Anjem Choudary charged with supporting a terror organisation

From The Telegraph

Anjem Choudary, the radical cleric, has been charged with supporting the banned terror group, Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

The 48-year-old, from Ilford, was charged along with Mohammed Rahman, 32 with inviting support for a proscribed terrorist organisation, namely Isil, Both men were detained in custody and will appear before Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday afternoon. 

Sue Hemming, Head of Special Crime and Counter Terrorism at the Crown Prosecution Service, said: “Following an investigation by the Metropolitan Police’s Counter Terrorism Command, we have today authorised charges against Anjem Choudary and Mohammed Mizanur Rahman.

“We have concluded that there is sufficient evidence and it is in the public interest to prosecute Anjem Choudary and Mohammed Rahman for inviting support for ISIL, a proscribed terrorist organisation, between 29 June 2014 and 6 March this year. Each man is charged with one offence contrary to section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

“It is alleged that Anjem Choudary and Mohammed Rahman invited support for ISIS in individual lectures which were subsequently published online. The decision to prosecute was taken in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors.”