A Mirabilary Of The Passing Parade: Antidisenfranchisementarians

by Cynicus Americanus (November 2016)

A Mirabilary:

Signs And Wonders of The Devolution Of Man And The Decline Of Western Civilization In The Time Of Obama In The Age Of the Gnostics In A Republic of Dunces, A Federation of Twits, An Accommodation Of DumbAsses.

And The Rise Of The Criminally Insane Class



Antidisenfranchisementarian    noun   Political

1. Party man, establishmentarian, whose equalitarian magnanimity will not allow anyone to be disenfranchised from the democratic vote and, born of the same self-righteousness, would enfranchise ever more of the unqualified. 

2. proponent and defender of idiocracy and kakistocracy.

The Informed Voter

Most all know a few things, some few know a lot of things, some more, lot more it seems, know everything, the mass know, at most, one thing.

Any doubt of shadowy power and sway and manipulation is easily removed by the mass of evidence of it. Who the hell is George Soros and why hasn’t someone…  …never mind.

The ruling elite, undeniably, is not an agent of the electorate. Its constituencies are the moneyed. It operates not in accordance with the will of the people or the Law of the Land, the compact that had delegated and enumerated authority and constraints. Whatever the influence, it imposes its will. Laws become mere pretense – not nearly what they purport to be and often the antithesis of it – see the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

All democratic governments eventually lose all interest in all things representative of the electorate and concentrate all their attentions on governing, i.e, controlling. There is nothing the government will not do for its own benefit, its extension, distention, and there is nothing, eventually, which will not fall under its purview.

Universal Suffrage2

Four of the last seven governors in Illinois have done hard time for corruption. There would have been five but a governor back in the fifties had been indicted but not convicted.

Rod Blagojevich
George Ryan
Dan Walker
Otto Kerner

Appearances are not always as they appear and less so every passing day. Voting has had no good effect for some time. Not only had it not reversed the course of our national decline, not only had it not stayed our decline, it could barely slow it down when it might be in that mood.

What obligation has the sane man to modern democracy, the democratic process, the democratic electoral majority, the plurality of the population? None. The sane man need not jeopardize his sanity, by playing along. He need not deny reality to appease fancy. He need not dismiss reason for rationalization. 

Three Things Indispensable For Democracy To Work

I have my doubts.

At This Point What the Hell Difference Does It Make?

At the end of the tale:

Men, whites, heterosexuality, marriage, merit, Christianity, patriotism, work, obligations, have all been relegated to the dustbin of history.

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

That might have just as easily been said, and certainly thought, by anyone connected with most any level of government.

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

I should vote for this?

1776 and that convocation of brilliant, courageous, generous men, the Founders and Framers, provided foundation and structure and brought into existence a nation the likes of which had never before been seen or imagined. Fifty years, and counting, of counter-revolution (the third since the Revolution), and laissez-faire morality and ethics, has all but destroyed it.

I should vote for this?

For this I would vote.


Voting is now no more than a trust that a gesture is as good as a journey. To make one’s way to the polls is to undertake a pilgrimage and pay one’s respects to a god that failed.

Thank you democracy.

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