Anjem Choudary blames Britain for ‘radicalising’ MP David Amess’s killer

I noticed last week that Anjem Choudary’s latest blog was now defunct. I wondered what he was using next to spout perfidy and mala fides; apparently this week he is using Godaddy. From the Sun.

The convicted terrorist, 55, claimed UK foreign policy drove Ali Harbi Ali to stab the Southend MP to death. It comes after pals said Ali’s mind was turned by videos Choudary himself had published online.

In a blog on a website hosted by US firm GoDaddy, Choudary wrote of Ali: “Who radicalised him?

“It is now evident from his clear testimony it was the British foreign policy in Syria and Iraq.”

Choudary said he believed the media would “paint Ali as a monster”.

GoDaddy was approached for comment.