Coffee Break

by Sanjeev Sethi (June 2016)




Ballyhoos contaminate mind of

moneyed and the middle class.

Economics doesn’t encourage

inclusion of indigent to this arc.

Preachers and politicos fill in by

pigeonholing folks and their factions.

Godmen are only for gilded

and the growing like politicos.




A smorgasbord is on display.

for us to sift out.

It is the same with leanings.

Invariably we swing towards ourselves.

Not bearing a bias is one.

If majoritarianism isn’t

the best option, what is?



Sanjeev Sethi has published three books of poetry. This Summer and That Summer (Bloomsbury, 2015) is his latest. His poems have found a home in The London Magazine, The Fortnightly Review, Ink Sweat and Tears, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, Allegro Poetry Magazine, The Galway Review, The Open Mouse, I am not a Silent Poet, Otoliths, Meniscus, Solstice Literary Magazine, Off the Coast Literary Journal, Hamilton Stone Review, Literary Orphans, The Peregrine Muse, Café Dissensus Everyday, Section 8 Magazine, River Poets Journal, Anti-Heroin Chic, The Jawline Review, The Helios Mss, Down in the Dirt magazine, Right Hand Pointing, Revolution John, and elsewhere. Poems are forthcoming in Amaryllis Poetry, Futures Trading, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, Yellow Chair Review, Postcolonial Text, A New Ulster, First Literary Review-East, Drunk Monkeys, Harbinger Asylum, The Corner Club Press,  Of/with:, and Linden Avenue Literary Journal. He lives in Mumbai, India.


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