Iran’s Struggle against Islamic Terrorism and its Spurious Narratives

by Amil Imani (December 2023)

Tehran, Iran— AP Photo, 1970


Iran is a nation gripped by a crisis. In the last few decades, the lines between truth and misinformation have gradually blurred, adding to the complexities of an already dire situation. As the nation grapples with the onslaught of these Islamic terrorists, who have usurped power, it becomes increasingly crucial to distinguish between the aggressors and the innocent citizens trapped within the chaos.

I make an impassioned call to politicians, media outlets, and individuals alike and urge them to refrain from painting Iran with the same brush as that of these terrorists. My plea is clear: those who fail to distinguish between Islamic terrorists and the genuine people of Iran are “wicked.” My cry for accuracy underscores the gravity of the situation, and yet again, I seek to shed light on the situation in my beloved Iran.

Once again, I assert that Iran is an occupied country and a historical parallel can be drawn to the occupation of France during World War II. These Islamic terrorists responsible for the siege should be referred to as the “Islamic Republic” or simply “IRGC.” This distinction is more than a matter of semantics; it serves as a crucial reminder that the perpetrators of any attack or supporting any terrorist initiative across the globe are not representative of the Iranian people.

My repeated call to cease the use of the term “Iran” in connection with the terrorists highlights the urgency of preventing the mischaracterization of an entire nation with such a deeply rooted ancient culture as that of Iran. Such misattribution can perpetuate stereotypes, breed prejudice, and hinder international efforts to address the root causes of the conflict.

It is essential to recognize the gravity of the situation and acknowledge the long-term impact that the Islamic Republic’s actions could have on Iran. By consistently labeling them accurately, the hope is to diminish their perceived connection to the nation they have invaded and oppressed.

Within Iran, there is a deliberate control over the media and the narrative of the country, where the Islamic Republic censors news and controls what information is disseminated to the public. I can give a few specific examples of this:

The Islamic Republic mandates complete control over television and radio broadcasting. The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) controls all internal and external broadcasting. There are no private or independent broadcasters inside Iran. This control extends to the state-controlled television that airs nationally and internationally and is streamed online. The host operates dozens of provincial, national, and foreign networks airing programs on culture, science, and news.

The Islamic Republic News Agency’s (IRNA) official news service is controlled and operated by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance. Semi-official news agencies operate allegedly independently of government control but are often seen by analysts as touting the agendas of various government agencies.

The Islamic Republic has developed sophisticated means to control the internet. This includes blocking popular international platforms like WhatsApp or Instagram and imposing precise, targeted blocking of access to mobile data in specific neighborhoods where protests are planned. The Islamic Republic has also created a “cyber police” unit and announced a Supreme Council of Cyberspace, placing Internet regulation more directly in Mullahs—not secular—authorities.

The Islamic Republic operates an immense web of online personas and propaganda mills, virtually none of which disclose their affiliation with the government of the Islamic Republic. These operations have targeted dozens of nations with tens of millions of pieces of content, varying widely in their message and intent.

The use of fake social media accounts to disseminate false information creates a battleground of misinformation, making it challenging for both domestic and international audiences to discern the truth. This deliberate confusion contributes to an information war that muddles reality and perception.

Iran has as many as three hundred newspapers but only a dozen major national dailies. Like their weekly cousins, these papers are typically funded by and ideologically connected to political parties or politicians. They all have an unequivocally anti-Iranian tilt.

The Islamic Republic’s control over media and information is a crucial aspect of its strategy to maintain power and control over the population. Through this global information dissemination program, the Iranian government’s concerted efforts to control the narrative have far-reaching consequences that extend beyond the nation’s borders.

By shaping the narrative presented to the public, the Islamic Republic creates an environment where dissenting voices are marginalized and alternative perspectives are suppressed. This manipulation could breed fear and distrust among the domestic population. The Islamic Republic’s restrictions on internet access and increased censorship play a pivotal role in narrative control. In response to shocking images and stories emerging from the country, the Mullahs seek to mitigate the potential fallout by restricting access to such content. However, it’s an altogether different matter that resilient users find ways to circumvent these controls, thereby leaking out accurate information about the terror happenings within the country.

The control exercised by the Islamic Republic over the narrative extends to the international stage. By filtering information that reaches the global community, the IRGC can craft a narrative that portrays their actions positively or downplays negative occurrences. This strategic shaping of international perceptions contributes to the nation’s diplomatic and geopolitical challenges.

The Islamic Republic’s narrative control becomes particularly apparent during social protests, where attempts to suppress sentiments of freedom and democracy are met with international support for the protesters. The global community’s response highlights the direct link between the Islamic Republic’s narrative control and its influence on global perceptions and support.

However, I see the promise of a brighter future, and this vision is embedded in the faith that there will come a time when the Islamic terrorists will face justice, and Iran will rise again. This vision serves as a rallying cry for my homeland, for unity, resilience, and the ultimate triumph of justice over oppression.

Therefore, once more, my plea to the global community is clear: distinguish between the Islamic Republic and the people of Iran, for only then can a path toward liberation and reconstruction be forged. In a world where the lines between fact and fiction often blur, the quest for truth becomes more critical than ever.


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Amil Imani is an Iranian-American writer, satirist, novelist, public speaker, political analyst, foreign policy, National and Homeland Security, Intelligence and counterterrorism who has been writing and speaking out about the danger of radical Islam both in America and internationally. He has become a formidable voice in the United States against the danger of global jihad and Islamization of America. Imani is the author of Obama Meets Ahmadinejad, Operation Persian Gulf, and US Constitution for Kids. He is currently working on his fourth and fifth books. He is the 2010 honoree of EMET: “The Speaker of the Truth Award” at Capitol Hill. His website is

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