Democrats Encourage Crime

And Why Mass Murder or Petty Theft Crime Goes Unpunished

by Armando Simón (February 2025)

The Burglar (Henri Gervex)


The judge punishes doves but readily pardons crows. —Juvenal


In recent years, we saw a bizarre pattern develop in society (one of many, of course): a pattern of arresting citizens for defending themselves or others from criminals. Previously, such persons were considered heroes and were praised and rewarded by the public and officials. Not now.

Case in point: Daniel PennyKyle Rittenhouse.

Many persons also remarked in recent years that they feel they live in Crazy Town, that the whole world has gone mad, that nothing makes sense, that the world is upside down. This is because of patently psychotic statements made by prominent individuals, and increasingly bizarre acts.

Such is the case when heroes saved others or themselves from criminals, or who prevented crimes, as well as those who complained against criminals—all of whom were then attacked and persecuted by the State. Examples involved: arresting criminals for committing a crime (even a repulsive sex crime) and releasing them on little, if any bail, who often went on to commit additional crimes. Or persons who committed terrible crimes who were given a slap on the wrist. Or the police being ordered not to respond to crimes being reported. Or more criminals who were arrested and released without bail and who went on to commit other crimes. In such instances, individual criminals were not the only culprit. The real criminal was the government, which is almost incomprehensible because, historically, one of the reasons for the State to exist has always been to prevent and punish crimes. As an anonymous commentator going by the name of The Architect put it, “When the government actively stops people from helping other people in a disaster [as with FEMA] you have to know they are the enemy.”

Naturally, there have always been occasional instances of miscarriages of justice favoring a criminal. What is now unique is, for the first time, the decriminalization of crimes by Democrats became official policy in many jurisdictions, with, second, the predictable automatic consequence of a sharp rise in criminal activity (the Democrat-run FBI falsified statistics that initially showed no rise in crime). Additionally, there was the equally novel phenomenon of organized groups of blacks in large cities swarming into stores stealing everything they could snatch while neither the police nor the district attorney responded. In many cities, once glamorous stores became boarded up and downtowns became desolate. In fact, many cities have become pigsties since the Democrats took over; observing this, the Salvadoran President hit the nail on the head when he stated, “When you look at how the [American] cities are eroding so fast, this has to be by design.”

It has become obvious that in some states, there is a large group of people—ironically within the judiciary system—that have consciously set out as their goal to decriminalize crime. Liberal district attorneys, particularly those financed by George Soros, do not prevent crime, they promote crime—deliberately so. In California, Democrats have legally decriminalized crime; criminals can steal anything valued less than a thousand dollars, and criminals can post zero bail if they are arrested. Democrats even passed a bill preventing store employees from stopping theft by criminals. Decriminalizing crime is official policy. They say so. Openly. In Maine, for example, illegal aliens will not be prosecuted for driving violations. Nor is this phenomenon restricted to America. It is present in Europe where leftists abound like rats. In the UK in particular, the leftist government has declared war on its own citizens, incarcerating them on bogus charges, the most prominent among them being Tommy Robinson because they object to rape gangs committed by the “Pakis.” The leftist/Communist Labour government is so extreme as to suppress (i.e., censor) about their beloved rapist “Pakis” (and, by the way, where are the feminists raising a furor over this?).

A branch of criminality is squatting in other persons’ properties without legal repercussions nor evictions while punishing the owner for attempting to protect his property.

Furthermore, criminals may not be referred to in terms that might hurt their feelings. On the other hand, victims of these criminals are viewed with indifference by Democrats.

So, the world has really gone mad. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Actually, it does.

One only has to look closely at the underlying premises to realize that oftentimes there is a method to the apparent madness. And, sometimes, there are even historical precedents that put things in perspective (the saga of Bernhard Goetz comes to mind). And it can get a little complicated.

To start with, notice the above farrago is entirely motivated by an ideology, the product of Democrats (aka, leftists, activists, communists, progressives, etc.). Conservatives, on the other hand, insist criminals should be punished, not the heroes.

So why are Democrats blatantly pro-criminals—not all criminals, but crimes committed by People of Color?

The reason is both simple and complex. When Communists tried to form a movement inside the United States, American workers wanted nothing to do with them and Communists’ attempts at infiltrating unions in the 1950s-1960s failed. They then concentrated in brainwashing the youth through what they euphemistically refer to as “education,” but was actually indoctrination and they were very successful at it, mainly through falsification of historical facts, a standard and effective tactic of Communists, especially when it is coupled with cynicism and sarcasm. It is a tried and true tactic. It has been perfected over decades. I have personally seen it at work.

Simultaneously, the Communists also switched their focus to blacks. Having been treated abominably for decades, blacks would now be the new blameless proletariat, and whites would be the oppressive, evil capitalists; blacks would, therefore, be the vanguard for toppling American society, ultimately forming a glorious Marxist utopia (the official slogan, DIE—Diversity, Inclusiveness, Equity—forming much later).

Toward this end, there would be a race war in the early 1970s, except … nah. With the exception of a few terrorist groups involving blacks (Symbionese Liberation Front, the Black Panthers, and a couple of others), and those involving brainwashed white students (SDS, Weathermen, Yippies), nothing came of this plan to bring about their glorious utopia. The movement essentially fizzled out. Nonetheless, they continued their indoctrination in schools and kept a low profile, though their sporadic “politically correct” acts and declarations often caught the attention of people while usually leading to ridicule.

Then, in 2016, Trump burst into the scene and leftists went berserk and the previous tactics were escalated. In 2020, through massive electoral fraud, they captured the legislative and executive branches of government (the takeover of the judiciary is a work in progress); similar successes occurred in various states, whereupon the semi-official stance became egging on the criminal element inside black communities to gorge themselves in criminality without fear of consequences. The exploited proletariat would confiscate the exploiters’ (those with “white privilege” property—something like robbing from the rich to give to the poor (themselves). Additionally, the proletariat would receive financial “reparations” from the State simply for being black. It was all called “restorative justice.”

There was an additional bonus, one learned from observing the Communist takeover of Venezuela. There, the regime had also encouraged the criminals to terrorize society by being immune to punishment. This resulted in decent citizens becoming demoralized through “learned helplessness,” and, therefore, not able to form resistance to the regime. “Defunding the police” became a rallying cry both for Communists and criminals.

A cowed citizenry is easy to rule.

An additional manifestation of this deliberate policy was to organize groups of illegal immigrants to enter the country without hindrance, sometimes the Democrats flying them in commercial planes paid for by taxpayers. Some of the countries have been known to empty out their prisons and sent them here, almost certainly with the collusion of the secret Politburo inside the White House. The immigrants were especially selected to be dark-skinned as part of the Great Replacement, in the assumption that they would have a natural hatred for white people. The illegals committed horrific crimes and they were immediately released from custody after having been apprehended. Senator Adam Schiff, who continues to be in the grip of Trump Derangement Syndrome and who voted against the Laken Riley Act, condemned President Trump for deporting illegal immigrants who “only” have shoplifted. At the same time, a similarly afflicted AOC expressed anger over the efforts to deport Colombian illegal aliens.

In regard to the illegal criminals—most of whom committed crimes and who are now being deported—a recent de-woke journalist asked of Democrats, “Why didn’t they do it?” (deport them)

The goal was, and is, to fill citizens with despair, with “learned helplessness,” and not defend themselves or others from criminals—as long as the criminals are black. As Ed Brodow  put it, “If you’re white, self-defense is no longer an option.” And preventing theft is still seriously considered to be “racist.” This results in a feeling of helplessness and futility, a population easy to rule. As New Yorkers like to say in despair, “What you gonna do?”

Another goal of this tactic is that by conducting lawfare against the heroes, it suppresses anyone else from thinking of also becoming a hero. And this goes against traditional American values since American citizens have for centuries seen themselves as self-reliant, whereas Europeans feel only the State can relieve them of their problems. One has only to think of the Coffeyville bank robbery to see sterling citizen participation in preventing a crime.

But it gets worse. A 2-tier system of justice exists—not just in punishing heroes who confront criminals while making criminals immune—but also in the realm of politics. In recent years, we have seen political opponents of leftists, whether prominent or local, be subjected to a disproportionate level of legal attack while Democrats and their allies were ignored when they, too, commit crimes—even when it involves mass murder by Democrat politicians, which is what happened during the Covid fiasco.

And throughout, the media hivemind either ignores the crimes or justifies them or demonizes the heroes. This is not a recent phenomenon; one of the men shot by Goetz in self-defense was a career criminal; he was described as having “a troubled past.”

It is also not the first time in history that evil men and women with silver tongues and absurd logic have argued that day is night, black is white, evil is good, nor has it been the first time that criminals and traitors have covered up or justified their crimes or have clothed themselves with virtue. Nor is it the first time that some men have applauded words and actions of criminals and traitors.

During this maelstrom, those of us who lived under Communist rule have been screaming our heads off trying to warn Americans and Canadians that the Communists had resurfaced. For the most part, we have been ignored by the media hivemind and even by conservative sites who have focused on conservative talking heads talking idiocies, only spotted in obscure websites or very brief segments in conservative news programs. We have felt frustrated, like the legendary Cassandra. In the words of the persecuted Polish-Canadian pastor, Artur Pawlowski, “We were warning Americans and Canadians—Westerners—about what is coming. We could smell it for many years. People were laughing at us. ‘Oh, you’re just making this stuff up. You’re blowing this out of proportion. You conspiracy theorist.’ However, it’s here.”

This two-tier system of justice that we have seen (aside from the censorship, the falsification of historical facts, the fraudulent elections, and the indoctrination in schools) is typical of totalitarian regimes for suppressing dissent. It is not just a matter of simple corruption.

In ensuring a fair, non-fraudulent election, Donald Trump won the 2024 election. The totalitarians have suffered a setback, but they won’t go away. The same thing happened when they took over the Democratic Party in 1972 and were roundly defeated. At the time, many Democrats deserted the party. But the totalitarians returned.


Table of Contents


Armando Simón is a trilingual native of Cuba, a retired psychologist and historian, author of The Book of Many Books and When Evolution Stops.

Follow NER on Twitter @NERIconoclast


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