Empty Pant Suits

by G. Murphy Donovan (September 2024)

The Elephant Celebes (Max Ernst, 1921)


The significance of the passage of time, right? The significance of the passage of time. So when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time. —Kamala Harris


America is again suffering from hot flashes of déjà vu in a chaotic election year. Alas, another left-wing pant suit has been put up by a feckless American Democrat Party. A woke left, after throwing their addled male primary winner under the bus, was obliged to put up 2020’s affirmative action vice president. Indeed, in 2020, Joseph Robinette Biden candidly admitted he choose Kamala Harris for VP because she was black and female.

Policy and prudent strategy usually defers to woke white guilt, race, and sex in 21st Century America.

After dumping hapless Joe, there was no way Democrats could pass over Kamala. Harris was the alleged “black” elephant in the room, if we can exploit another tired metaphor. If the best you could ever say about Joe yesterday was that he was a product of tenure. The best we can say about Kamala today is that she was the obvious default, not preferred, “choice.”

Alas, elephants are with us always, at home, abroad and in the public square. Politicians seldom discuss big issues or problems too sensitive or too delicate to confront head on; issues like race, sex, and religion. Ironically, political partisans are already gaslighting, projecting, or passing on all three issues whilst saying little or nothing about real policy fails of Biden’s first four years or Harris’ vacuous vision for the future. If the first month of “Momala” Kamala is any clue, Democrats will play resume keep away with Harris in ’24 as they did with Biden in 2020.

Harris interactions with the press will be few in number, tightly scripted, and obsessively managed. Unlike Donald Trump, candidate Kamala will not be spitballing, cackling, or free wheeling about past Biden or future Harris policies between here and November.

In 2020, the big issue for Democrats was Trump. Demonizing Trump seems to be the game plan for 2024 again; alas, another hot flash of déjà vu. But 2024 will not be a replay of 2020, it will be a replay of 2016, where Hillary tried to play the Trump, race, and sex cards and failed. Hillary was beaten by hubris—and her misguided message of radical “feminist” moral superiority.

But Kamala Harris is not Hillary, just another poseur in a pant suit. In intellect and temperament, Harris is closer to Joe Biden; dangerously naïve and inept. Yet, Harris is more adept with script and teleprompter. Platforms matter. In public politics and private kitchens, nothing is more dangerous than a dull knife.

Republicans would be wise to remember two American political adages relevant to the coming autumnal food fight; “all politics are local” (Tip O’Neil) and the “personal is political” (Carol Hanisch).

November 2024 presents a golden opportunity for independents, right and left, to confront the establishment on invisible elephant issues like race, sex, and religion. All are relevant, all are local, and all are deeply personal.


Confronting Race

Race is one of those issues where both sides play the card and deny its relevance in the same breath. Race, for good or ill, has always been part of the American political conversation. So why not leaven the discussion with some candor for a change?

After nearly a hundred years of race wars, social engineering, patronizing legislation, and often bogus court mandates; America has abandoned white apartheid for black apartheid. The nation is now littered with public institutions with ”black” adjectival predicates that range from “black” congressional caucus to Historically “Black” Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Tragically, the relevant predicate is actually skin color, not race. The phenomenon of “colorism,” within the black community, is a linear descendent of a now normalized black racism.

By consensus, lighter shades of black skin are to be preferred over darker shades. A lighter shade for mating is especially popular. African Americans have given new meaning to clichés like “throwing shade.”

Clearly, Barack Obama and Kamala Harris take a bow here. Melanin, gradations of dark, is the new racism. White is not a standard. White is not privilege. And like black, white has never been a race. White, like black, is a chosen “identity”; ironically, a black preference too, if marriage statistics can be believed.

If we are honest, pervasive black social pathology and the destruction of the black family was made possible by patronizing government subsidizes to unwed mothers and an accepted black male misogyny which celebrates “hit it and quit it” and baby daddies instead of husbands and fathers.

And these problems are not just a product of misguided white liberals. On the Republican side, support to HBCUs both reinforces and expands apartheid, colorism, and mediocrity. Most so called “black” colleges are second rate academically and, oddly enough, second class athletic institutions also.

If you seek to know the meanings of “quadroon” or “octoroon,” ask any girl in a “black” sorority. Few blue chip, black athletes or scholars, at any level, will attend all black segregated school houses when they have other options.


Confronting Sex

Beyond race, nothing brings American blood to a boil faster than sex.

Here we speak of biological sex or the activities necessary to procreate or terminate, not all that DEI balderdash associated with so called “gender” identity, gender bending, and “transition” Esperanto, an invented polygot that has captured the adolescents of TikTok and the DEI mandarins of PBS and the major news forums. Clearly gay men and lesbians have been upstaged, if not trashed, by the gender bender freak show, to the point to where a man with a penis and faux breasts can get an invitation to the Biden White House on the 4th of July and flash his fake teats across America.

The real sex crisis, that plagues every household in America today, is abortion. Indeed, if we can believe government statistics, abortion numbers are now genocidal. Heretofore, liberal women have tried to drape the annual kill rate in rhetorical euphemisms like bodily autonomy, public health, or woman’s rights.

Sheer kill rates do not support any such arguments.

If you accept the “human rights” argument, you also have to believe women have the right to kill the next generation—for convenience or selfishness. Indeed, the same extreme politics that defends unisex or unrestricted abortion is the same crowd that abhors capital punishment. The state now sanctions killing innocent children on a whim, whilst at the same time guilty criminal adults are protected from execution by law.

Moral, demographic, or common sense circles cannot be squared on the abortion issue.

In most public arguments on the subject of abortion, you seldom see the genocidal arithmetic, the facts, or the numbers. Never mind that so-called woman’s health outlets like Planned Parenthood will harvest and sell body parts for a profit. And never mind that black and brown babies are killed in numbers at ten times the rate of whites. Abortion frequency, since 1973, is a genocidal horror story: now nearly a million a year, 19 million kills since 1973. Indeed, more children have been killed by American physicians recently than have ever been killed by guns, knives, or wars, since George III ruled the waves and the colonies.

Between abortion and immigration, America is not browning so much as drowning in its own moral, demographic, and political stupidity.

Self-interest is now a primary national interest.

And yes, population is a national security issue of the first order. Not just how many, but who. Americans, the Commonwealth, and most of Europe are not replacing their own numbers. “Replacement” is not a theory; it’s a fact. And clearly many immigrant replacements have zero tolerance for the natives. Integration and assimilation, once clearly enunciated American values, are of little interest to most Muslims immigrants, if we can pick just the most obvious example of demographic hazards.

Indeed, the abortion/immigration conundrum is not so a much a replacement dilemma as it is “revenge of the cradle.’ Muslim birth rates and family sizes are changing Europe and parts of America in ways that could never have been done by force of arms. Between unrestricted abortion and unrestricted immigration, America, like Europe, is flirting with demographic and cultural suicide.

Allahu akbar!


Confronting Religion

Speaking of Islam, cultural decay in the West is characterized by two great fails since the victorious euphoria of WWII.

In the first instance; by acclamation, the West has granted unreformed Islam religious and moral equivalence with every other faith tradition on the planet – mostly at the expense of Jews, Christians, Hindus, and various other Asian religious sects.

Unfortunately, Islam is more of a supremacist political ideology than it is a benign religion. In fact, there are really no meaningful distinctions between the religious mandates of Sharia and civil law, such that the later exists at all. Beyond absolute theocracies like Afghanistan and Iran, the Ummah is a collective of janissaries, dictatorships, corrupt dissolute principalities, and assorted religious fascists that claim to rule, proselytize, abuse, and colonize in God’s name.

Allahu akbar!

The jihad, the “struggle,” against the unbeliever justifies all manner of barbarity including child abuse, hostages, slavery, rape, mutilation, and summary executions. The recent Hamas/Hezbollah attack against Israel by Palestinians on 7 October 2023 captures the worst of Islamofascism wherever it thrives.

Islamic terror epidemics, which have plagued the world since WWII, now thrive within global archipelagos of surrogates like Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, the Taliban and dozens of other proxies doing the wet work of Mecca for a host of Sunni and Shite sponsor states which include Iran, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, the Emirates and others. The West knows who inspires and finances the “clash of civilizations,” but the Commonwealth, the EU, NATO, and America do not have the courage to confront Islam and its wealthiest mandarins.

The Chinese claim that Islam is a “social disease.” Beijing’s prescient analysis speaks for itself.

The second great fail in the West since WWII is more recent phenomena; the merge of the European/globalist socialist left and the Islamic religious right. Indeed, utopian socialists in Brussels and Davos now seem to think they can “partner” with Mecca without being suborned by a political theology that has little in common with any Western values; democracy, free speech, and independence included. The attempt to pander to, or accommodate Muslim religious fascism, has a long history in Europe. The world has seen that play before and that opera never has a happy ending. Between declining European birth rates and open borders; a pandering socialist EU has put all European national identities and culture at risk.

Ironically, the fails of the European Union have given new luster to the virtues of nationalism in Europe and here in the United States. Nationalism, formerly a dubious political virtue, may now be a prudent survival strategy for independent, democratic nation states.


Foreign Policy Coda

The elephants in the room; issues like race, sex, and religion are so toxic and subject to demagoguery, that they may matter little in conversations between now and the US election. Foreign policy however is another matter. Feckless, domestic policy may be painful, but only foreign policy deals with the existential. Indeed, America is involved in two proxy wars, Ukraine and Gaza. Ukraine is a war NATO can’t win and the Gaza/Lebanon war is a war Israel and the US cannot afford to lose.

The American Democrat Party has been at the wheel for 16 of the last twenty years. Yet, if you believe rabidly partisan government news brokers like PBS, BBC, or DW you are led to believe that all US domestic and foreign policy fails can be laid at Donald Trump’s feet. So there is yet one more ominous foreign policy vector to point out given the prospect that Democrats may win again with Harris and Walz in 2024.

US Democrat Party activists and giddy American Islamists have been romancing groups like Hamas, in particular, and the Kaaba Stone in Mecca, in general, since the turn of the century. In contrast, Russian and China have been ruthlessly adept at marginalizing Islamic sedition and terror.

Russia and China, an odd couple at best, seemed to have reached a kind of strategic rapprochement where the US may find itself fighting a two front cold war with Moscow and Beijing simultaneously, a war we might add that “Momala” Harris and the Sergeant “Bilko” Walz are ill equipped to manage, no less control. The very fact that threats from Russia, China, and Mecca are meeting at the merge, simultaneously, is proof positive that American leadership has been asleep at the wheel.

Alas, not all skies are grey. There is a rainbow, if not a blue bird, on the horizon. If Donald J. Trump wins a second term; he gets a second bite of the apple, another shot at draining the DC swamp. Presumably, Trump is a wiser more seasoned warrior after a decade of hand-to-hand combat with a partisan media and a politicized DC establishment. Not only could DJT be the literal “come back kid,” but he would also be the only politician in American History to have, not just one, but two pant suit trophies, Hillary and Kamala, to hang on his wall at Mar-a-largo.


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G. Murphy Donovan writes about the politics of Intelligence and national security.

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