Another leftist hypocrite denounced

Pro-Palestinian Linda Sarsour is loved by some (and despised by others). She is National Co-Chair of the Women’s March “resisting” Trump and she’s also a Leftist hypocrite. In this case, she denied the abuse occurred because the man in question was a good Muslim who went to mosque. 

Here is the account of the sexual assault, provided to The Daily Caller by alleged victim Asmi Fathelbab:

Linda Sarsour supervised my sexual assault

I cannot stand by any longer and watch everyone praise a woman that claims to be for women’s rights and someone that fights for women when she herself allowed for abuse to occur to women.

The #METOO movement angered me because it gave me flashbacks to things that occurred while working for a non-profit in 2009.

In 2009, I was contracted under AmeriCorps to work for the nonprofit The Arab American Association of New York, in Brooklyn where Linda Sarsour was the acting director of the organization. The following occurred to me during that 12 month nightmare called a job.

I was stalked to and from work and inside the building. I complained to a supervisor that there was a strange man stalking me and was informed that he did not actually work there but lived upstairs above the office.

He would sneak up on me during times when no one was around and, depending on what floor I was on, you could hear me scream at the top of my lungs.

I would be thrown and pinned up against the wall by him.

He had a tendency of sneaking up behind me to touch me.

While this would go on, the acting director, Linda Sarsour, would tell me each time that I was over reacting, even threatened to fire me once when she heard me screaming from the second floor because this man came out of nowhere and touched me. According to Sarsour,  something like that did not happen to someone that looked like “me” and no one would ever believe me if I ever told them what happened. How dare I interrupt her TV news interview in the other room with my lies.

I went to the president of the organization and was told my stalker was a God-fearing man who was always at the Mosque so he wouldn’t do something like that and that I wasn’t his type anyway, so I was just making things up because I wanted attention.

I was told this was a man that worked at the United Nations and it was made loud and clear that whatever I was saying to defame his name could be used against me when he wanted to sue me.

The stalking was worse. I was under an AmeriCorps contract and they had sent me a message asking how I liked my job and to rate how safe it was etc. I told them the truth. I told them I did not feel safe. I told them I did not want to be there anymore. I told them to find anywhere else to place me.

I received a call from the supervisor from Detroit where she asked me to tell her in detail what was happening and told me she’d take care of it.

I thought I was saved and everything would be OK until I received a call from her the next day calling me a liar, threatening to cancel my contract and write me up. At the same time, Linda Sarsour was informing me that she would make sure I would never work in New York City ever again for as long as she lived.

On top of that, later that afternoon I had a visit from a community liaison Detective from the NYPD. He came to my office locked the door and proceed to tell me he was there to arrest me for making a false statement regarding being stalked, sexually harassed and sexually assaulted.

I had to talk him out from arresting me that night and explain that I was the victim.

I didn’t know what to do.

I’ve had several jobs that I was let go of since then when she had discovered that I was working there.

I’ve had several people tell me that I was unemployable because of what I did at that job. All I wanted was to feel safe and not worry some stalker was going to pin himself up against me so I would be fully aware that he was erect.

I wanted to be able to go home without the worries of him waiting to grab me in front of my house to rape me.

I’ve had several political jobs where Sarsour told the candidates that if they wanted to win the Muslim vote, they had to fire me and hire her instead because I was the most hated person within the Muslim community in all of NYC.

I haven’t been able to obtain a steady job since 2009 because AmeriCorps decided I shouldn’t be able to stay within the program because of the horrible write up I had obtained from my supervisors.

This is not the only story pertaining to Sarsour about what she does to women.  This is one of many. I cannot stand by and watch women put her on a pedestal and not know the truth.  Here is the truth: If you were in front of Linda Sarsour being sexually harassed, she wouldn’t help you, she’d try to shut you up for complaining.

I know because it happened to me.



One Response

  1. This is virtually identical to the experiences of a close friend of mine. She was harassed and raped at a Big Three automaker in Detroit.
    They “gaslighted” her and dragged her through the courts for 30 years. She never worked again. Eventually, the auto company had to pay a small amount of damages. Her life was ruined.

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