ‘terrorism’ but ‘militancy’; while Muslim attacks on non-Muslims in the UK, or Tunisia, or Canada, or France, are ‘terrorism’, yes, but still have “nothingtodowithIslam”. Either way, Islam, and the Muslims who enact the jihad imperative hardwired into Islam, are being exempted from criticism; and that exemption from criticism is precisely what the sharia decrees. – CM