A Self-Inflicted Injury: Immigration, Infiltration and Canada’s Growing Islamist Threat

by Jerry Gordon and David B. Harris (August 2012)

David Harris is a regular commentator in English and French on terrorism and national security, and has been a witness at US Congressional subcommittee and Canadian parliamentary committee hearings. His analyses have received international media attention. Quoted in the New York Times, The Washington Post, and international news services, Harris has appeared on CBS’s “60 Minutes,” “NBC Dateline,” “The Today Show,” “The CBS News,” CNN, and FOX’s “O’Reilly Factor.” In Canada, Harris has appeared on SUN TV, CBC, CTV and other networks. Harris is featured weekly on CFRA Radio Ottawa’s “The Intelligence File,” and his writing has appeared in various publications.

David Harris thank you for consenting to this interview.

Crescent International. Canada’s National Post newspaper reports that Crescent International’s editorial line has included the proposition that 9/11 was “successful”; that it would be desirable to see Iranian theocracy spread; and, that Canada is a “fully paid-up member of the Anglo-Saxon mafia, which is responsible for most of the recorded genocides in the world.” Citing specific issues of Crescent International, the Post’s accomplished security reporter, Stewart Bell, points out that, “The English-language publication fawns over Iran's fundamentalist regime, reprints verbatim the communiqués of Palestinian terrorists and describes Osama bin Laden as a “famed Arabian” (May 1, 1997) who “stands up to the West in the name of Islam” (Oct. 16, 2001).” Thus, it is on the basis of such sterling Islamist credentials, that the CAF organization awarded its 40th anniversary recognition to the founding publisher of Crescent International. 

sic] is kind of a grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house …

Maclean’s magazine for publishing an excerpt from Mark Steyn’s book, American Alone. Who brought those complaints and how did these proceedings demonstrate Canada’s lack of free-speech protection?

Maclean’s magazine. 

magazine, on the other hand, had its own complications and rather dire warnings and lessons. MacLean’s magazine is generally considered to be Canada's most popular news magazine and had published excerpts from Mark Steyn's bestselling book, American Alone. Some individuals particularly connected to the Canadian Islamic Congress, which radical organization I have mentioned earlier, decided to make formal complaints to not simply one human rights commission, but three. The fact that complaints were laid before commissions in multiple jurisdictions, had the air of an elegant form of harassment. Although the complaint eventually failed, a good deal of attention settled on the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC).

oeuvre. Even the courtroom audience of Canadians, a tribe that often seems to aspire to reach the very heights of political correctness, shuddered visibly. With Khawaja’s parents sitting in the middle of the courtroom, spectators displayed remarkable self-discipline, no necks craning to examine the head-veiled mother. But a closer look at the audience revealed that, although no head had turned, a great many eyes had nonetheless swiveled as one, to study – almost fearfully – the mother, and what this mother might have represented. A dawning was occurring for many in that room.

As a further footnote, it is worth bearing in mind that, in the last decade, Canada has settled well over 60,000 Iranians as permanent residents, in Canada, and that Iranian Canadians with whom I have spoken guess that up to half these people are loyal to Tehran and its regime. This could constitute a threat to Canadian public safety and national security, and a potential problem for our United States neighbor and friend.

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