A Mirabilary of the Passing Parade: Amerika after the Independence Day Parades

by Cynicus Americanus (August 2017)




A Mirabilary

Signs And Wonders of The Devolution Of Man And The Decline Of Western Civilization In The Wake Of Obama In The Age Of the Gnostics In A Republic of Dunces, A Federation of Twits, An Accommodation Of DumbAsses.

And The Rise Of The Criminally Insane Class

The Passing Parade

As Observed by Cynicus Americanus


God had not created government for the certain knowledge that it would corrupt Creation. Man thought it worth an effort. God was right.  Cynicus Americanus



The UGA . . . The United Governments of America

The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit, but above all to corrupt the citizens . . . Henceforth I shall never serve any government anywhere.  Leo Tolstoy


The Country That Disappeared

The wellsprings of all great regrets are great expectations.


First Conservative
Otto von Bismarck


The Progressive era of the West arrived by way of Bismarck and Germany. Otto, being a conservative, was, by that characteristic alone, a natural born progressive. He sought to stay the power and the rise of the Socialists in Germany. He did so thinking like a socialist, calculating as a socialist, and preempting socialist aims by providing what Socialists had not yet the wherewithal/power to dole out.


God had not long been dead. Rumors had it He’d been done in by some German thinkers. There was a vacuum and it had to be filled—the State enthusiastically volunteered. The self-contained and all-powerful, and all but eternal, secular state of Government was born. The late nineteenth century progressives had paved, either ingeniously or ingenuously, the road for the counter-revolution of the 20th century—Leftism.


All that had been internalized in the people over the course of a century by the efforts of the American Longshanks, Abe Lincoln, John Dewey, Woodrow Wilson, up to the tag team of Eleanor and Franklin, had been externalized by Obama. Government had fully, successfully, made the transition from last resort to first.


I Pledge Allegiance


One Nation? We haven’t a nation, what we have is a menagerie.


Indivisible? There are more factions in Amerika than there are political Parties in the discreet geopolitical parliaments of all EU European semiautonomous territories. This, (needless to say, one would think) is not, in either case, a good thing.


The beholden, put upon, ersatz citizen undergoes, incrementally, the tests of Job. His bitter lamentations come to nothing. His faith in the goodness of government has been downgraded. Yet through all his tribulations a glimmer of unwavering . . . something . . . remains. It is no longer so much faith as it is hope. He votes because he can do nothing else. He hopes for . . . yet another election.


Want More?

Who would say this country has not prepared itself for tomorrow?


The United Governments employ some two million federal workers, mostly bureaucrats but no small contingent of law enforcement/investigation, uniformed patrolmen and sorters and deliverymen . . . and uniformed military, and contractors and grantees—their employees—another . . . well . . . let’s do some reckoning.



The numbers are seven to ten years old, their age an implication that things have gotten worse (czardoms)—such being the nature of centralized government—from distension to blubbery bloat to cancerous metastases.


As a matter made official, as of 2009, the federal government employed 2.8 million individuals out of a total U.S. workforce of 236 million—just over 1 percent of the workforce.


Add to that the aforementioned million and a half uniformed military personal and we are well over 4 million.


With the addition of the contractor/grantee labor estimates, the true size of the federal government was about 11 million: 1.8 million civil servants, 870,000 postal workers, 1.4 million military personnel, 4.4 million contractors, and 2.5 million grantees.


But wait! There’s more!

Leviathan (DC +) is easily dwarfed in numbers by state and local (municipal/county) direct employees. By U. S. Census Bureau numbers, there are 3.8 million full-time and 1.5 million part-time employees on state payrolls. Local governments add a further 11 million full-time and 3.2 million part-time personnel. This means that state and local governments combined employ 19.5 million Americans.


We shall leave the NGOs out of the reckoning even though they are in bed with government and blatantly parrot government narratives. Quid pro quo lives and thrives at the intersection of government and non-government organizations.


Is That Lightning I Hear?

What could anyone make of so great a number of local, state, and federal employees?


That we are thereby looked after, cared for, cared about? Liked? Respected? That life abounds? That our borders are secure? That our cities and towns are electric but not explosive? That peace guides the planets and love steers the stars?



Daring Young Americans On The Flying Trapeze


Never was there such a nirvana as ours. When you’ve travelled this far and fallen this deep, what’s there to keep anyone from imagining Utopia? Remember? . . . BOUNCE.




No-one, but no-one is more mindful of good, and the good of tomorrow, than mothers and fathers.

The fact of the matter is, there where there are few children, there is little faith and little more of hope. As things stand, there’s little need of any tomorrows but our own. The rest of the young sods are on their own. Right! . . . right?


Still Not Enough! Want More?

It left many dead, many injured, many disturbed, many suicidal, and too, too many to the un-tender mercies of the Veterans Administration. The fauna of an ordinary American zoo are better looked after than a veteran of America’s foreign adventures.


That’s not the end of it. Whether it’s murmurs, or cries, or clamors—it wants more . . . war.


There’s a soft spot in nearly every conservative’s obsidian soul for shock and awe. Armament dealers had not so lusted after war as Republicans and conservatives. See war mac daddies Senators. John “Bomb ‘em” McCain and Lindsey Graham.


Conservative Culprit
Robert Kagan—Liberal Interventionist


“I would say all Republican foreign policy professionals are anti-Trump,” remarked Robert Kagan while attending a foreign policy professionals for Hillary fundraiser.


Mr. Kagan is co-founder of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century. The name is yet another conniving pretense and suggests a motto—Make War, Not Peace.


The more the Government insinuates itself across the world, the more the world wobbles on it political axis.


This government had instigated numerous regime changes, not one of which had been salutary in any aspect. Not a one had resulted in greater stability or security geopolitically—locally, regionally, or internationally. In fact, collaterally, they have been utter disasters fostering sectarian civil wars, religious and tribal genocide/cleansing and the specter of Islam, whooshing about dispensing the only thing it had ever mastered—barbaric violence.


In one particularly egregious escapade, the government of the United States helped overthrow a legitimately elected president of Ukraine and cheered at the elevation of his successor, a real life despot. And the area of contention was? The previous president had been solicitous of Russian interests. The new democrat properly despises Russia and Putin, respectively, the bugbear and Keyser Söze bogeyman of fevered Western Establishmentarian minds. Want to keep the kinder in line? Tell them the lurid tales of Russia and the ogres that reside in the onion domes.


The old Soviet had never so routinely devised pandemonium throughout the world as new America.

We have now as many Generals in 1.5 million man army as WW II needed in a 14 million man army fighting a two theater global war. And we have . . .


The first rule of modern thinking is: you’ll never get lost on a roundabout, so never get off. First subsection of the first rule: linearity leads to confusion, doubt, mystery, unknowledge, error.


One of the great wacky comic political phenomena of our times: the faithful of that creed that believes in the inexorability of historical determinism are the Inquisitors that would hate, indict, and condemn the very thing that guides their theory along its path—historical linearity. i.e., progress.


A ‘modern age’ in which the thinkers who ought to be philosophers prefer the role of imperial entrepreneurs will have to go through many convulsions before it has got rid of itself.  Eric Voegelin


DemocracySpawn Of Government


Democracy is America’s cottage industry. It is so proud of it that it will start wars to export it to benighted cave lands, dark pits, and black holes throughout the world.


At home, we are subsumed by democracy. We haven’t, in essential meaning, a country, nor states comprising a country, nor have we a nation, neither a republic, we haven’t a people, neither a society, nor a social compact. We certainly haven’t a Union of any sort. What we have is government, great heaping putrid mounds of government. Thank you, democracy.


Right this moment most all of the government is at work on how to get reelected, and how best to expand and distend the breadth, depth, and scope of . . . government.



Quo Vadis?

What are the great expectations for this nation? Don’t ask, do tell. What can be done to remedy the situation?


Nothing that is palatable—at present—to the great majority, and nothing within the pale to a significant plurality.


Scouring the stables clean after a half-century accumulation of ordure would be the place to start a renaissance. The revolution, some kind of revolution, and perhaps not a revolution but a third civil war is not far off if something tremendous is not made of an election that had all the moment of strong presage of one last chance.


Man is called by his very nature to govern himself. To the extent he will not, someone, or thing, will.


GOD BLESS AMERICA (the Government will not).




He is not as cynical as he appears… but almost.

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