Congressional Democrats and the Demonization of Israeli Patriots.

by By Gerald A. Honigman (December 2024)

View of Haifa, Upon the Founding of Israel (Walter Korder and Sanford Low, 1948)


Recently, almost ninety Democrat members of Congress, including eight disgraceful Jews, sent a letter to President Biden urging him to sanction Israeli patriots, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

Their crime?

Insisting that Israel has not only the right, but the obligation to never return to the pre-’67 Six Day War, ’49  “Auschwitz”/ armistice lines which made it a mere 9-15 miles wide at its waist. Congressional members probably have to travel farther than that just to go shopping in their favorite nearby Target store. President George W. Bush was quoted saying that some Texans had driveways larger than that.

Living in a nation 3,000 miles wide, with two huge oceans separating it from major enemies, it’s hard for some folks to imagine living in a minuscule nation such as Israel surrounded on three sides by enemies who would destroy it in a heartbeat if not for Israel’s own determination that Zion reborn is here to stay.

In the months leading up to the June’67 Six Day War, Egypt’s President Nasser was busy making plans with Syria, along with the USSR stirring the pot, to strike the final death blow to the sole, resurrected state of the Jewish People in existence. A bit later, the two would convince a young King Hussein of Jordan to join them.

Nasser soon evicted the UN peacekeeping force in Sinai, replaced it with over 100,000 Egyptian troops, tanks, etc. clear up to the ’49 armistice line, and held repeated rallies at which tens of thousands of Arabs, of the same mindset as Hamas (indeed, Egypt was home to its big brother, the Muslim Brotherhood), were shouting “itbach al-yahud”—massacre the Jews—and the Suez Canal, Straits of Tiran,and Gulf of Aqaba were closed to Israeli shipping.

The above was an unprovoked naval blockade, recognized as a casus belli in international law … an official act of war, to  which Israel was obligated to respond for existential reasons, especially given what else Nasser and the Syrians had already set into motion.

On June 5, 1967, a beleaguered Israel, all alone, with no allies, had to act to prevent another Holocaust from occurring. There’s no doubt what Arabs of the same mindset of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hizbullah, or Fatah in Syria and Egypt would have done if given the chance.

In six miraculous days it was over … at least for the time being. And Israel was in control of a huge amount of territory taken from genocidal enemies. In the Sinai, Israel gained access to good oil fields and built a modern air base within easy striking distance of those who wood destroy it. And the Sinai Peninsula itself was a great land buffer and tank trap, along with Gaza, which Egypt formerly took possession of after the 1948 fighting.

Like the Golan Heights, Gaza was also part of the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine.

For the sake of additional, essential background, Jordan itself was a gift by Great Britain to its Hashemite Arab allies from the Arabian Peninsula in World War I. It was the larger part of the Mandate on the East Bank of the Jordan River.

At the Cairo Conference in 1921, London decided to lop off almost 80% of the original 1920 Mandate of Palestine promised as a place where formerly exiled Jews could once again reconstruct their over three thousand year old nation. Over half of Israel’s Jews were refugees from so called “Arab” and other previously Arabized Muslim lands—like Iran and Turkey, as examples.

It was handed over to Arab nationalism in one of its many morphs in 1922 with the creation of what is today is Jordan. Arabs had about seven million square miles of other territory to carve out almost two dozen nations in to date, most conquered and forcibly Arabized from other non-Arab native peoples.

As a footnote, more Jews fled from North Africa alone  (not including large numbers from Iraq, Syria, etc.) than Arabs who fled in the opposite direction after a half dozen Arab nations attacked a reborn Israel in May 1948. They’re the other side of the  refugee coin no one ever hears about. There was no ” UNRWA” set up to aid these Sefardi and Mizrahi Jews as Arab oil potentates got the UN to do for Arab refugees.

Besides Arabs, there were scores of millions of other native peoples who, with the collapse of various empires occurring in the post war era, also sought their own share of justice in the region. This was not to be, however.

Returning to June 1967, when the dust of war settled, there was a great debate about what would become of the territories Israel now held in possession, taken from enemies sworn to its destruction.

In practically all conflicts throughout history, when nations were attacked, some territorial adjustments were subsequently made.

Nations didn’t even need to be attacked to find excuses to acquire other peoples’s lands. Think about the large numbers of overseas territories that Great Britain has acquired; American Samoa; France, Russia, Belgium, etc.

But back to American Democrat Congressional leaders joining a worldwide chorus of international hypocrites and antisemites claiming that Israel had no right to retain at least some of the land from which its people have been repeatedly victimized and terrorized from.

That’s what the problem Democratic leaders have with Israelis refusing to live in a sub-rump, sardine can of a state is really all about.

Not to mention that not small detail that Judea and Samaria—not renamed “West Bank” until Great Britain gifted Jordan with it by unofficially joining Transjordan in its attack on an extremely vulnerable Israel in 1948 and  Transjordan seizing Judea and Samaria west of the river. Transjordan’s Arab Legion was led by British officers, with Sir John Bagot Glubb at the helm.

In the aftermath of the ’67 fighting, (and President Sadat’s later historic flight to Jerusalem) to attain peace with Egypt, Israel gave up lucrative oil fields in Sinai, destroyed its modern airbase, and turned Sinai once again into a potential invasion route into Israel proper.

However, with lands where  Hebrew, Israelite, and Judaean Prophets preached, Jewish kings reigned, and the history of the Jewish People was forged—Judea and Samaria—this was a very different story.

This was not Great  Britain going to war 8,000 miles from home over the Falkland Islands or America toppling governments in Central and South America it deemed hostile, or acquiring places like Samoa at virtual gunpoint courtesy of its navy. Not to mention the Russians in Chechnya, and so forth.

The very name JEW comes from JUDEA.

After much debate at the United Nauseating Nations, etc, the final draft of UNSC Resolution 242 was eventually passed.

See here what 242’s chief architect and other major players had to say about what the end result of the question over the territories in question should include.

To make a long story short, Israel would never, EVER have to return to its ultra-vulnerable 1949 armistice lines again. It would get enough land, in places Jews have called home for thousands of years, to provide it with a  reasonable territorial compromise so that it would finally get somewhat secure, recognized, and real borders, not simply artificial lines drawn up where hostilities ended from one Arab attack to the next, armistice lines. Please do read the above linked article.

Would any of the 90 Congressional leaders expose their own families to what Israel has constantly have to put up with since its rebirth in 1948? Thousands of dead and maimed innocent civilians?

If they wouldn’t, then why demonize Israeli leaders for simply wanting more reasonable protection for their own people in historically Jewish land?

Extremist Zionist propaganda, you say?

Then whose land is it?

No one is calling for the expulsion of arab settlers who came into the area mostly from surrounding countries in the past century and a half, or others who settled earlier along with Arab Caliphal imperialist invaders from the 7th century C. E. onwards.

Among those were none other than Hamas’s own virtual “patron saint,” for whom its rockets and master butcher attack brigades are named, Sheikh Iz ed-din al-Qassam, who immigrated into the Mandate of Palestine from Lataki, Syria along with scores of thousands of other Arabs. Arafat himself was a native Egyptian.

But, once again, to treat Jews in Judea as if they’re somehow aliens is to simply ignore history.

The first war ever fought for religious liberty, Chanukah, is fast approaching. It began in the Judean town of Modi’in, with the uprising of the Hasmonean “Maccabi” family and its supporters against Syrian Greek pagan rulers trying to impose their way of life on the Jewish Peolple.

King David was anointed by the Prophet Samuel in Hebron, the site where most of the Hebron Matriarchs and Patriarchs are buried.

David was born in Bethlehem, along with Yehoshua/Jesus much later, another Judaean religious leader.

Masada, one of the last strongholds of the first major revolt of Judea for its freedom and independence against Rome is in the Judaean Desert.

Check out the coin to the right. It’s an Iudaea Capta coin— Judaea Capta one. It is not Palaestina Capta.

If violence is supposedly the real concern that Democrats are all in an uproar about, then that’s an acceptable concern, and all steps should be taken to avoid it whenever possible.

But it’s disingenuous to suggest that a relative handful of Jews wishes to have a hostile relationship with far more numerous arabs.

If truth be told—which it  won’t—the violence can usually be placed at the arabs’ own doorsteps.

As I like to repeatedly stress, In most of their eyes and the majority-arab mindset, the entire area is simply “purely arab patrimony,” and to hell with anyone and everyone else’s claims … be they Jews or Kurds or Copts or Amazigh/Kabyle “Berbers,” etc. involved.

The Jewish community in America needs to wise up and not reelect such Congressional leaders , whether they’re Jews or not.


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Gerald A. Honigman is a retired Florida educator who has done extensive doctoral studies in Middle East Affairs, history, political science, and national security policy studies. He is widely published—in both print and web—and his books and other work can be found in leading universities all over the world.

Follow NER on Twitter @NERIconoclast



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