A Revolution without Guns
by G. Murphy Donovan (March 2025)
You’re fired! —Donald J. Trump
At the risk of abusing two metaphors, you could say that team Trump is flooding the zone with “tech support;” many smart players, in the hope that some initiative will advance the ball on one of two fronts—or both.
In the foreign policy arena, DJT has turned Cold War II on its head by resuscitating relations with Russia and calling out a grifter in Kiev. As a priority, the Zelensky dumpster fire is about to be snuffed. If the trench warfare stalemate continues, apparently it will do so with European Union Euros not American dollars.
How did America ever call for a cease fire in Gaza and Lebanon while endorsing a hot war with Russia in Ukraine? Apparently strategic incontinence and anti-Semitism are not sometime things.
Rapprochement with Russia now sends all the right signals. Strategically and culturally, Russia has more in common with America than it will ever have with Kiev, Beijing, or Mecca.
Over time, Europe has sought to accommodate the Islamic theocratic right; so much so that Brussels and Davos has America rethinking both the EU, NATO, and the UN. That reassessment can’t come too soon either. In the not too distant future, the EU and the UN may to have to choose between theocratic Islam and America democracy.
Good luck with that!
NATO also has the chance now to redress a strategic blunder; that reckless expansion to the Russian frontier. Putin is not Stalin, Gorbachev, or Yeltsin. Trying to drive Moscow into Beijing’s arms might be the dumbest policy that NATO, the CIA, and the US State Department ever sponsored. Russia, then and now, makes much more sense as a commercial ally for America rather than a strategic or kinetic enemy.
Victoria Nuland may go down in history as the dumbest provocateur/diplomat in American history. To be fair, Nuland might not have “fucked” (her word) Ukraine or Europe without an assist from John Brennan. The former CIA director is possibly the most partisan and incompetent Intelligence weasel in the history of deep state dirty tricks.
Brennan might best be remembered as the man who almost swept Donald Trump, Ukraine, and Israel into the dust bin of history.
Brennan is America’s most prominent anti-Semite, an apologist for Islam, Islamists, and terrorists since his station chief days in Cairo. Brennan caught an incurable case of Stockholm syndrome while serving with the Egyptian janissary.
If we can do business with Mecca’s totalitarian theocracies and totalitarian communist China, surely mending commercial and diplomatic fences with Moscow is just plain common sense. Indeed, Putin is one of few global leaders with few qualms about dealing ruthlessly with Islamic terror at home. The Russian FSB, literally blew up Chechen terrorist leader Shamil Baseyev whilst he was unloading personal ballast in a portable crapper. Poetic justice, indeed.
Withal, funds from the Ukraine proxy goat rope can now be reprogrammed to assist the Carolinas and Southern California with their problems.
Charity still begins at home.
On the domestic front, there are so many DOGE reform initiatives underway it’s hard to keep track of which ox is getting gored day-to-day. Predictably, a hapless Democrat Party and legacy media boosters are wetting their knickers daily; to the point where same sex pissoirs have become a kind of grief club house for all manner of recidivist American wokesters.
Trump’s shot across the Department of Defense bow is the most telling. By firing CJCS Charlie Brown and a host of like minded DEI brass hats, POTUS has sent an unambiguous message to the tenured brass, DOD civil servants, and Beltway contractors. Military strategy, operations, and tactics; the components of victory in battle, will not be hostage to social engineering.
Praise the Lord.
Alas, the legions of America haven’t won a real war since V-J Day in 1945.
The E-Ring at the Pentagon needs a kick in the arse to again focus DOD on things that matter in combat. Pandering to a woke freak show is a little like sending Irish whisky, a vat of Guinness, and the IRA to keep peace in Lebanon. How could that go wrong?
A sexually ambiguous and Islamist American left will never be the answer to recruiting and retention woes at ground zero or in any military branch.
Tulsi Gabbard, recently minted Czarina of US Intelligence, has an even bigger job. Gabbard has to refocus 16 Intelligence agencies, including the FBI, on real threats. No American has to worry about the Chinese or Russians blowing up a sky scraper or kicking down a door at an American home some night.
Moslems and the America FBI are another matter.
Yes, real threats to Americans are ignored or minimized as they metastasize within and without. Today, the FBI will kick down your door just for drill—or partisan politics. And countless proxy Islamist cells like Hamas and ISIS might still cut you throat, blow up your airliner or destroy your place of business just because you are an infidel. No matter how gross the atrocity served up by Islam, America continues to play whack-a-mole with proxies like Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, and the Taliban.
The real threat is not proxy terror. The real threat is global Islam itself, a theocratic Ummah. Sponsor states like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and the Emirates have double down on terror whilst taking handouts from a feckless EU and US, using aid monies laundered through NGOs. “Humanitarian” aid fronts, USAID is the most obvious example, are major enablers of terror proxies like the Taliban and Hamas.
Who do you think pays for all those new, shiny, white Toyota hostage parades orchestrated by Hamas, USAID, UNRWA, and the Red Cross?
Without direct support from Ummah sponsor states and aid from clueless humanitarians in Europe and the US, the archipelagos of terror might wither on the vine overnight.
Withal, the domestic and global left continue to underestimate both Trump and his merry band of iconoclasts. So far, domestic and foreign critiques of the Trump revolution are lame—and falling on deaf ears. Ludicrous claims that Trump and Elon Musk are exploiting their positions for personal gain are especially absurd. Neither Trump nor Musk needs a job or more money; neither man even takes a salary from the US Treasury.
Trump and Musk have already made their bones. They don’t need American politics so much as the fight against American political corruption needs them. Guys like Trump and Musk will settle for a little applause and the occasional thank you, maybe a few street signs or two with their names after four years. Neither will ever get as many statues as junkie George Floyd.
So if we have to give team Trump and DOGE grades for their early days in office. Let’s give them an ‘A’ for attendance. They do work long hours indeed. Hard to know where Trump and Musk get the time to humiliate a hysterical and grieving American Press so often.
Let’s also give team Trump a ‘B’ for core subjects, national security and the economy; good starts pending more concrete results.
And finally we can only give the new administration a ‘C’ for deportment, because neither Trump nor Musk will ever be diplomats, boy scouts, altar boys—wokesters or gender benders.
A smidgen of toxic masculinity and a dollop of autistic genius seems to be a fair price to pay for a common sense revolution without guns and a “golden” age; deliverable, mind you, in less than four years.
Press on, lads.
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G. Murphy Donovan writes about the politics of Intelligence and National security. Follow him on X.
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