Islam, the Alpha Dog
Islam, the Alpha Dog
by Lucy Riley (Feb. 2006)
There was a meeting with our new Muslim brothers at a local church. The Christians came into the church first as individuals and sat scattered about the church. The imams came as one along with the rest of the Muslims who sat in a group. The Koran was placed upon the lectern, the dominant position in front of the altar. It was opened and left there. No one seemed to notice what had taken place, but theological dominance was beginning. Jihad was here in a Christian church.
The dialog started. The Muslims proclaimed Allah to be one and the same as the god of the Jews and Christians. They were here to kick a little theological butt. The divinity of Christ was denounced as a great sin in the face of Allah. The ministers did not make a fuss. The Christians were here to be nice, so they listened as the keystone of Christianity was removed.
Nice to give up the highest ground. But the highest ground was given up over a thousand years ago. Mohammed stole Jehovah from the Jews and killed, enslaved and drove out every Jew in Arabia. Then jihad killed Christ in Turkey, Syria, Egypt and the rest of Africa. Now jihad was here in a Protestant church in America and the Christians made sure not to oppose it.
The sin of the Trinity was then denounced from the pulpit by the imam. The tone of the Christians in return was defensive, a defense in their own territory, a deferential opposition. The Muslims had come into their yard and the Muslims were the alpha dog. The Christians were the beta dog. Making all the right, nice noises to not offend the Muslims.
Next an American Muslim convert dressed from head to toe in a black bag stood up and told everybody that Islam was the first to give women equal rights. The message went out to the Somali women in the back of the church. These women had had their clitorises removed as children, a tribal custom supported by Muslims. The multi-culturalist Christians applauded the black bag. They had already believed the impossible, the improbable was easy to believe. Jihad is fun, if you only have the politically correct attitude.
The imams attacked the fundamentals of Christianity-the divinity of Christ, the Trinity, Allah was Jehovah and the New Testament was a flawed document. In order to further the examination of the bankruptcy of kumbaya Christianity, examine whether any of the ministers would have made any of these statements that are parallel to those the Muslims said of the core doctrines of Christianity:
Mohammed was deluded
The Koran is a historical document
Then it hit me. Christianity (or this modern kumbaya type) was a husk. The core was gone to be replaced by multi-culturalism (self loathing) and political correctness. When the Muslims said that Allah was the same god as that of the Christians, they were badly wrong. Multi-culturalism is the god of kumbaya Christianity. None of these ministers would ever be guilty of suggesting that their culture was in any way superior to any other culture, including Islam. The only cultural differences they can discuss are their own shortcomings.
ead the Hadiths and over 90% of the jihad mentioned by Mohammed is about killing the Free). Jihad is also cultural and political war. Christianity is one the cornerstones of Western culture.
to the stock Koranic questions from the Muslims, showed that the Christians had no understanding of the Koran or the Hadiths or the history of Islam at all. Zero.