Echoes of the Holocaust

by Rebecca Bynum (March 2010)

Jihad and Genocide
by Richard L. Rubenstein
Rowman and Littlefield, 2010
260 pgs.

Jihad versus Jahiliyya: The Seminal Islamist Doctrine of Sayyid Qutb was published in our February issue.

Of course, this pincer movement split Hitler’s forces as a time when a concentrated Blitzkrieg on the major Soviet cities could have taken the Soviets out of the war. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, however, was hampered by the lack of petroleum for his forces in North Africa which became a factor in his defeat at the hands of British Field Marshal Montgomery, so the need for the Germans to seize those oil fields is plain.

An interesting side issue is raised concerning Field Marshal Rommel and the part he would have played in the extermination of the Jews of Palestine had he prevailed in North Africa. In a certain sense, Rommel was elevated by the Allies in order to magnify the British victory at El Alamein. Said Winston Churchill at the time, “We have a very daring and skilful opponent against us, and, may I say across the havoc of war, a great general.” And though Rommel was not a member of the Nazi party, he was close to Hitler and owed the Fuhrer his entire career. Rommel rose through the Hitler bodyguard from the time he arranged security at a Nuremberg rally for Hitler in the early 1930s. Hitler liked him and promoted him whenever possible. Rubenstein clearly does not truck with the idea that Rommel was a soldier’s soldier who never got his hands dirty during the war. Rubenstein brings out the little known fact that there were Einsatzkommando units already stationed in Athens, poised to enter Egypt had Rommel defeated Montgomery. These were equipped with mobile gassing trucks which could dispatch up to 60 Jews at a time on route to their gravesites. Rommel would have overseen the Final Solution for the Jews of Palestine had the war gone Germany’s way.

Of course, one can argue about exactly what Rommel knew, but in the end, that argument collapses, because on some level, everyone knew</i>; just as we all know the genocidal intent of the Muslim states toward Israel even if we’re not privy to their actual plans. If there were a nuclear strike on Tel Aviv tomorrow, not one person on earth would be genuinely surprised. We also know that the Islamic Republic of Iran cannot be dealt with the way the Soviet Union was because the risk of nuclear retaliatory annihilation may not be a deterrent for the mullahs. And as Rubenstein emphasizes, it is the religious authorities of Iran who have the power to make the decision on a nuclear strike and thereby to fulfill Islamic prophesy by embracing national martyrdom. Rubenstein also explores the question of whether Israel could survive a nuclear strike, but if there were a coordinated ground assault from Syria and possibly Jordan at the same time, it’s very doubtful.

In addition to being a student of history, Rubenstein is also a student of psychology. He doesn’t write history in terms of disembodied historic forces playing upon hapless individuals. His history is driven by men of flesh and blood whose actions are psychologically conditioned by their worldview and experience. The most poignant aspects of Rubenstein’s body of work concerns the meek acceptance of the Jews of their fate at the hands of the Nazis and not only acceptance, but active collaboration in some cases, born of the denial of reality coupled with the hope for the survival of a remnant. In The Cunning of History, he writes:

One of the elements conditioning the compliant Jewish response to the process of extermination was their own history. The last time Jews had taken up arms against an enemy was during the Judeo-Roman Wars of 66-70 C. E. and 131-35 C.E. On both occasions, they fought valiantly and lost disastrously. Those who during the first Judeo-Roman was had counseled submission and surrender were installed by the victors as the religious and political leaders of the Jewish people. The religious leaders of the European diaspora for almost two thousand years were the spiritual heirs of the Pharisees and rabbis who rose to political and religious dominance only after they had been selected by the Romans as their “loyal and non-seditious agents.” Thus, diaspora Judaism began in the aftermath of catastrophic military defeat and survived by developing a culture of surrender and submission in consequence of that defeat. Until the bloody wars with the Romans, the Jews had been a violent, troublesome, rebellious nation. Their transformation from a warrior people of the sword into a submissive people of the book led by plebian scribes and scholars took several generations. By the year 200 C.E., Jewish character had undergone one of the most radical psychological and cultural transformations in history. Rabbinic Judaism is the result of that transformation. It shaped Jewish character and conditioned Jewish responses in the diaspora for two thousand years. Long after Western Jews were secularized and considered themselves “emancipated” from their ancient traditions, they continued as an organized community to respond to overlords as had those who surrendered to the Romans. No matter how grave the provocation, the Jewish Community instinctively avoided violent response. They sought to avert hostile action by bribery, petitions for mercy, or appeals to the religious or moral sentiments of their adversaries.

That is why during the Holocaust the Germans were able to incorporate the existing Jewish leadership and organizations into their bureaucracy and thereby to direct Jews to cooperate in their own extermination.

In the Warsaw Ghetto and in Lodz, Poland, the Jewish council, or Judenrat, did not resist German directives even when the Germans demanded the “selection” of 10,000 Jews a day for deportation. Jewish bureaucrats made the selection; Jewish police rounded up the victims.

When resistance was finally organized in the Warsaw Ghetto, they were forced to shoot the leader of the Jewish police along with several others in order to overthrow and replace the existing Jewish Council.

Regarding Europe today, at a time of sharply increasing antisemitic attacks and a growing atmosphere of persecution, it is hard to discern any organized and active Jewish resistance. We see instead an emphasis on “interfaith dialogue” along with increased emigration from Europe on the part of young Jews who see the writing on the wall for their children. Last year during Israel’s brief war in Gaza, a small demonstration in Malmo, Sweden in favor of Israel was attacked by a screaming mob of Arabs and Swedish leftists, who threw bottles and firecrackers as the police passively looked on and did nothing. The mayor, Ilmar Reepalu, insisted to 
Imperial Germany declared war on Russia on August 1, 1914 and on France two days later. On August 5, 1914, Hitler volunteered for service and served with the Second Reserve Battalion of the Second Bavarian Infantry, known as the List Regiment, for the duration of the war. The unit first saw combat on October 29, 1914. After four days of fighting, the regiment was reduced in number from 3,600 to 611. The depressingly high casualty rate did not dampen Hitler’s enthusiasm for the war. He identified with Germany’s struggle in a deeply personal way. He found his element in his regiment and in the war itself. He was apparently content to serve as a dispatch runner for the duration. According to Ian Kershaw, one of Hitler’s most authoritative biographers, “from all indications, Hitler was a committed, rather than simply conscientious and dutiful, soldier, and did not lack physical courage.” Wounded slightly by shrapnel in October 1916, he was hospitalized in Berlin until December 1, 1916. He returned to his regiment on March 5, 1917.  On August 4, 1918, he received the Iron Cross, First Class, a rare achievement for a corporal.

The German High Command actually wanted to take the entire country down in flames rather than submit to the humiliation of defeat. It was not long before Hitler and many other Germans turned their shame into rage against the eternal scapegoat – the Jews.

The stab-in-the-back legend (Dolchstoß in den Rücken) offered an enormously potent means of shifting responsibility so that German “honor” could be preserved. Nor was it difficult to identify a suitable “betrayer.” The legend had its roots in two powerful traditions, the Nibelungen Saga in which Siegfried, the dragon-slaying hero, is stabbed in the back by Hagen von Tronje, and the New Testament narrative in which Jesus is betrayed by Judas Iscariot with a loving kiss. Over the centuries, Jews have been identified with Judas as the paradigmatic betrayer within Christendom. More often than not, whenever the stronger community met with grave misfortune, Jews were punished as calamity’s alleged authors. 

Muslim rage against Jewish military victory and economic success in the heart of the Dar al Islam is likewise born of shame in their own impotence. Like Rubenstein, I believe that a Muslim victory against Israel would result in a second Holocaust and I don’t find credible some Arab protestations about deporting Jews back to Europe. I also doubt the West as a whole could ever recover from such horror as the responsibility ultimately lies with the Western world as Israel is part of that world. On the other hand, there is hope that this century will absorb the lessons of the century just past. Our leaders could do no better than to begin this sobering process by carefully reading Jihad and Genocide.

[1] Rubenstein, Richard L., Jihad and Genocide (Rowman and Littlefield, 2010) pgs 79-80

[2] Rubenstein, Richard L., The Cunning of History: The Holocaust and the American Future (Perennial, an imprint of Harper Collins, 1975, reprint 2001) pg. 70

[3] Ibid. pg. 74

[4] Meo, Nick “Jews leave Swedish city after sharp rise an Anti-Semitic hate crimes” The Sunday Telegraph Feb. 21, 2010

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