Democrats: Electorate Unheeded, Lessons Unlearned

by Lorna Salzman (December 2016)

There is no good side to European mass immigration unless you truly believe that there is no such thing as culture, or that culture should be sacrificed for “higher” goals, defined not by citizens but their leaders. The religion of Islam long ago settled this question through its principle of religious unity across the world, in which the concept of nationalism or any other identity has been erased in favor of the umma, i.e. the unity of all Muslims through their religion. This is of course identical to the international left that arose from communism, in which the working class was seen as the international unifying entity, superseding national, ethnic or religious identities.

Any deviation no matter how trivial was suppressed or shunned, most notably in the case of the Sandinista revolution in Nicaragua. The nine-man directorate that prevailed over Somoza were, US propaganda to the contrary not withstanding, not communists, and the Nicaraguan communists refused to support the revolution. The directorate members evinced various degrees of socialism, with the present president Daniel Ortega the most rigid Marxist of them all, along with Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, one of two Catholic priests in the directorate and later a representative to the UN. Most if not all of the rest were democratic socialists who did not see nationalism or populism as a threat to their objectives or principles. 

Right now the American left, if there is such a thing at all, is beating the drum of white “racism” and “white privilege,” alongside American liberals who are convinced that the bigotry and ignorance of the white working class elected Trump rather than their economic decline under neoliberal and globalist policies developed and fine-tuned by the Democrats. This would seem to be a contradiction of classic socialist policy that supposedly identifies with workers. But it is a useful fiction if one wants to discredit the whole political system and suck in white liberals. 

The final blow to Democratic Party credibility is the possible selection of Muslim congressman Keith Ellison as the party’s chairman, which shows the desperate attempt of liberals to disprove any charges of Islamophobia. All it shows is incredible naiveté about the party image and how its leadership will be perceived. One can hardly have confidence in the party’s commitment to the Constitution and freedom of speech if it promotes someone of a faith that repeatedly denounces our basic freedoms. But ironically Ellison could lose: not because of his religion but because he is being pushed by Bernie Sanders and thus considered too far left for the party. 

Now the pundits have moved their sights to Europe to bash anti-immigration forces, where right-wing and conservative movements and parties have quite predictably moved into the space vacated by liberals and the left who have long ignored genuine socio-political grievances and met them with accusations of racism and xenophobia. Anyone reading the American and European liberal media will be witness to fear-mongering about the evil anti-Semitic nationalist and populist movements and parties who are waiting in the wings to establish a new National Socialism. George Soros and his Open Society Foundation (funder of the Center for American Progress) are the leading facilitators of this myth. And once again the liberals will denigrate any kind of national or cultural pride and identity as precursors to neo-fascism.

Politics as if Evolution Mattered,” which addresses the intersection of evolution with socio-political policy. 


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