A Mirabilary Of The Passing Parade: Homo Gnosticus (Part III)

Non-Binary Humans: The TransHuman

by Cynicus Americanus (October 2016)

A Mirabilary

Signs And Wonders of The Devolution Of Man And The Decline Of Western Civilization In The Time Of Obama In The Age Of the Gnostics In A Republic of Dunces, A Federation of Twits, An Accommodation Of DumbAsses.

And The Rise Of The Criminally Insane Class

The Passing Parade

As Observed by Cynicus Americanus


Non-Binary Humans: The TransHuman


Bye! Und auf wiedersehen tschüss.


Angela And Barry Sitting In A Tree, P-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Frau Merkel

Pandora’s Box, Cassandra’s Curse, Angela’s Spite

Cassandra’s tale is that she was given the power of prophecy by Apollo who was more in the mood of his ulterior motive than generous. When Cass refused what motivated him, he cursed her so that nobody would ever believe her prophecies.

Angela’s spin:

-Angela Merkel

Angela may wish it true but cannot believe it true. As she cannot, she flirts with treachery. Herr Adolf finds himself deposed by Frau Merkel as the fountainhead of German regret. The bane is dead… Long live the bane. 

If anyone has not the ability to read into gnostic notions the madness inherent in it, if any are so irony deficient as to not see the madness for the derangement here it is, as it applies here:

And how are German’s affections trending?


What do they call her now?

It never ceases to amaze me that the modern politician hasn’t to fear a rope and a swinging. It is this, the reluctance to pursue that remedy, that aggravates our predicament and fuels the politician’s obstinate arrogance.

I Am The Greatest

Transhuman: non-Binary Gnosticism

– Dymphna  (Gates of Vienna)

– Sean Hannity (FOX)

Zoot Cat Choomer

Viewed from any perspective, it is undeniable that Obama had reached the summit not of his own effort but by having been carried to it in a sedan chair by fawning sycophants (and psykopants Brooks).

O’s Legacy

#BlackLivesMatter, black violence, racial distrust, anger, animosity, are several times worse than what had been served up in ’68 and the days of rage, Black Panthers, and George Wallace presidential candidacy. President Obama has a fine legacy to take to his Presidential Library in the park. The post racial president turned out to be the Helter-Skelter President.


Id (urges and passion)

Ego (Reason and Common Sense)

Sound familiar?

Superego (internalized comportment, behavioral instruction, conscience)

How had Mr. Obama come by so inconsequential a superego?

The narrator recounts the animus of a junior officer to Bully Budd and offers an explanation of natural depravity and its impression of sanity:

A koan* for Ophiliacs


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