
by Dilip Mohapatra (August 2015)

The eyes that we see

and the eyes that see us

in pairs are not

simple windows to our mind

to let the light in passively

and what they see

are not always the truth

sometimes mistaking a mirage

for an oasis

yet sometimes seeing

the universe in a cocoon

but when they speak

the language of love

trust and gratitude

they can never lie.


You close one

to focus on the bull’s eye

conveying your

fortitude and

singleminded determination


speaking the language of

equanimity in



You transcend from

mystic to esoteric

when you set free your

atrophied third eye

from the confines

of your pineal gland

and unleash its fiery tongue

to lick up the evil

and burn it to ashes.


And as you close them

and shut them out

to the world around you

you delve deep

within you

and they converse with you

in your meditative silence

with reasons and reflections

to probe within

seeking the supreme being

in your soul

and then you see the mirror

with no aberration.



Dilip Mohapatra (b.1950), a decorated Navy Veteran started writing poems since the seventies . His poems have appeared in many literary journals of repute in India and abroad. Some of his poems are included in the World Poetry Yearbook, 2013 and 2014 Editions. A regular contributor to New English Review, he has three poetry collections to his credit, the latest titled ‘Another Look’ recently published by Authorspress India. He holds two masters degrees, in Physics and in Management Studies. He lives with his wife in Pune. His website is here.

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