Bishop Angaelos of the Coptic Church – Doing God in the Middle East
by Esmerelda Weatherwax (March 2013)
Bishop Angaelos began by saying how much he always feels at home here, among friends. Our relationship with the Church of England is one we cherish. Today he wants to give us some insight into what is romantically called the Arab Spring. But if you work in the Foreign Office you will know that it is definitely not a spring.
Islam entered the country in 642 and then things changed. From 1253 onwards there were added pressures and this was the time that an 80% Christian nation became an Islamic one. There was an invitation to Islam, if we want to be gracious about it, others would call it enforcement. Christians were second class citizens who had to pay the jizya tax in order to live.
Fast forward to the early decade of this century and under President Mubarak the regime was supposed to be secular, but Christians were hardly represented at all at the highest level of any authority, whether it be health, education, finance.
There was a lot that could have been done. There was the potential to empower all to use their full ability.
He was branded a cynic at the time but he was right that period only lasted a few weeks. There was no effective leadership and the momentum withered.
A new leadership emerged but only for a small presence of political Islam.
The first thing that was attacked was not a Christian site but a Sufi shrine, because that stream of Islam was not in line with what was wanted. Then after attacks on Christians began there were more deaths in one year than in the previous 10 years. Not only Christians were attacked but atheists, Jews, secular Muslims, other types of Muslim. People lost hope.
This was no spring.
In Egypt today there is a breakdown of law and order. There is no investment. The economy is in tatters. Tourism is down and we pray for those killed and suffering in the tragic ballooning accident earlier this week.
The two main issues facing Egypt are illiteracy and poverty. Poor voters can be manipulated economically. Illiterate voters can be manipulated in other ways. The problem can be addressed by education and by including women.
Christians were accused of not being part of the revolution and of holding back. We did not do this because we supported Mubarak but because of our experience over previous centuries. We need to look at empowerment in order to build a nation that has been divided for centuries.
Egypt, and we thank God for this, is different to other parts of the Middle East in that there is no tribal mentality, unlike the situation in Syria, Iraq and Libya. He believes that there is still time to build a state with universal human rights.
Our country must be protected from external influences. We must create a unified nation for a unified people, with unified objectives.
There began a session of questions and answers.
Q. Bishop, does President Morsi welcome advice from people like you?
A. He is a politician and all politicians will listen. But acting on advice is not his forte. Many of his advisors have already resigned. Consultation is only a formality.
Q. From a representative of Christian Solidarity Worldwide. The United Council for Egyptian Churches sounds very interesting. What do you think its role will be?
A. This is an initiative started by the late Pope Shenouda III and the Anglican Bishop of Egypt. Christians can stand together. In the past we relied too much on the Council of Middle East Churches and they have been limited. We are not politicians but we can be a moral compass to Politicians. We must speak loudly as to what is right and what is wrong. That will be our strength. Mubarak tried divide and conquer. He attempted to do this between churches as well as between Muslims and Christians.
Q. What practical steps could be taken to unify the Nation? How can unity be achieved?
Q. I recently visited the Monastery of St Anthony in the eastern desert. They were receiving visits from many Coptic families. Please tell us more about the role of the Monastic movement.
A. The Monastic movement had its home in the monasteries of Egypt, from the time of St Anthony himself. They have always been oases of faith. In my time in the monastery I remember 10,000 visitors, coach parties of Christians seeking peace and retreat.
Q. A woman, a member of the Church of Antioch mentioned the problems in Syria, and Iraq and Lebanon. There has been an exodus from those countries. Is this happening in Egypt and how much commitment do Egyptians have for their heritage?
But what we do have is affluent Egyptians, of both religions, planning their exit strategy, their Plan B, if they see the situation deteriorating. And this would be a terrible drain on society if they did go.
Q. What would happen if a monastery were to invite government leaders to a retreat?
Q. You have first-hand knowledge of Egypt, the UK and Australia. Is the British government doing enough?
To speak generally it is a matter of human rights and civil rights. Building a church should not need a Presidential decree. Bulldozing a church should be a matter of criminal damage.
Q. The questioner asked about the Muslim Brotherhood. They seem to have a very fixed outlook.
Never forget, technically the Muslim Brotherhood is still an outlawed organisation.
The talk concluded with thanks.
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Esmerelda Weatherwax is a regular contributor to the Iconoclast, our community blog. To view her entries please click here