David Wemyss

Articles by David Wemyss in New English Review:

Doing What We Do and Saying What We Say (January 2015)

Flights at Dusk (December 2014)

The Evening Papers Do Not Say . . . (November 2014)

Mr Delingpole’s Embarassment (August 2012)

Evenings with Kierkegaard (July 2012)

Experimenters in Sentences and Selves (June 2012)

The Passing of the World (May 2012)

A Splinter of Ice (April 2012)

A Funeral in my Brain (March 2012)

The Mystery of the Capriccio Papers (February 2012)

The Car on the Shore (January 2012)

Collectivist Dreams (December 2011)

(November 2011)

(October 2011)

Broken Britain? (September 2011)

Shades of the Prison House (August 2011)

Old Manners (July 2011)