Life in the Mind
by Moshe Dann (March 2014)
Opening the window, he listened to the grinding of a mechanical street sweeper and an argument between a policeman and a driver who had just received a ticket for parking on the wrong side of the street. An early September Indian summer day, Howard thought, as whirling metal brushes scraped the street, leaving the asphalt black and gleaming. Leaves were beginning to fall from slender trees shimmering in the morning sun, traffic moved slowly along Eighth Avenue and beneath, as if subconsciously, the distant rumble of the subway.
Nine-0- three, Howard looked at his notes.
he said, handing the file to Howard.
Howard looked at his arm, his legs weakened by standing, his office door still slightly open, waiting for someone to enter, trying to center.
But we are civilized, educated. We love Beethoven and Brahms. Our cities are filled with churches, our libraries with books. We have laws. Loudspeakers are calling names.
I do not understand. I do not.
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