A Little Tale Of Christmas

Have You Got A Few Minutes? Good! Then Let Me Tell You A Little Tale Of Christmas, Please

by John M. Joyce (Dec. 2008)


There was another animal awake in the house as well as little mouse, boys and girls. Big Black Cat was awake and lying on the hearthrug in front of the banked-up fire in the parlour. She was just thinking cat thoughts about cat things and being glad that she had decided to stay inside on this cold and snowy evening. She had gone out earlier just to check that no one had stolen her garden or used her favourite scratching tree without her say-so. But she was very glad that she had come back in early because cook had given her a special dinner of turkey and goose innards and had even put some rich gravy on her dinner. She could hardly move because her tummy was so full and she was very happy just to lie in front of the fire tonight. Those pesky mice and rats outside would just have to be caught on some other night.

Little Johnnie sat up in his railway engine shaped bed and wondered about the sound which he was sure that he had just heard even though he had been asleep.

He saw it! It was a huge creature with enormous wings standing in the middle of the snow-covered lawn and panting and steaming like a Sodor train from one of the lovely books which his grandfather had given him for his birthday. It sparkled all over as if it was covered in fairy lights and its huge tail glinted against the snow with many colours making it look like the tail was made of woven sparkly Christmas strands of tinsel.

The Christmas Dragon thought about that for a moment or two,

Johnnie put some marzipan on the outside windowsill and slowly closed the window whilst watching the sparkling shape of the Christmas Dragon fly across the sky with his precious cargo of dreams.

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