Child Sex Trafficking and ‘Sound of Freedom’

by Bill Muehlenberg (September 2023)



“Over two million children a year are being sucked into the deepest recesses of hell.”

“When God tells you what to do, you cannot hesitate.”


Australian cinemas are now showing this very important movie, so I finally was able to see it. As many would know, the film sat collecting dust in a Disney vault for five years because Disney was not interested in promoting it (more on that below). But it has finally appeared, and has become one of the most successful independent films of all times, grossing $180 million in its first six weeks.

The film is based on a true story, featuring the life of Tim Ballard (played by Jim Caviezel) who had worked for 12 years with the Department of Homeland Security. Then a decade ago he founded Operation Underground Railroad to liaise with local police in other countries to catch child sex traffickers.

As with most films inspired by real life events, there was some artistic license involved, but the heart of the story is accurate. The script was written in 2015, and the film completed in 2018. The powers that be were not thrilled with it and its message, so it languished for some years.

But, with the aid of some crowdfunding and 7000 investors meeting its $5 million goal in two weeks, Angel Studios was able to buy the distribution rights from Disney and market and distribute the film. Thankfully it is now out there for all to see. A few brief points can be highlighted about the movie.


  • First, thanks to everyone who went to see it. It is not the kind of film we would want to see, but it is the kind of film that we need to see.
  • As per the maxim of Burke, evil flourishes when good people do nothing. To fight evil we must first be aware of it—we must know what is going on. This film—in a very powerful way—certainly opens our eyes to the reality and horror of child slavery and sexual trafficking.
  • Obviously there are other ways human trafficking occurs than what is depicted in the film, and there are other ways that are used to rescue these people. So this movie covers just one aspect of the overall problem.
  • The film of course deals with some real hardcore subject matter. Although guaranteed to bring tears to the eyes (how can you see a film like this and not weep for the actual children who are still involved in this sordid evil?), it is still something that adults and older teens can safely see. There are no hardcore graphic scenes (although the topic of the movie is hardcore).
  • The film is very well done—well acted, well filmed, well produced. Kudos to all involved in making the film.
  • And a three-part concern arises here.


One, there will be some folks who just do not want to see a film like this—it seems to be just too yucky. Yes it is yucky because the reality that it portrays is absolutely yucky and disgusting and horrific. But hiding our heads in the sand will not make the problem go away.

Two, some folks might say there is a lot of hype and paranoia here, and things are not really that bad. And even if things are that bad, these folks prefer to have happy thoughts, only think of positive things, and not focus on the negative. Well, I can assure these folks that things certainly are this bad, with millions of children involved in the slave trade and sexual trafficking. And pretending they can live outside of the real world with their ‘happy thoughts” helps no one, and just allows more children to be stolen, abused, raped and killed.

Three, some folks might think that this sort of thing will never impact them or their loved ones. But hoping this will not occur in their circles is just wishful thinking and a case of living in dreamland. And it will be too late if one day, God forbid, they find that their five year old daughter or four year old grandson has gone missing—taken by these criminal gangs.


  • Indeed, one clear point the film makes is just how very easy it is to snatch a child. It can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime. So parents need to be much more vigilant, especially with younger children. There are far too many diabolical folks out there who want your children.
  • It is a real blessing that the satanic evil of child trafficking is being so powerfully exposed in this film. This is a $150 billion a year industry, and it must be uncovered—and stopped. As executive producer Mel Gibson said about the film: “The fight to end child trafficking is a worldwide movement that requires collective effort and a united front. This is just the beginning. Go see Sound of Freedom.”


Another point worth making: too often people have left the cinemas before the very end of the film. Viewers need to stay and wait until the credits are rolling to see a very important message presented at that point. It helps us to understand how we can be involved in making a stand against this demonic evil.

There are various groups fighting child sexual trafficking of course, but you can visit the site of Tim Ballard for starters:

And please have a watch of this 95 minute interview Jordan Peterson recently had with Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel:



Dealing with the critics

Of course as with most things, there have been various critics and criticisms of the film. The first group of critics are obvious enough and can be dismissed quickly enough. So many of the secular left mob, including the Hollywood crowd, are heartily hating on this film. No surprises there. So many are already involved in pimping, prostituting and the pedo culture.

And it is not just folks like Jeffrey Epstein and his lengthy list of clients (which we are STILL waiting to get access to), but other sleazeballs such as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, Bill Cosby, Rolf Harris, Gary Glitter, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, and others. So we do not expect many of our elites—including our political elites and celebs—to speak positively about this film.

Oh, and forget about the QAnon nonsense as well—tell the critics they are dreaming. But it is not just pagan critics who seem to have no problems with the sexual assault of children who dislike the film. I also must mention here some Christian critics who have made various complaints about the film. Let me discuss a few of those criticisms.

Some have said we should not watch this film because Catholics and others who are not evangelical Protestants are involved. Sorry, but there is a time and place to pick one’s battles—including theological battles. One of the most demonic evils of our day is being exposed in this important film, yet some critics want us not to see it or have anything to do with it because those involved are not all Protestants!

I have marched arm in arm with Catholics and even non-Christians in pro-life marches and the like. Some things are too important to allow sectarian divisions to stand in the way. It is the same here: we ALL must speak out about this great evil, regardless of our theological stance. As I have so often said before, this is called co-belligerency: being willing to work with others on certain limited activities while temporarily ignoring philosophical or theological differences.

So while I DO have real theological differences with various groups, in THIS context, I do NOT care that Tim Ballard is a Mormon or that Jim Caviezel is a Catholic. More power to them in standing against this satanic evil. Saving children from these monsters is something we all must applaud.

Other persons have actually said the film encourages sexual trafficking and “glorifies pedophilia” so we should avoid it like the plague! Some have told me they were victims of child sexual abuse, and they are sick of people making money by producing films like this.

That seems like a rather bizarre thing to say. One might as well argue that an anti-abortion film glorifies and promotes abortion. One might as well argue that an anti-slavery film glorifies and promotes slavery. One might as well argue that an anti-pornography film glorifies and promotes pornography.

To expose the evils of our world is NOT to promote or glorify them. When Wilberforce told the British Parliamentarians about the details of the horrid slave trade, and even graphically sought to raise awareness of it (eg., by coming into Parliament covered in chains from slave ships), he was NOT promoting nor glorifying slavery! He was trying to wake up a dead and numb world to the gross demonic evils of this trade.

And sure, there might be some sickos out there who might actually get some cheap thrills in watching such a film. Or a few folks might be even enticed by this evil world. But ALL warnings about ALL sins can be abused—that is no reason to stop all warnings.

Advertising showing the harms of smoking cigarettes are meant to deter folks from taking up the habit—or of quitting it. Might such ads entice some folks to TRY smoking? That is possible, but that is no reason to dispense with all such ads. The folks making these kind of criticisms might mean well, but I find their objections to be counter-productive and not very helpful.

The truth is, this film is seeking to wake up a lethargic and slumbering world. It is alerting the masses to the fact that this great evil exists, and it must be fought with all our strength and might. The first step in any work of social action is to inform others and raise their awareness. A film like this very powerfully does so, and it has spurred many on to take action. That is a good thing.

BTW, these sorts of critics really should watch the Jordan Peterson interview I link to above. The three men really make it clear why a film like this is so very vital, and is such an important tool in the fight again child sexual trafficking.

As Tim and Jim rightly say, imagine if films like this were made in the 1930s and 40s about what was happening in Germany. Might a graphic film on these realities have helped more folks to wake up and resist the Nazi monsters? It could well be. And it is hoped that a film like this will also raise awareness, motivate people to pray and act, hopefully resulting in a real blow to this evil sexual trafficking industry.

One last criticism to deal with. There are those who dismiss the thought of going to see it, saying they will wait till it comes out in another format. But in this case that really misses a vital point. By buying your tickets and seeing the film at theatres, you are sending a clear and much needed message. It will let the cinemas know that we want these kinds of films, instead of the usual trash on offer. And it even tells Hollywood that we are sick of their regular crapola, and we want films that will make a difference in this sordid world.

So please go see the film! And enough of the lame and often senseless criticisms already!

God’s children are not for sale.”


Table of Contents


Bill Muehlenberg is a long-standing family campaigner who has previously worked for groups such as the Australian Family Association and Focus on the Family Australia. He is widely sought out by the media for comments on family and social issues. He is the author of several books, and currently runs CultureWatch, a pro-family website. Originally from the US, he is now based in Melbourne, Australia.

Follow NER on Twitter @NERIconoclast


2 Responses

  1. Good get, Bill. Child abuse and pedophilia are subjects too painful for most to read about, no less see on film. Truth usually doesn’t sell that well. So the success of this docudrama is a testament to social prurience or cultural prudence. Let’s pray it’s door number two.

  2. I appreciate this article as I figure that most all readers of this site, and all normal non-insane people, do.

    Human beings who are not insane, evil, or demon-possessed care about children and want to protect them from harm, abuse, and death.

    This important movie having been suppressed by the fools and lunatics at Disney shows how poor their dark mouse business judgment and their mickey mouse morals really are.

    I will never support any Disney product again because of this and their support of communist, anti-american hate.

    Those who criticize this film and its subject matter should take a strong look at their own tiny little hearts and empty souls and determine why it is that they do not think and feel as normal people do.

    This film is a cultural faultline and should not be. The entire culture of the west should support these heroes portrayed in the film and their efforts to save innocent children.

    Why would people oppose this obviously good and venerable mission? Because they themselves want the right to murder children whenever they care to do so. They do not want to protect the innocent but rather the opposite. People who want to abuse innocents and murder innocents cannot support the mission as described in the film.

    This film is an inadvertent faultline as ALL projects are whose message is about compassion, duty, sacrifice, responsibility, and patriotism.

    Thankyou. Please go to my social media and click “like” 43,000 times.

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