Black Men Are Voting for Trump: Not Race, but Sex, Now Drives US Politics

Race is a subterfuge used by the Left to disguise its real agenda and outmaneuver the Right.  It works.


by Stephen Baskerville (November 2024)

The Banjo Lesson by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1893


Race is rightly considered the “original sin” of American politics, the issue that has bedeviled us from the start and still inflames emotions on both the Right and the Left.  That is why it is invoked as the silver bullet that stops all debate.  But race is no longer the principal dynamic driving US politics, and it is not the decisive factor in this election.

As I have repeatedly suggested (in the NER and more extensively in my new book), the race issue is a deception, a flanking maneuver used by today’s Left to divert the attention of the Right and the rest of us from its real agenda.  The cutting edge of today’s Left is sex, which is its most potent weapon for taking control of America and the West.

The latest evidence may contribute decisively to the outcome of this election.  Black men are defying the conventional wisdom and voting for Donald Trump.  Black women are not doing this, nor are women generally, especially unmarried women (with black women disproportionately unmarried).  Scolding from the Obamas and other Kamala groupies seems to have no effect on the men.

This means that black men now see their interests as different from those of black women.  It means that for them sex — excuse me, “gender” — is more important than race.  If this is true of black men and women, it is even more true of others.

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of this shift.  It may not mean the end of America’s persistent problem with black degradation (notice that I did not say racial “inequality”), but it does mark an important recognition by black men themselves that the important barrier to their advancement is not conservatism (a.k.a. “racism”) but something else.  The gender divide demonstrates black men are waking up to the realization that it is the destruction of the black family.  This in turn is caused — not ameliorated — by the very social programs for which liberal Democrats congratulate themselves and which Republicans are too sheepish to challenge.  These programs benefit only unmarried black women, not black children, black men, or black families as a whole.

It is not slavery or segregation but welfare that emasculates the black male.  The reasons are far more serious than the standard conservative critique of welfare would lead us to believe.  As I wrote in NER, in words pertinent, not only to this election, but to the larger chicanery being inflicted on all of us:

The welfare/carceral machinery responsible for these injustices is embodied in figures like Kamala Harris whose political careers begin as prosecutrices and attorneys general – offices sustained largely by incarcerating huge numbers of young black men….  Putting these men in the pokey is now a major growth industry, employing substantial numbers of black women.  These young women can be seen on the Washington Metro in dreadlocks, incongruously carrying thick textbooks with titles like Administration of Criminal Justice, which train them as petty functionaries to lock up the men they should be marrying.  Some grow up to be Kamala Harrises, Lori Lightfoots, and Muriel Bowsers, models of feminine “empowerment” who build careers on the remains of dead and destroyed men, presiding over entire cities and now a country descending into chaos.

The mainstream media now reluctantly acknowledges that the “gender gap” is now exploding to the point where it will decide this election.  Claire Cain Miller writes in the New York Times that “this presidential election has become a referendum on gender roles.”  They try to dismiss this as “misogyny” against Harris and the obsession of middle-class women for abortion.  The flight of black men from the liberal-left establishment demonstrates that it involves much more.

First, young women have now become radicalized to absurd, even dysfunctional extremes on much more than simply abortion.  A Dutch polling firm, Glocalities, found that young women today are “likely the most liberal group in human history”.

Inevitably if belatedly, the men are pushing back.  Realizing that they themselves are the first casualties of the women’s militancy, they are driven increasingly to shift their political allegiance.

Vast quantities of meaningless noise about “gender relations” in the media and social media obfuscate the important issues, but the bottom line in all of it is the question of who controls the reproductive system.  “The hand that rocks the cradle…”

“Their concerns were…whether they could fulfill the traditionally masculine role of supporting a family,” Miller found, citing one young man “who planned to vote for Mr. Trump based on concerns…that what he wants is…to be able to support a family.”

And here, as is often the case, black men are the canary in the mineshaft.  What is especially acute for them is increasingly felt by other men.

Our first priority in the current crisis — and what we are neglecting — should not be exposing the conspiracies of the globalists.  It should be understanding the sharp ideological polarization, especially of the young, along gender lines.  This starts with the extreme radicalization of young women and extends to the refusal of increasing numbers of men to follow them, including a new self-assertiveness by black men and others who had themselves previously been radicalized by default.

Once we understand this, we can remedy it.  Only then will we defeat the conspiracies.


Table of Contents


Stephen Baskerville is Professor of Politics at the Collegium Intermarium in Warsaw.  His most recent book, Who Lost America? Why the United States Went “Communist” —and What to Do about It, is published by Arktos and available from Amazon.  His other books and articles are available at


4 Responses

  1. There was a time when black families were “tight”, sticking together like early American white families, staying together for various reasons, probably and mostly for financial survival.
    Great Depression hit in 1929 and loss of jobs. 1933 brought the mother (not family) pension program. This started the jettisoning of the Father/husband from the family.

  2. it’s obvious for me, this battle of the sexes by 2nd wave (postmodern) feminism nowadays expresses itself by gender-BS and, abortion. Women’s ‘rights’ are INHUMANE, the pill dehumanizes, abortion is child murder, adoption is child theft, divorce/defathering is child torture and child abuse, feminism makes a psychopathic mindset, feminized daughters treating their fathers asif dead are psycho-products unabled to be human.

  3. Republicans have now voted in an absolute tyrant, now to rule our country as King Donald I, for as long as he pleases, since he will have the backing of his toadies from both houses of Congress and the “Supreme” Court that he was so egregiously allowed to stack. I hope you are satisfied, all you Republican bigots – who in your bogus and bloated minority have now extinguished the once moderate and reasonable majority within your party – because you have left my country in ruin.

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