A Former Muslim Speaks About the Fort Hood Massacre

by Mohammed Asghar with Jerry Gordon (December 2009)



Introductory remarks:

Though Major Nidal received his education, and training, in the United States, the cost of which was borne by US taxpayers, he never had the intention to fight for, and defend, the United States of America. He trained to fight for Allah and his causes and to propagate Islam and defend the teaching of the Quran.

Major Nidal Hasan Malik



(Source: FOX Television News of Nov 13, 2009).


Gordon: What identified Major Islam as a devout Muslim intent on committing Jihad?

There are at least 109 verses in the Quran that call Muslims to war, and to kill those who do not believe in both Allah and Muhammad. One verse reads:

Gordon: Why is violence towards unbelievers sanctioned in Quranic Islam? 

Asghar: In my understanding, Islam has had two faces. The first face of Islam, which I call the Meccan Islam, does not really call for the killing of the unbelievers. Their punishment is left in the hereafter to Allah. This Islam died after Muhammad migrated to Medina.

There, Islam got a new face, thanks to the rich and obstinate Jews of the city. Though their number was not huge, they were expert artisans, and good at making weapons of war. Many of them were also farmers, and the techniques they used for farming made them rich. A good number of them were also money lenders.

The Quran mirrors the violence that Muhammad resorted to in order to make himself successful against the Jews of Medina. He slaughtered 700-900 of them, claiming that they supported his Meccan enemies.

Gordon: Is Islam a state religion and political ideology?

Gordon:  What keeps 1.3 billion Muslims believing in Quranic Islam?

Those Muslims who would not abide by the words of the Quran would burn forever in hellfire.

The details of the punishments that the sinner would suffer in hell, as described in the Quran, will make anyone shudder with extreme fear. It is the allurements of heaven and the fear of the punishment of hell that keep so many Muslims glued to the teaching of the Quran, even though most Muslims have never read it in their lifetime. Most Muslims depend on their Mullahs to learn about what is written in their sacred scripture.

Gordon: Is the Islamic law of Sharia in conflict with the U.S. Constitution?

In other words, sharia is a constitution given to Muslims by Allah, who is infallible. Conversely, the U.S. Constitution was framed by some humans, and they were fallible. Their thoughts, wisdom and far-sightedness cannot match that of Allah.

Since Muslims are required by Allah and his apostle to lead their lives according to the Quran and hadiths, sharia takes precedence over all man-made laws and constitutions. Therefore, they cannot, and must not, follow the latter, as it would be tantamount to disobeying Allah and his prophet.

Of course, sharia violates Article 3 of our Constitution. Sharia forbids Muslims from following or living under the non-Muslim rulers. If it is not an act of sedition, I wonder what else would qualify as a seditious proclamation!

But sharia is only for the Muslims. It can be imposed on non-Muslims only after they have been converted to Islam. Many Muslims, including their women, want to live under Sharia in the belief that by doing so they would come closer to Allah and their Prophet without whose intercession many of them would not enter heaven on the Day of Judgment.

Gordon: What in your view should be done to contain propagation of extremist Muslims beliefs among Muslims serving in the military?

Our politically correct leaders created Muslim military chaplains to minister to the Muslims in our Military. Muslims need chaplains or Imams to give them lessons on Islam and what it requires of them, especially in terms of the propagation of Islam among the unbelievers in our armed forces.

We can, however, minimize the spread of Islam amongst our soldiers, if we:

diligently monitor the activities and the sermons of the Muslim chaplains;

try to “introduce” these chaplains to the true teachings of the Quran in the “hope” that their acquaintance with “facts” might change their minds. This may not yield the result we would want to see, but it is worth giving a try. The former Muslims can play an important role in this effort: and



Gordon: Has outreach to Muslim groups had a chilling effect on government counterterrorism programs?

We have been able to “avoid” further attacks on our soil due to the commendable jobs our intelligence agencies have been doing from the time all of them were brought under a single command. It was also made possible by the colossal amount of money we have been spending on protecting our homeland from Muslim terrorists’ attacks. Even though I was never a fan of our former President George W. Bush, still I admire his decision to bring all of our intelligence gathering agencies under one roof as well as his decision to destroy the training grounds and the shelters of the al-Qaeda leadership in Afghanistan. As a result of his campaigns in Afghanistan, al-Qaeda has become fragmented, and its leadership significantly weakened.

Today, al-Qaeda is not under the direct leadership of a single high command. It has split into many factions and each one of them has been operating in various countries under local leaders. Of course, Osama bin Laden still remains their beacon and the source of inspiration, even though many of the al-Qaeda operatives do not know for sure whether or not he is still alive.

But I am not sure that the outreach programs of the government would produce any good result. If the outreach program is aimed at stopping the Muslims from thinking about a world where only Muslims would live, this program would not work. Muslims can never waive their right to own the whole earth and to rule it with the help of sharia.

Gordon: What is “stealth Jihad?”

“Stealth Jihad” means that Muslims do not have to openly declare their intention to fight or kill anyone they deem to be an unbeliever, thus an enemy of Allah and His Prophet.

So you see, Allah has instructed the Muslims to lie in wait and when the time or the opportunity is right, to jump on their target and kill him or them. Muslims have been doing exactly what Allah has asked them to do: they stealthily attack and kill their kafir enemies whenever and wherever they get the opportunity to do so.

I believe there are many stealth Jihadists in our midst, but they are now lying low due to the activities of our law enforcement and counter terrorism agencies. They will raise their heads and try to inflict harm on us whenever they get an opportunity to do so. Therefore, we have to remain alert and report suspicious activities. This is our first line of defense against our enemies. Any lapse by our security apparatus could spell disaster.

Saudi funding plays no role in changing the minds of the Muslims. The real culprit is the Quran. For so long as it is read and followed, our military is likely to face many problems from its Muslim soldiers, including the carnage it witnessed recently at Fort Hood.

Why doesn’t the government of Saudi Arabia allow Christians to build any church on its soil, when we have permitted the Muslims to build thousands of mosques across our country?

Why is it Christians cannot go to public places in Saudi Arabia with a copy of the Bible in their hands, when the copies of the Quran are available in almost all book stores in our country?

Why can’t we stop the Muslim Imams from reading out those verses of the Quran that exhort the Muslims to kill the kafirs, when Saudi Arabia does not permit the Non-Muslims to hold their prayer congregations inside their own homes?

Gordon: How important is the development of specialists to instruct officials in Islamic war doctrine and what role could former Muslims play in such

: Military minds are trained to fight and win wars. Therefore, most, if not all, military echelons have never read the Quran. The same situation applies to most of our counter-terrorism experts.


Gordon: Muslim Brotherhood front groups argue that Maj. Hasan’s actions were those of a deranged person and not a professing Muslim. What are your views?

There is a saying, “a drowning man catches at a straw to save his life.” This saying fully applies to the Muslim apologists, including the Muslim Brotherhood.


Gordon: Why do you believe the Army failed to detain Major Hasan prior to the Fort Hood shooting?

Asghar: Ours is one the largest armies of the world. Fort Hood holds a large number of our fighting men and women. Therefore, it is not possible for the top brass of the army to watch over the activities of all soldiers.



Gordon: What caused you to leave Islam?

I left Islam over 25 years ago, when I found out that it is a violent and hateful religion. It has divided the human race into the Believers and Non-Believers; the former having the right to kill the latter for not believing in what the former believes in.


Before I left Islam, I was a moderately practicing Muslim, but an incident involving the burial of my mother provoked me to understand the religion I was practicing from my childhood.

I turned away from Islam and began talking about its precepts to my friends and relatives. Almost all of them became my enemies and they would have killed me if I had not left the country and taken up residence in the United States. I would be killed, if I were to visit Bangladesh now.

I now live in California. Here, a lot of Muslims know me and almost all of them hate me for my stand on Islam. But they do not argue with me, because whenever I talk about Islam, I always use quotations from the Quran to back myself up.


more realistic counterterrorism program?

Asghar: Most former Muslims know much more about Islam than many Muslim Mullahs. They know how and what the Muslims think. They also know what induces Muslims to violence and which verses of the Quran put them on the path of mayhem, violence and murder.

Understanding the Muslim mind will be a great victory for America and our government can achieve it with the help of the Former Muslims.


Gordon: Can we expect more Jihad events like the Fort Hood mass shooting by Maj. Hasan from American born Muslims?

Yes, I expect further Jihadi events to take place in America. Fort Hood-like attacks cannot be ruled out. We do not know how many more Hasans there are in our armed services and what they are planning against this country. They are unpredictable and ungrateful. They will do anything to earn their entry into heaven by pleasing Allah and His Prophet.


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