Give Saint George Some Fighting Room

by Esmerelda Weatherwax (July 2010)

The following speech was delivered by Ms. Weatherwax to the Second Symposium of the New English Review, Nashville Tennessee Saturday 19th June 2010.

It’s a ‘calling on’ song asking “where are all the ragged heroes, buried in their suits of pine” which these days brings to my mind the cortege of coffins of repatriated servicemen coming through Wootton Bassett.

Not Scots or Welsh because the Scots and Welsh have never forgotten what it means to be Scots or Welsh, and they have institutions like the Scottish and Welsh assemblies that encourage them to be so.

It is a matter of public record that the Inspector of Prisons told officers at HMP Wakefield that their cancer charity tie pins of the St George cross might upset certain prisoners and should not be worn.

This antipathy against the flag was made worse when the British National party, who do have a core history of genuine racism, used the flag of St George heavily in their promotional material. It was against this background that one of the groups I want to talk about today formed.

Their mission statement is
We WELCOME everyone to March For England, Regardless of Colour, Culture or Religion or Non Religion. United we can make this country a better place.

This site is not a political party. This website was made from groups of different people from all walks of life, colour, old, young, who got together to March For England rather than sit at home, or down the pub etc. and moan about it.

And this revolves round the top of the site

These are noble sentiments but I like the back of one of their polo shirts best

Now the roots of the EDL.

Whenever there was a bomb attack by the IRA we knew with absolute certainty that the horror expressed by our Irish friends and neighbours was genuine and that many more Irish people of all the religions and none were victims themselves of the troubles.

And thus attitudes towards Islam did begin to harden.

A fight broke out, the police had to protect the demonstrators from a very angry crowd and it was the last straw, the one that broke the British lion’s back, for many people. It happened again in Barking on Tuesday and I may have time t touch on that later.

I won’t go into details of all their demonstrations and rallies because you are all regular readers of the NER and so I am sure that you have read the reports on our site and elsewhere.

I decided to attend and observe the annual pro Palestinian and Iranian funded, Al Quds day march through London in October because I wanted to observe the EDL presence at the Counter demonstration.

As I wrote at the time, I saw no racism, I heard no fascism that day; I saw men and women, Iranian and English, standing shoulder to shoulder against the spread of sharia law and other abuses.

That article caught the attention of Pompey Dave the spokesman of the March for England committee who were also present and that is how I have come to know them, and through them to meet some of the members and leaders of the EDL and WDL.

Then there was the Patriots March through London last month. There was no counter demonstration to that, a letter was handed in at No 10 Downing Street and I was told about the formation of a new political party, The English Nationalist Alliance. Or Ena for short.

I don’t know whether this will ever be a serious contender for public office, maybe local and parish councils, but a formal Political party has a certain status and the modest subscriptions will provide legal expenses if nothing else.

As well as shorter conversations and e-mail exchanges with EDL organisers and leaders in preparation for talking to you today I had a long conversation with Joe Cardiff of the Welsh Defence League who is also prominent in the sister EDL.

Joe thinks we are winning, he points to how the movement has grown in just a year and he believes that it has the potential to be quite significant.

Joe thought that at that point a few days before the election (we were talking a week or so afterwards) that Cameron wanted the Muslim vote. As we know Muslims often vote tactically as a block.

For example he met a lot of women at anti EU meetings and they will not come out to visibly demonstrate if there are hooligans. They very much want to attract these middle aged and elderly people.

I asked about the involvement of Sikhs. One of the prominent spokesmen is a Sikh, Amit Singh. The Sikhs also organise around facebook, a young woman from Sikhs against Sharia spoke at Dudley, and talk of setting up a Sikh Division. A Jewish Division was set up recently.
On the subject of the Jewish Division I am going to briefly interrupt to tell you about another member I had correspondence with, a man who goes by the name Homo Sapiens who organises the Gay Division. He wrote to me:

In an interview from September 2009 where a representative of EDL is asked about gay rights, and he says “The EDL is in no way homophobic and will defend the rights of homosexuals to live in peace and security as much as they are defending their own rights to live in peace and security, through peaceful protest.”

EDL welcomes gay people to join in the struggle to protect our values, especially as gay people would be some of those who suffer most under an islamic regime.  In this context, the LGBT Division was set up when it was recognized that there were individual gay people attending demos, but they were not united as a group within EDL.  The Division was intended to enable gay people to focus on working together to further EDL across the regions of Britain. 

The Jewish Division formed when Homo Sapiens met a Jewish friend who was very concerned at the event expected at the Troxy Theatre in Whitechapel. The Jewish Division was born and grew very quickly.

Members of the EDL have turned up at communist and UAF meetings to genuinely and peacefully debate the issues that concern them and have really rattled the anti-fascists.

There are plans to commemorate the anniversary of 11th September with European groups of similar mind, in Europe. Arnhem has been mentioned, or the Menin Gate at Ypres in Belgium, which is a very evocative place, as I know. These are places where much blood was spilt in the cause of freedom.
Joe gets requests for information and advice as to how to set up a division, or a national league from many places, including Minnesota.

His advice – just do it, we grew from a handful. Just do it, but in the beginning, be prepared to be beaten up.

They have a lot of support amongst servicemen. Those currently serving are not active, for obvious reasons, but many ex-servicemen are and they are very effective on rallies as stewards. They carry themselves very well, with a natural authority which commands respect and I think are one of the reasons the events I have attended and observed have been so well ordered.

To my mind the EDL is set up a bit like two great British Institutions.
First the Church of England. If you believe in the core principle then you are welcome to just turn up. There is no membership, no fees or subs to pay, no card to carry. No membership list which can be hacked and spread about.

And what he didn’t spell out is that with no formal membership no one can be intimidated at work for membership of a group of which management disapprove. We are still allowed our opinions.

The fear, a valid one, is that KFC etc do not bother to have two separate suppliers of chicken. That it is all halal but only certified so for serious Muslim consumption in those branches which do not also serve bacon and pork sausage.

Members of the EDL have been seen in local branches explaining to the manageress why halal meat is unacceptable, and bacon desirable. While they were polite the manageress hadn’t a clue what they were on about.

More effective was the deputation who turned up at a KFC management conference at a hotel in the North West to state their case. While the senior managers looked very discomfited, they had no doubt what the EDL were talking about. It’s on youtube if you want to look it up when you get home.

What I cannot understand is that there was a horrific incident in London recently where an urban fox got into a family house and injured twin babies in their cot. The Mum has asked the council to do something to cull the plague of urban foxes in Hackney and the police organised for the ones in her garden to be trapped and humanely destroyed. She is now under police protection following threats from animal rights activists.
The same animal rights activists who are completely silent about the increasing number of halal slaughterhouses.
Another general problem is getting a fair press. Journalists are all members of the NUJ. The rules as to how to report the BNP seem to have been extended to the EDL.
The Election.

What started as a protest vote has become an anger vote because no one else is listening. Any expression of the opinion that we are not comfortable with multiculturalism is greeted with a shrill cry of racist. So the dog having been given a bad name, many people felt they had no alternative.

The left wingers were absolutely terrified in Barking and Dagenham, I know some of them and they were petrified, not so much of a BNP Member of Parliament, but of them gaining control of the council. They had 12 council seats and were expected to increase that to 20+.

In the event they lost all 12 seats, the conservatives who were totally unobjectionable lost theirs and there is now no opposition whatsoever in B&D. All 51 council seats are labour.

Now in Tower Hamlets the Islamist Respect Party MP, the gruesome Georgie Galloway, lost his seat. No surprise there, and most of the Respect councillors also lost their seats. Labour has a vastly increased majority and the party is still under suspicion of infiltration by the Islamic Forum of Europe who operate out of the vast complex in Whitechapel centred round the East London mosque. You can see my pictures of just how much of the block this takes up on the NER.
Every Inner London borough is Labour controlled. London is a one party state.
I was glad to see Respect lose their seats and I am no lover of the BNP either but a one party state is not a healthy situation for any borough, and certainly not our capital city.
While left wing friends profess themselves happy with this, for them the end justified the means in order to remove the BNP, those means have caused some disillusionment with the democratic process.

There a saying – no matter who you vote for the government always get in.

As well as the candidate who worked for the council in Barking there is postal vote fraud being investigated. Numerous examples of more people living in a one bedroomed flat say, than would be physically possible to contain at one time, unless they all slept standing up. This one instance in Barking and the rest in Tower Hamlets.
Votes miscounted in Leyton in favour of Labour and the possibility of a by election there.
Intimidation alleged at the polling stations in Stepney.
People who queued for hours to vote and the polling stations closed before their turn came. That happened all over the country, but Hackney and Islington spring to mind.

Because our other big enemy is the out and out snobbery of the bourgeois left wing. I like to keep emphasising that they are bourgeois, members of the middle class because they are Marxists, and Karl Marx was always criticising the bourgeoisie.

Earlier this morning Hal Bynum said that we need to reach out to the truckers. These are our lorry drivers, panal beaters and fitters. In the 1920s and 30s the bourgeoisie patronised the white working class. George Orwell found their hero worship of the strong and tough miners quite amusing on the surface but tinged with latent homoeroticism underneath.

They reserve their patronage now for ethnic minorities, and, as many black Christians are shrewd enough to see through it (and followers of the Sky Fairy, their atheist insult for believers, are beyond contempt anyway for different reasons) they like Islam.

this is serious and y am i not suprised to see a filthy dirty sikh at the heart of this organisation.

“Our followers ‘must live in peace until strong enough to wage jihad'”

alhamdolillah, this is a great blessing from Allah.

it ensures that our people do not integrate with the kuffar like the hindus and sikhs are doing. the generation of hindus and sikhs who were born and brought up in the west are slowly being assimilated into the western culture and are becoming part of the essence (or should i say stench) of that culture…

I dont suggest firing ranges as there is no benefit fue to the problems with acquiring and storing a firearm for any future trouble.

I recommend buying a powerful bow and arroW set and setting up archery (a sunnah) in your local community. When it kicks off we need to have something to defend ourselves with inshallah.
To which I would remind the young bruvver that in the field of archery the EDL are the descendants of the longbowmen of Agincort.
Their hatred for the Sikhs is interesting and seems to be spilling into the Guardianista view of the non white, non mainstream English members, of which there are quite a few. The black and mixed race boys, and members of the gay Division are regarded as sadly naive and being manipulated by evil persons with an agenda.

While the Sikhs are criticised for being ‘racist’ in their opinion, although not criticised with as much venom yet as they reserve for the Jews. Sikhs are almost considered to be honourary Aryans and/or Jews so far as the anti Nazis are concerned.

These are two quotes from EDL members taken from one of the forums. This is in the public domain.
We’re a rough and ready patriotic organisation, who may not be to everyone’s taste, but we’re ‘not’ Nazis!
However what I would say is that the UAF do not really believe that the EDL are Nazi. Britain never ever took to Nazism much to the surprise of Adolf who thought the British/English or Anglo Saxons as he saw it would be great allies in bringing the US (more Anglo Saxons as he saw it) to fight the common enemy i.e. the red fascists.

However Britain didn’t do red fascism either and this is what the UAF hate. So for a patriotic pressure group like the EDL that supports the core values of freedom and democracy that took over one thousand years to achieve then to them the EDL are supporting the status quo between the rich and poor. This is their real cause and the reason why they hate the EDL
The BNP insist that the EDL, many of whose members support Israel because that country is in the frontline of Jihad, are Zionist funded and led and BNP members are forbidden to have EDL connections. The BNP have tried to infiltrate the EDL, and I have been told were responsible for the only really problematic incident on one particular demo. And of course, lacking a voice some members of the EDL may well have voted BNP in the election in either protest or anger.

What next? Well I have re-written this page twice, things are moving that fast at home.
The EDL have been working on opposition to the attendance in the UK of a Muslim preacher called Zakir Naik. He is on record as saying:-

“But if you ask my view, if given the truth, if he is fighting the enemies of Islam, I am for him. I don’t know what he’s doing. I’m not in touch with him. I don’t know him personally. I read the newspaper.

“If he is terrorising the terrorists, if he is terrorising America the terrorist, the biggest terrorist, every Muslim should be a terrorist.”

As a side event he was to speak at the Troxy Theatre in Whitechapel in London’s east End tomorrow.

The EDL was planning demonstrations at all three, plus the armchair warriors were busy telephoning Wembley to politely express their disquiet at Naik‘s preaching. And as the East End is my ancestral homeland, where my father’s family have lived from at least the 18th century until very recently when they joined the East End diaspora out of London I was sorry to be missing that particular protest, although I am glad to be here.

The UAF still intend to demonstrate tomorrow, to tell the EDL that they are not welcome in east London. The MP Jim Fitzpatrick has critised them. This is from the local paper the East London Advertiser.

Then yesterday I heard that the new Home Secretary Theresa May has banned his entry to the UK completely. She says

These conferences are still going ahead next week, so far as I know, with the remaining speakers and the EDL intends to continue with their picket.

There is an EDL rally planned for Bradford later this summer and a return to Dudley and Luton. So it should be a busy and interesting summer.

And I will finish with a message from Pompey Dave on behalf of March for England
We are not giving up our fight. The British Lion is waking up and the fight back has begun.
Thank you.


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