Anti-Racist Feminism Forever

Generation Identity England are hosting an international conference today. Unfortunately Martin Sellner of Austria was refused entry at Luton airport last night again and Bodi Abdel was also refused entry from Hungary. His speech was read by a British activist. I don’t know much yet about how the conference went. However tomorrow Annika Franzisk of Germany, a founder of the #120dB movement intends to speak at Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park on the subject to the menace to European women posed since the advent of islamisation of Europe and unfettered mass migration by such practices as mass rape and sexual abuse, FGM, ‘honour’ killings etc. The group take their name for the 120 decibel shriek emitted by a pocket sized rape alarm.

However the usual suspects among the Antifa and fellow travelling community intend to obstruct her. At this moment I cannot be sure that family committments will allow me to go into London to observe. But I have some observations to make from my desk. 

This is the twitter logo of some of the anti-fascist network women who intend to do their bit to stop free speech. Interesting how men of the EDL and others of the white working class are condemned as being tattooed, shaven headed knuckle-draggers. But on a middle class person tattoos are body art, or ‘ink’ and an expression of individuality. Sometimes the only individuality allowed them. 

I expect they think this design represents multicultural siblinghood (must not exclude the trans community) graphically. And so it does, to a T. 

Six obvious women and an androgynous character, only one of which is of white indigenous European appearance (statistically correct for many districts of London and certain other once English cities).

Their eyes are closed; they see no mass rape gangs, no razzia gangs, no FGM. Forced marriage and child marriage is cultural and respected. Honour killings are merely the patriarchy doing what the patriarchy does in all cultures. 

Their mouths are closed in submissive smiles. We won’t speak out. We wear hijab, or at least respect hijab; please do not rape us.

Their head are bowed in further submission; we respect your culture. Please do not beat us. Again. 

But they know that all is not well, these cowards who pick the soft easy target. #metoo not Rotherham, Telford and Oxford. Look at the scarlet cheeks. They burn with shame

Shame on them indeed. 


One Response


    The nanny state appeared when women were given the vote.


    All criminals, when caught, extort and blame their victims by playing dumb and acting as victims themselves. Some if not most even habituate to playing “fellow” victims all the time.

    Into that last category are WOMEN. Women USUALLY play the victim towards men – just to attract them and get laid – and are believed by superficial people simply because they are smaller and weaker, even if and when no specific physical threat was implied to have been involved.

    This emotively slanders all men as cunning predators, even though most men feel protective of women and, contrary to the women’s slanderous victimology narrative that men are all part of “the Patriarchy” who are always united in proactively plotting to suppress their rights, most men do not think of women as intellectually threatening enough to warrant needing to be plotted against or suppressed at all, and further won’t unite with other men to do so!

    Women resent being treated as mindless sex objects, but then project their own insecurities onto men by also accusing them of taking women seriously as intellectual threats, even so far as to presume that the sexual objectification of women is a deliberate choice made only to belittle and disparage them, in order to cover up the men’s own intellectual insecurities!

    In fact, however, men never unite with other men to suppress women, and in stead most men can be counted on to betray other men and even to adopt the women’s own victimology narrative, and to slander all (“those other”) men as aggressors.

    This is why in a democracy, the political and legal systems tend to eventually be slanted 90% against men and in favour of women.


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